Dark Knight Collection (Kenner) Checklist
Dark Knight CollectionBruce Wayne, CEO of a mega corporation and a perfect example of a millionaire playboy. He also hides many a secret under the guise of a snobbish business man. By night, he dons a costume and becomes Batman, vigilante of the city of Gotham. Here, he tries to make wrongs right again and make sure the innocent are never plagued by evil...
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Dark Knight Collection (Kenner) Checklist

Crime Master - Deluxe Edition
Dark Knight Collection - Crime Master - Deluxe Edition
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Climbs like a bat! Wings move and missile fires!
Dark Knight Collection - Crime Master - Deluxe Edition
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Giant Glider has moveable wings and capture hook!
Series 1
Dark Knight Collection - Series 1
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Crime Attack Batman figure uses his spring-loaded launcher to fire Batarang and Claw at dangerous criminals.
Dark Knight Collection - Series 1
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Batarang Winch Reels Criminals in.
Dark Knight Collection - Series 1
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Cape Spreading Pop-Up Arms and Handcuffs
Dark Knight Collection - Series 1
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Tec-Shield Batman figure quickly escapes from danger with his Flight Pack. Golden Shield Suit "protects" against extreme heat and chemicals.
Dark Knight Collection - Series 1
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Tec-Shield Batman figure quickly escapes from danger with his Flight Pack. Golden Shield Suit "protects" against extreme heat and chemicals.
Dark Knight Collection - Series 1
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Wall Scaler Batman figure uses Climbing Action Pack to scale up and down walls. His blue suit lets him blend in with the night.
Dark Knight Collection - Series 1
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Bruce Wayne becomes receives a call for help over his BATCAVE communicator, clicking the wheel for a clear message. He quickly puts on his cape, chest plate, boots and gloves, and answers the call as . . .
Dark Knight Collection - Series 1
Released in 1990 by Kenner
Sky Escape Joker figure uses his whirling Copter Pack to escape from trouble. Change his face color by dipping him in ice cold water!
Series 2
Dark Knight Collection - Series 2
Released in 1991 by Kenner
Spinning Arm Makes Weapons Whirl!
Dark Knight Collection - Series 2
Released in 1991 by Kenner
With Bazooka and "POW"erful Weapon
Dark Knight Collection - Vehicles
Released in 1991 by Kenner
Batcopter action vehicle has launching missile nose cone, capture winch and criminal spinner.
Dark Knight Collection - Vehicles
Released in 1991 by Kenner
Batcycle action vehicle fires rapid action rockets as Batman comes to the rescue. Batcycle vehicle. Rocket blasts in and out as Batcycle rolls. Fits any of The Dark Knight Collection Batman figures. . . .
Dark Knight Collection - Vehicles
Released in 1991 by Kenner
Batjet action vehicle features a blast-off attack missile. Wings spread open for gliding flight or can be pulled back for dive attacks. 1. The launching missile knocks out criminals before they can . . .
Dark Knight Collection - Vehicles
Released in 1991 by Kenner
(with Launching Turbo Missile and Pop-Out Exhaust “Flame") 1. Batman is fully protected in the Batmobile bulletproof cockpit. Figure sold separately. 2. Press the turbo charger panels, an. . .
Dark Knight Collection - Vehicles
Released in 1991 by Kenner
(with Launching Bola Snare) The Ultimate Three Wheel Street Machine! 1. Load Bola halves as shown. 2. Press button to launch. Bola will spin around to capture criminals. 3. Bola halves can be stack. . .
Dark Knight Collection - Vehicles
Released in 1991 by Kenner
No telling where the Joker will show up when he's on the Joker Cycle action vehicle. Joker mask on the front can be fired at enemies.
Dark Knight Collection - Vehicles
Released in 1991 by Kenner
(with Firing "Heat-Seeking" Missile) Sure fire crime stopping from the air! 1. Wings spread straight out for soaring flight - then flip up for attack dives. Lock them down for landing. 2.. . .
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