Marvel vs Capcom (Toy Biz) Checklist
Marvel vs Capcom (Toy Biz)The evil mutant Onslaught has gained control of space and reality and has opened a portal to an alternate lane where he has transported some of the greatest warriors form the Marvel Universe and the Capcom Universe. On this neutral ground, Onslaught forces the warriors of two worlds to do battle for the ultimate stakes; the very survival of their universe; for Onslaught has determined that the losers will forfeit their very reality. Will the Marvel and Capcom heroes face off against each other to defend their respective realities? If the heroes band together to attempt to thwart Onslaught's evil scheme, are their combined powers sufficient to combat the combined might of the villains from the Marvel and Capcom worlds? Onslaught stands by to watch the epic struggle: Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes!
Capcom Universe, Marvel Universe More Marvel vs Capcom

Marvel vs Capcom (Toy Biz) Checklist

Basic Series
Marvel vs Capcom - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
Captain America vs. Morrigan When Steve Rogers volunteered to serve his country by undergoing the experimental super-soldier augmentation process, Captain America was born. Captain America is the de. . .
Marvel vs Capcom - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
Spider-Man vs. Strider When Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, he gained its proportionate speed, agility and strength and took up the crime fighting mantle of Spider-Man. With the abi. . .
Marvel vs Capcom - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
Venom vs. Captain Commando Vengeful Eddie Brock has fused with a corrupt alien symbiote to become the malevolent Venom. Venom's thoughts are guided by a thirst for destruction and the thrill of batt. . .
Marvel vs Capcom - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
War Machine vs. Mega Man Invented by millionaire industrialist Tony Stark, the War Machine Armor, also known as V.T.R.B.S. (Variable Threat Response Battle Suit), is worn by Stark's close friend and . . .
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