Collection 2 - Star Wars - Phantom Menace (Hasbro) Checklist
Star Wars - Phantom MenaceThe Phantom Menace is set some 30 years before the original Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope in the era of the Republic. Naboo, a peaceful planet governed by the young but wise Queen Amidala, is being threatened by the corrupt Trade Federation, puppets of an evil Sith lord and his terrifying apprentice, Darth Maul. Jedi knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi are called on to intervene in the trade disputes. Along the way, they acquire an apprentice of their own in the form of young prodigy Anakin Skywalker. They also encounter Jar Jar Binks, a goofy, lizardlike creature who has been banished from his underwater world for clumsiness. When the Trade Federation launches an attack on Naboo, the queen and her allies must battle hordes of robot troopers while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan face off against the sinister Darth Maul.
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Collection 2 - Star Wars - Phantom Menace (Hasbro) Checklist

Collection 2
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
Beginning life as a home built protocol droid, C-3PO was an unfinished bundle of wires and metal before becoming the shiny, golden droid we all know.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
As the commander of Queen Amidala's Security Forces, Captain Panaka must deploy his volunteers in order to fight the Trade Federation and preserve their beautiful planet.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
Cloaked in flowing robes and shrouded in evil, Darth Sidious is a Dark Lord of the Sith and the mysterious power behind the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. As he conspires and manipulates, he ke. . .
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
The evil and mysterious power behind the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo, Darth Sidious appears over vast distances as a holograph in order to communicate to his many subordinates.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
Elite units of the Trade Federation army, these armored wheel droids unfold into 2-meter tall walking weapons platforms capable of immense destruction.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
Their freedom threatened by the invading Trade Federation army, the Naboo Royal Security were forced to go underground before readying their defense. With help from the Jedi, they emerged to take back. . .
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
Their freedom threatened by the fully-automated, invading Trade Federation army, Naboo Security Forces must battle terrible odds in order to save their homeworld.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
A Trade Federation viceroy who is controlled by the evil Lord Darth Sidious, Nute Gunray leads the attack on Naboo with the help of fellow Neimoidian, Rune Haako.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
Small in stature and mechanically adept, pit droids scurry to service Podracers in the height of competition.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
(with Ascension Gun) Cornered in the Theed palace by battle droids, Queen Amidala and her entourage escape through a palace window. Using ascension guns, the heroes are pulled up to the throne room l. . .
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
The astromech droid R2-D2 serves on board the Naboo Royal Starship of Queen Amidala. A multifaceted utility droid, R2-D2 becomes a hero in the struggle against the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo. . .
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
Ric Olié is the pilot of the ill-fated Naboo spacecraft carrying Queen Amidala on Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic. Their quest is to recruit help for the besieged planet of Nabo
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
A viceroy of the Trade Federation, Rune Haako plots with fellow Neimoidian, Nute Gunray, as they impose the iron-handed rule of Darth Sidious.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
A political and tactical mastermind, Senator Palpatine represents the people of Naboo in the Galactic Senate and engineers his own election as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
(with Blaster Pistol) Naboo's governor, Sio Bibble, remains on his besieged planet while Queen Amidala travels to Coruscant. Meanwhile, the Trade Federation's invasion begins.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
The owner of slaves, Anakin and Shmi Skywalker, and a notorious gambler, Watto is a Toydarian junk dealer who supplies the denizens of Mos Espa with all manner of mechanical odds and ends.
Star Wars - Phantom Menace - Collection 2
Released in 1999 by Hasbro
An esteemed Jedi Master, Yoda faithfully served the Galactic Republic as one of the 12 members of the Jedi Council.
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