Action Figure Checklists

Get ready to reminisce over the lost treasures of your youth, find things you never knew you always wanted or identify that unknown bunch living in the closet! Here you can uncover obscure characters, rediscover half-remembered TV Tie-Ins or gaze in amazement at the seemingly limitless output of Hasbro! Want to learn how Ghost Rider's cannon is supposed to work, find out how many guns Lara Croft came with, what Knightrider toys were made or just how many outfits Superman has? All these pressing questions and more can be answered by using our vast collection of Checklists!
Quick Start
The Details
Prepare yourself, for your entire world is about to change!... Well, maybe not, but we try to make it a little better all the time. Using the Checklists is simple; just find the series you're looking for by clicking the letter it starts with in the Universe Bar above, and go nuts! But for the less nutty, here's a quick guide:
- In the Universe Bar above, click on the letter that the toy series starts with that you're looking for. If you don't know the name of the series, you can also browse by decade, genre and manufacturer by clicking the links right below the Universe Bar.
- After clicking the letter, you will see a list of all the Universes that start with that letter. The Universe name is usually the same name as the toy series you are searching for. A Universe will contain all the checklists for all the series by all manufacturers. For example, there are lots and lots of Star Wars checklists by many manufacturers. There is one Star Wars Universe that contains all these checklists to help keep things organized and easier to locate.
- Clicking a Universe that contains only one checklist, or a Toy Series in a Universe will bring up a checklist of all the items in that line - including any variants we know about - along with the sub-series each one belongs to, item numbers, year manufactured, etc.
- When viewing the checklist, simply click the name of an item to get all the info we have on it. If you want pictures of all the figures in a sub-series, all you have to do is click on that series' name and thumbnails of the whole series will appear. Click on any picture and all the info we have on that figure will appear as well! You'll be flying high in no time!
Figure Realm, with much help from good folks like you, has poured years of figure collecting experience into this deep well of information, but you can help us create an ocean with shiny plastic buoys, golden shores of knowledge, and tidal waves of... awesomeness! We aim to make this the most comprehensive database out there, so if you see any action figures or series that are missing, please request them. If you have pictures of existing figures we don't have or any of the other fine details, please use the contribution pages (handily located all over the place!) to send us the missing vital information. Feel free to contact us to report more specific problems like typos or mistakes, or to make any suggestions.
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