G.I. Joe Extreme (Kenner) Checklist
G.I. Joe ExtremeTaking off right after the Valor vs Venom Movie GI Joe Sigma 6 begins. The Cobra Commander has escaped and is ready to cause the world havoc once more. With new technology and an Army of BATS to command the Cobra Commander may be unstoppable!!

The Sigma 6 figures are your classic Joe character with an all new 8" upgrade. Each figure comes with tons of cool accessories that can be attached to them in a multitude of ways. Each figure has a sculpt that closely resembles their animated counterpart each with tons of articulation for many cool poses. New faces, new weapons, same attitude YO JOE!
G.I. Joe Universe More G.I. Joe Extreme

G.I. Joe Extreme (Kenner) Checklist

Basic Series
G.I. Joe Extreme - Basic Series
Released in 1995 by Kenner
with Quick-Draw Combat Action
G.I. Joe Extreme - Basic Series
Released in 1995 by Kenner
with Strong-Arm Blocking Power
G.I. Joe Extreme - Basic Series
Released in 1995 by Kenner
with Firebolt Flamethrower
G.I. Joe Extreme - Basic Series
Released in 1995 by Kenner
with Battle-Activated Assault Rocket
G.I. Joe Extreme - Basic Series
Released in 1995 by Kenner
with Semi-Automatic Gatling Firepower
G.I. Joe Extreme - Deluxe
Released in 1995 by Kenner
with Ultra-Slam Firepower
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