Name: Bishop Height: 6' 6" Weight: 275 lbs Eyes: Brown, sometimes Hair: Black
His life's ambition was to serve and protect. As a member of Xavier's Security Enforcers, a mutant police force, he patrolled the mean streets of a war-torn future to keep his own kind in check. Now, he finds himself stranded in our present... fighting alongside the X-Men, a team whose members he once revered as idols. Standing in defense of those who hate and fear him, he is Bishop, Soldier of the Atom!
POWER RATINGS Intelligence: 3 Strength: 2 Speed: 2 Durability: 2 Energy Projection: 5 Fighting Skills: 4
Bishop always seemed like an interesting character, but thanks to having no money in my pockets, I could never buy the comics to learn his story. I always had to learn information second-hand with a biased edge like "Bishop is a wuss because he didn't do this in issue blah blah" or "Bishop is a god because he's so awesome and nothing kills him blah blah", just like with any other information you can think of. I'd rather learn information myself. When Bishop was made as a Marvel Legend I still couldn't buy him (hah), until recently. He looks great in the comics, but the toy doesn't exactly capture that image. There are way too many little imperfections.
Bishop stands 6.75 inches to the top of his head and a little taller to the top of his long, black, swept-back hair. Already a...[See More]
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