Primary Military Specialty: Arctic Environment Combat Specialist
Candidates for the SNOW SERPENT unit are screened for optimum strength, endurance and motivation, and then subjected to a grueling and dangerous training program with over a 50-percent drop out rate. In order to graduate, trainees must complete a HALO jump in a blizzard, ski cross country fifty miles carrying a hundred pound pack, hit over 95-percent of pop-up targets on the combat range and swim a hundred meters in freezing water while carrying fifty pounds of ammunition. SNOW SERPENTs operate in conditions in which less hardened troops would hunker down and wait for a break in the weather. If they could enter the biathlon, they would sweep the event hands down. On the downside, they get listless and complacent in warm weather.
"We don't mind jumping from planes in bad weather and skiing across mine field while under fire. We'd rather do that than march around a parade ground and stand in formation."
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