Includes: - Bishop (with Quick-Draw Weapon Release) - Sinister (with Power Light Blast) - Gambit (with Power Kick Action)
The X-Men are men and women whose genetic structure has gifted them with extraordinary abilities. Gathered together by Professor Xavier, the X-Men have been instructed in the use of their uncanny powers for the betterment of mankind. Shunned by society at large, these outlaw mutants fight an endless battle to bridge the ever-wielding gulf between humanity and mutantkind by protecting a world that fears and hates them.
Set of reissued figures: - Reissue of Marvel Universe/Series 7/Bishop, 1997 - Reissue of X-Men/Series 2/Mr. Sinister (No Goatee), 1996 with a gun of X-Men/Series 2/Wolverine (2nd Edition), 1992 - Reissue of X-Men/Series 2/Gambit, 1992
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