ANNIHILATORS are DESTRO's personal bodyguards and elite airborne assault troops. They can be deployed by sea, air, and land "take-off" with their mini-turbine Heli-packs on their backs and descend upon their target like armored locusts. Annihilators are recruited from the ranks of the Iron Grenadiers. As part oft heir indoctrination into the Annihilator Corps, they must serve an apprenticeship as hard-sell telephone solicitors, procuring sales for Destro's M.A.R.S. [Military Armaments Research System] armaments corporation. Not only does this help to increase Destro's coffers, but it also reinforces their tenacity and ruthlessness!
"Annihilators don't get any medals, they get shares of stock in M.A.R.S. and active participation in Destro's profit sharing plan! These guys are the ultimate specialists in hostile takeovers!"
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