X-Men - 2099 (Toy Biz) Checklist
X-Men - 2099As if mutants couldn't get any more persecuted, leave it to the Alchemax Corporation to make them even bigger targets. Outlawed and fighting evils more twisted than their predecessors could imagine, the X-Men of the year 2099 fight the newest batch of freaks to roam the streets.
X-Men Universe More 2099

X-Men - 2099 (Toy Biz) Checklist

Series 1
X-Men - 2099 - Series 1
Released in 1995 by Toy Biz
(Wing-Flapping Action) A self-appointed protector of the environment, the savage X-Man Bloodhawk shows no mercy to those who would destroy the eco-system of 2099 – be they corporate stooges or . . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 1
Released in 1995 by Toy Biz
(Wing-Flapping Action) A self-appointed protector of the environment, the savage X-Man Bloodhawk shows no mercy to those who would destroy the eco-system of 2099 – be they corporate stooges or . . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 1
Released in 1995 by Toy Biz
(Back Slash Action) The proprietor of the Theater of Pain, Brimstone Love is in the business of suffering! This shape-shifter takes personal interest in the souls he seeks to exploit, making sure to. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 1
Released in 1995 by Toy Biz
(High Speed Action) A former researcher for the multinational corporation Alchemax, Henry Huang broke with his corporate masters, and now uses his superhuman mutant speed and dazzling intelligence to. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 1
Released in 1995 by Toy Biz
(High Speed Action) A former researcher for the multinational corporation Alchemax, Henry Huang broke with his corporate masters, and now uses his superhuman mutant speed and dazzling intelligence to. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 1
Released in 1995 by Toy Biz
(Heavy-Metal Punch) Powerhouse member of the outlaw mutant group the X-Men, Metalhead uses his power to absorb the properties of any metal he touches in fierce battles as he and his teammates rebel a. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 1
Released in 1995 by Toy Biz
(Glowing Energy Skeleton) Tim Fitzgerald was living a tough life alone on the streets when he was approached by Shakti and invited to join the X-Men. Able to absorb and store electricity on a cellul. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 1
Released in 1995 by Toy Biz
(Glowing Energy Skeleton) Tim Fitzgerald was living a tough life alone on the streets when he was approached by Shakti and invited to join the X-Men. Able to absorb and store electricity on a cellula. . .
Series 2
X-Men - 2099 - Series 2
Released in 1996 by Toy Biz
(Dominick Sidekick Figure) Roaming the world of 2099 are a group of nomads called the Freakshow – men and women used as lab rats in the twisted experiments of corporate America. Breakdown is o. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 2
Released in 1996 by Toy Biz
(Super-Poseable Action) Once a schoolmate of the X-Man Meanstreak, Jordan Boone went on to become a most trusted employee of the monolithic Alchemax corporation. Alchemax installed nano-tech implant. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 2
Released in 1996 by Toy Biz
(Snap-On Battle Armor) With a bad attitude and the brawn to back it up, Junkpile is one mean machine. Once aligned with the mutant outlaw X-Men, he turned against his teammates and helped arrange th. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 2
Released in 1996 by Toy Biz
(Futuristic Jai-Lai) Before joining the X-Men, the fierce La Lunatica was a prisoner of the sinister Brimstone Love. A psychic vampire, La Lunatica feeds on the traumatic memories of others -- memori. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 2
Released in 1996 by Toy Biz
Before joining the X-Men, the fierce La Lunatica was a prisoner of the sinister Brimstone Love. A psychic vampire, La Lunatica feeds on the traumatic memories of others -- memories she brings screami. . .
X-Men - 2099 - Series 2
Released in 1996 by Toy Biz
(Jaw Chompin' Action) Centuries ago, an alien spacecraft from a distant galaxy became trapped in a cave deep within the deserts of Oklahoma. Stranded, the craft's lone survivor made the surrounding . . .
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