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Latest Events Sludge Review - Added by RMaster007 Wednesday, February 12, 2025 ![]() Sludge came after Hasbro decided to try out plastic-free packaging, so his box is a lot different from Grimlock and Slug/Slag. It isn't a window box, but rather a big illustration on the front, depicting the Dinobots' rescue of the other heroes from the Quintessons and Sharkticons. We still have the movie-themed backdrop on the inside, and it's meant to be for the figure rather than just part of the box. Inside of a plastic tray, we have a cardboard one that everything is tied onto, with his firearm being wrapped in paper taped to the back of the tray. It's not hard to get everything out, and the box is still pretty collector-friendly, being just as easy to fit everything back in. Like the other two Dinobots before him, this is clearly G1 Sludge, and his robot mode is really close to the cartoon. There are a couple differences from his cartoon design to make the toy and its transformation feature work a little better, such as different designs for the shoulders and shin kibble, as well as a wider torso. Even with the adjustments, he looks great, and is quite tall as well at about 8 1/2" tall, which is pretty standard for the Leader class figures. The minimal colors meant Hasbro was able to cut down on paint and just mold his parts in different colors of plastic, but there's still clean work where applicable. They also gave some parts a semi-metallic finish, such as the face, and speaking of, the portrait is very spot-on to the cartoon. A good chunk of Sludge's dino-mode parts are clearly present in bot mode, with the brontosaurus head and neck hanging off his back. I'm fairly sure that it shouldn't be present in bot mode, but it's a separate piece that can go in and out of the clip easily, so you can make him a bit more screen-accurate. Part of the dino kibble makes up his wings, and you can tell the lower legs are supposed to make up part of the dinosaur body. The forearms also have dinosaur toes on them, making it clear they're supposed to be legs. Sludge has pretty standard articulation with a ball-jointed head, swivel/hinge shoulders and hips, double-hinged elbows, hinged knees, swivel biceps, wrists, waist, and thighs, and ankles that hinge inward. Turning the waist will push the dino legs in the back out a bit, but you can adjust the legs so they're out at an angle with the feet tucked in between the dino head and neck so they aren't affected (thanks TF Wiki for the suggestion). Sludge can be a little tricky to convert to dinosaur mode, specifically turning the legs into his tail. The hips and knees have to be angled a certain way to get the parts to sit in correctly, and there's a bit inside the shins to help them go over the pelvis to form the tail. Speaking of which, the tail doesn't really click together well on mine, so hopefully that wasn't a recurring issue. The dino mode isn't too tall at about 5 1/2" with the neck all the way up and the head looking straight forwards, but at about 11" long with the same position, he can still take up a bit of space. The steel brontosaurus looks great once you can get through the hassle of transforming him, with a bold, somewhat shiny look, and plenty of details on the body that add more to an otherwise simplistic cartoon design. I don't think there should be any red on him in dino mode (aside from the Autobot insignia on the head), it's just another thing the cartoon can pull off, but not quite a toy. While the hind dino legs move about the same as the robot arms, since that's what they convert to, the front legs get a bit of movement as well, with swivel shoulders, hinged wrists/feet, and mid-leg swivels. The real cool movement is in the head, as both the head and neck are hinged, with the gold upper part of the neck being on a swivel, enabling him to look all the way around, accompanied by a hinged jaw. The neck is designed so that the mouth can open up all the way, and I noticed a little port inside the mouth, likely for a laser blast effect, as he's showing doing on the box. He doesn't have that, but he does have a firearm. There are tabs on the gun for it to fit on the bottom of dino mode, but the handle can fit in the screw holes on the brontosaurus neck (another thing TF Wiki pointed out), giving you another way to store it. He may not have a pack-in like his two pals before him, but Sludge is still good in his own right. He looks good in both modes, even if they're not trying to make him 100% cartoon accurate, and even though converting him can be a pain, the end result is worth it. It's still possible to get him for retail, so I'd get him soon if you're planning on building up a full Dinobot team. - 2/12/25...[See More] Write a new Comment AzureMakaiKnight2013 Public Profile - Updated by AzureMakaiKnight2013 Wednesday, February 12, 2025 ![]() Honorable Mentions: Featured on Youtube related to Kamen Rider and GARO collection set Favorite Figure: GARO, Gremlins, BeastWars TF Favorite Series: Kamen Rider Heisei First Figure: Silver fang Knight Zero MK Collection Size: 2500 Currently Collecting: Gremlins, GARO, SIC Kamen Rider, Beastwars TF Want List: GARO Ryujin form, Gremlin Mogwai figures ...[See More] simplesimonsays Public Profile - Updated by simplesimonsays Tuesday, February 11, 2025 ![]() Favorite Series: Might Max First Figure: Big Josh (Mattel; Big Jim Series) Currently Collecting: Mighty Max, Big Jim, E.T. Want List: Mighty Max, Big Jim, E.T. ...[See More] Endoskeleton (Judgement Day) Review - Added by Dark Fire Action Figure Art Tuesday, February 11, 2025 ![]() For a long time the NECA T-800 Endoskeleons were my favorite depiction of the killing machine in figure form, but this one has slightly better sculpting (IMO), and has more display options given the alternate hands it includes. That and it can hold two plasma rifles (two of which are included), which is something that is difficult to pull off with the NECA ones. It comes with a stand, but can also stand well on it's own, and it has solid joints as opposed to the loose ones I've come to know the NECA ones for (having multiples of that mold). I only have a few issues with this figure: 1: Despite the joints being strong and tight, they're also small and I worry about their fragility. 2: It should have been chromed. It always bugs me how so many T-800 Endoskeletons are just painted a flat silver. I just painted mine with a chrome paint pen, but for the price I feel this figure should have been on the money with it's paint job. 3: The price, it's a bit on the expensive side, even more expensive than the other Mafex Terminators. All in all, it's a great figure, and fits very well with other 1/12th figures (I wish there was a 1/10th Endo as solid as this one lol). The only real drawbacks it has for me are really just nitpicks on my part. If you're a Terminator fan and you'd like an T-800 Endo that has great detail and fits well with other 1/12th figures, this is for you....[See More] Bone Throne Review - Added by Dark Fire Action Figure Art Tuesday, February 11, 2025 ![]() As for displaying figures on it, your experience may vary depending on the Predator your wish to sit on it. Most can't completely sit due to their armor, the NECA Clan Leader Predator it's often shown with being a good example as he will not sit flat due to his armor and backpack. You also want to be careful of leaving a figure on it for long periods of time as it can cause the leg and waist joints to become loose, and/or warp the waist armor, which I found out the hard way. It can also potentially scratch the paint on the figures you display on it, so you'll want to be careful if that's a concern. I personally display one of my favorite custom Predators on it that fits perfectly, but there's many standard NECA ones that look really good on it IMO, especially the Alpha Predator figure....[See More] Trophy Wall Review - Added by Dark Fire Action Figure Art Tuesday, February 11, 2025 ![]() Popgamer2006 Public Profile - Updated by Popgamer2006 Monday, February 10, 2025 ![]() First Figure: Mario pose-able figure Currently Collecting: Legos and Mega Construx Want List: Mega Bloks Captain America ...[See More] Broken Tusk Review - Updated by Dark Fire Action Figure Art Monday, February 10, 2025 ![]() He includes his burner gun, which is nice and pretty comic accurate, though I feel it should have included some ammo on the sling given it was present in the comic. A blast effect would have been nice addition, as well, but this was a standard release, so I can understand why that wasn't included. I do give them points for using a unique more comic accurate design for the burner instead of reusing the one the Renegade Predator had, which they could have easily done. He also has his unique spear, which splits just like in the comic. It would have been cool if they'd included an alternate left hand for him to hold both blades separately as shown in some of the official comic art. It is possible to do with some effort, but the left hand is open to wide and it easily slips or falls out. One could argue the armor is inaccurate in places, but his appearance differed from panel to panel, so I think this is a good recreation in figure form. My two biggest qualms with this figure are 1. It should have been an ultimate figure, and 2. The paint job leaves a lot to be desired. When I say he should have been an ultimate figure, I mean that he should have had more accessories as I'd previously mentioned and especially an alternate unmasked head given his namesake and the distinguishing broken tusk he had in the comic. The masked head is good, but he should have had options for both in my opinion, especially given he was a main character in the comic and the first Predator protagonist we'd seen. As for the paint job, it just felt lazy. I know they were going for somewhat of a comic style, but it didn't even look as good as previous comic style releases IMO. Some parts like the neck and the area under his belt weren't even painted at all (the latter of which annoyed me the most. Also for some reason some of his netting his green, which just felt like an odd choice. I personally remedied all of my complaints with the figure by commissioning two other artists to repaint and modify them. All in all this is probably my favorite Predator figure, but it still has issues and could have been much better had NECA made it an ultimate release. Honestly my praises for it and high rating are from personal love for the character and the fact this is the only figure of him out there. I'd once hoped NECA would eventually do an ultimate reissue, but I doubt it at this point, as they barely do anything with the Predator franchise anymore aside from the occasional piece based on the films. Figures of the EU material have sadly seemed to have fallen from the spotlight....[See More] Hagane Works Robocop Review - Added by Dark Fire Action Figure Art Sunday, February 9, 2025 ![]() The figures comes with an array of accessories and alternate parts including: hands, mouth pieces for different expressions, battle damaged parts, two different Auto 9 Pistols, and a Cobra Assault Cannon as well as a base and a stand arm. The base also opens for part storage, which is really nice. The only accessory I wish it had included is a unmasked head. The figure features an opening leg holster, which the smaller of the two Auto 9s can be stored in. The articulation on this figure is really good, far better than the NECA's figures. It also doesn't feel as fragile as the NECA ones, make it a lot more fun to pose. The paint applications are pretty good, too, though I wish the bluish silver parts had the subtle purple iridescence they had in the film, which is one of the few advantages the NECA Ultimate release has over this one. It can also fit in the NECA repair chair and actually sits better than the NECA figures oddly enough. Overall, I'd highly recommend this figure if you're a RoboCop fan, and especially if you mainly collect 1:10th (7" scale) figures like myself. Though if you prefer 1:12th (6 inch scale), you'd probably be better off going with one of the multiple Mafex offerings....[See More] DarthJonny Public Profile - Updated by DarthJonny Sunday, February 9, 2025 ![]() Currently Collecting: Finishing pieces to collections Want List: Completing sets of figures I started during childhood ...[See More] Blue-Eyes White Dragon Review - Added by Dark Fire Action Figure Art Sunday, February 9, 2025 ![]() Firstly, this a big figure, mainly due to the wingspan. This does prove a problem if you wanted to display it in something like a detolf like myself, but I can't fault it for that. The articulation on this figure is also incredible as are the sculpting and the paint job which mixes a almost peal white with a light metallic blue. It is also a solid figure (or at least my copy is), making it very fun to pose. It includes a flight stand with four arms, three to hold up the dragon itself, and a fourth to hold up an included energy blast effect. If you want to pose the figure in a standing pose it is solid enough to stand on it's own. I've tested this by posing it in several poses based on the various card artworks and the articulation lets it mimic most of those card art poses nearly perfectly. It captures the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's likeness from both the cards and the anime really well. It's probably my favorite non custom figure in my personal collection. The only real downside to this figure is it's price point, but I'd personally say it's worth if you are a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, or just love Dragons in general....[See More] Machiko Review - Added by Dark Fire Action Figure Art Sunday, February 9, 2025 ![]() This figure comes with a couple of accessories in the form of her burner rifle, a removable bio-mask, and an alternate hand. The mask is accurate to the one she wore in Issue 0 though it would have been nice if it had included a more Jungle Hunter-like one, too, as she wore one like it through the rest of the series. The mask's tubes can plug into her shoulder cannon, but it's a bit of a pain to plug them in and keep them in. I put some super glue on the ends, allowed it to dry and that seemed to make them fit more snugly. The rife is accurate to the one she wielded in the comic, and has some great detail, which is par for the course for NECA figures. The paint job could have been better, but that is a fairly easy fix. The biggest issue with this figure is how fragile it is. I had to buy a couple before I got one that didn't have any quality control issues, and even then I tend to handle the figure with caution. Her hair also hinders her neck articulation quite a bit due to her shoulder cannon, which I feel could have been made more like the Predator figures' dreads to remedy this issue. The articulation of the figure is pretty good overall, but it needs to be handled with care due to the tiny joints and fragility of the figure. There are other figures of Machiko out there, but aside from the Hot Toys one, none of them are articulated and this is by far much more accurate to the character than the Hot Toys figure, which doesn't look like her at all. Problems aside this is a nice figure and is one of my personal favorites. If you're a fan of the original Aliens vs Predator comic series, this is a must have along with Broken Tusk....[See More] Robocop Review - Updated by Dark Fire Action Figure Art Saturday, February 8, 2025 ![]() This figure includes a long-awaited Alex Murphy head sculpt, which is pretty decent given the scale. It also includes a blast effect for his Auto-9, which fits on it pretty snugly. He also includes an alternate data spikes hand, his iconic Auto-9 pistol and a Cobra Assault Cannon. These three accessories were included with previous releases and aren't really anything new, but they're nice additions to justify the Ultimate figure price point. In my opinion this is a decent figure, and a good choice if you're not willing to pay for the much more expensive Hagane Works Die-cast RoboCop figure from the Good Smile Company, which IMHO is a much better figure, but is also much more expensive and does lack a Murphy head, which is why I ended up buying both of them anyway. With the NECA figure, you get an alternate Murphy head, with the Good Smile figure, you get alternate battle damaged parts and more articulation, but at a much high cost. If you want a RoboCop for your shelf that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, this is a good choice so long as you don't want to put him in any crazy poses....[See More] |