POWER RATINGS Intelligence: 2 Strength: 2 Speed: 2 Durability: 2 Energy Projection: 3 Fighting Skills: 3
In his youth, St John Allerdyce used his mutant abilities only for profit. As a side job, he wrote widely read and critically despised torrid Gothic romances. When Mystique approached him with an invitation to use his powers in the Brotherhood, Pyro accepted. Dutifully fighting against the X-Men, Pyro's life would not be lost to combat, but to something worse: the Legacy Virus. Seeking redemption before the Virus claimed his life, Pyro halted the Brotherhood's second attempted assassination of Senator Kelly. As Post was about to kill Kelly, Pyro - summoning up one final fiery onslught - annihilated the mutant before he could carry out the murder.
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