Conan the Adventurer (Hasbro) Checklist
Conan the AdventurerConan the King. Conan the Adventurer. He goes by many titles and royalties. No matter which though, his heart, goals and deeds are always the same. He is a man of good and a conqueror of evil. He fights to drive the dark forces from his lands and to protect his subjects from the evil deeds these villains wish to fulfill. He fights not just for himself but for the world a large. Along with his many allies he strives to make the world a better place and ensure that future generations never have to live in fear of evil. He is: Conan the Adventurer!
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Conan the Adventurer (Hasbro) Checklist

Basic Series
Conan the Adventurer - Basic Series
Released in 1992 by Hasbro
From the frigid glaciers of the North Land charges the brave and mighty Conan the Adventurer! Armed with a magical star metal sword, he and his courageous friends have embarked on a dangerous quest t. . .
Conan the Adventurer - Basic Series
Released in 1992 by Hasbro
Conan's perilous quest for the evil Wrath-Amon takes him from dangerous crevices in the darkest forests to the frigid peaks of the highest mountain ranges! Assaulted by creatures known and unknown, C. . .
Conan the Adventurer - Basic Series
Released in 1992 by Hasbro
After the wicked Wrath-Amon turned Greywolf's brother and sister into werewolves, this heroic wizard warrior became Conan's ally in the magical battle against the evil forces. The fiery red jewel in . . .
Conan the Adventurer - Basic Series
Released in 1992 by Hasbro
Ninja Conan is capable of shattering steel armor and thrashing a mob of frenzied warriors into retreat with his spinning nunchaku and searing katana sword! Conan learned the ancient art of ninja comb. . .
Conan the Adventurer - Basic Series
Released in 1992 by Hasbro
Skulkor, the wicked zombie warrior, commands decaying armies of rotting skeletons and is Wrath-Amon's most awesome ally. A living skeleton who stalks innocent victims at night, Skulkur fears no one. . . .
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