Hulk Classics (Toy Biz) Checklist
Hulk ClassicsDr. Bruce Banner was once a normal man who had the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Exposed the radiation of a gamma bomb, Banner's DNA became irrevocably changed forever. Now, when overwhelmed by emotion or stress, the beast inside takes hold, transforming him into the powerful being known as the Hulk. Hunted by government officials, aliens and villains, the Hulk fights for his very existence in a world that shuns him, wanting nothing else then to live in peace.
Incredible Hulk Universe More Hulk Classics

Hulk Classics (Toy Biz) Checklist

12" Scale
Series 1
Hulk Classics - Series 1
Released in 2003 by Toy Biz
(with Gamma Sound Weapon!)
Series 2
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