Alpha Flight (Toy Biz) Checklist
Alpha FlightWhat a Canadian Superhero team? One of the first non-American-based-in-New York groups, Alpha Flight is a superhero team from the land up north, Canada. Originally a superhero team to add to Wolverines back-drop, they became so popular they got their own series!!! Together the team fights the forces of evil and sometimes comes to the Big Apple to join in the frays between hero and villain.
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Alpha Flight (Toy Biz) Checklist

Basic Series
Alpha Flight - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
Jean-Paul and Jeanne-Marie Beaubier were not your average set of twins. During their adolescence, they each separately fond that they possessed the mutant abilities to fly and travel at superhuman sp. . .
Alpha Flight - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
Dr. Walter Langkowski was content with his quiet, fairly normal life as a college physics professor. That was before his insatiable curiosity regarding the effects of gamma radiation upon the human b. . .
Alpha Flight - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
In her human guise, she is simply known as Anne McKenzie. But those that are familiar with her true form know her as Snowbird, mystical protector of the Canadian North! Born of a human father and go. . .
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