Avengers (Toy Biz) Checklist
Avengers (Toy Biz)Banding together against insidious villains who threaten our planet, Earth's mightiest heroes utilize every resource available - individual superpowers of awesome proportions, battle-tested teamwork, and an arsenal of high-tech gadgetry and vehicles. These machines bring an advantage, both in maneuverability and weaponry, and will always be on hand when "Avengers Assemble!"
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Avengers (Toy Biz) Checklist

Basic Series
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
(Magnetic A on arm activates pop-open mini Jet! 1-inch Ant-Man also included!) As the leader of the Avengers, Dr. Hank Pym is Ant-Man! Ant-Man blends brilliant battlefield strategies with a guide-b. . .
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
(Magnetic A on shield activates exploding droid accessory!) One of the original members of the Avengers, Steve Rogers - better known as Captain America - has always been the ultimate Wielding Soldier. . .
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
(Magnetic A on Arm Activates Missile Firing Redwing Bird!) As the Falcon, Sam Wilson became the dedicated defender of Harlem. Pledging to protect the innocent, Wilson used a falcon as inspiration wh. . .
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
(Magnetic Quick-Draw Arrow Action! Bow Fires Twin Arrows!) Clint Barton is the heroic marksman known as Hawkeye. A master acrobat and hand-to-hand combatant, Barton has honed his bow-and-arrow skil. . .
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
(Light up time sphere to reveal captured wasp!) A villain with a twisted mind, Kang believes that by time traveling he will eventually conquer the world and change history in his name. As one of the. . .
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
(Magnetic Cat Clawing and Pouncing Action! Includes Drone Accessory!) Greer Nelson was subjected to treatments meant to enhance her physical prowess and make her the greatest female athlete in the w. . .
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
(Light-Up Eye Beams! Includes Giant Light-Up Arm Cannon!) The evil robot Ultron, originally designed by Dr. Hank Pym, possessed the capacity for creative intelligence and self-repair. The living ma. . .
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
(Vision's cybernetic insides light up! Includes light-up bug bot accessory!) Created by Ultron, Vision was part of a plan to conquer the Avengers. His transparent skin lights up when passing ghost-. . .
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
(Magnetic A on Arm Activates Projectile Firing Droid!) Armed with protective armor and high-powered stinger-blasts, Janet Van Dyne uses her incredible abilities to fight evil as the Wasp. The symbol. . .
Avengers - Basic Series
Released in 1999 by Toy Biz
Simon Williams became Wonder Man as a result of scientific experiments that bombarded his body with tonic energy. Now his eyes glow with power and he possesses superhuman strength, speed and durabili. . .
Collector Editions
Avengers - Collector Editions
Released in 1997 by Toy Biz
(with Power Converter) When millionaire inventor Tony Stark found himself in moral danger and needed a way to survive, he donned his experimental Iron Man powered assault armor. Now fighting alongsi. . .
Avengers - Collector Editions
Released in 1997 by Toy Biz
(with Sphere of Mischief) The master of lies and mayhem, Loki is the half-brother to the Avenger, Thor. Obsessed with destroying Thor's life, Loki has long used has arcane powers to cause all manner . . .
Avengers - Collector Editions
Released in 1997 by Toy Biz
(with Enchanted Hammer) Wielding his mystical hammer, Mjolnir, Thor is the Asgardian god of thunder! A mighty hero to behold, Thor possesses the fighting skills of the greatest warriors of all time,. . .
Avengers - Collector Editions
Released in 1997 by Toy Biz
(with Gravity Defying Hex Blast) Although she began her career as a villain beside her brother Quicksilver and father Magneto, the Scarlet Witch now fights for good with the Avengers. A witch by nam. . .
Shape Shifters
Avengers - Shape Shifters
Released in 2000 by Toy Biz
(Transforms into Ant!) Dr. Hank Pym is Ant-Man, the leader of the Avengers! Ant-Man blends brilliant battlefield strategies with a guide-by-example bravery to unite Earth's mightiest heroes against . . .
Avengers - Shape Shifters
Released in 2000 by Toy Biz
(Transforms into American Eagle!) One of the original members of the Avengers, Steve Rogers - better known as Captain America - has always been the ultimate Super Soldier. Wearing the patriotic colo. . .
Avengers - Shape Shifters
Released in 2000 by Toy Biz
(Transforms into Armored Hawk!) Clint Barton is the heroic marksman known as Hawkeye. A master acrobat and hand-to-hand combatant, Barton has honed his bow-and-arrow skills to near superhuman accura. . .
Avengers - Shape Shifters
Released in 2000 by Toy Biz
(Transforms into Flying Horse!) As the Norse god of thunder, Thor masters the forces of mother earth's lightning and thunder, tamed by his boundless strength and channeled through his enchanted hamme. . .
Avengers - Vehicles
Released in 2000 by Toy Biz
The Avenger's Air Glider enables Earth's mightiest heroes to take to the sky, turning the good fight into a dogfight. Propelled by twin engines, this engineering masterwork is equipped with n explosi. . .
Avengers - Vehicles
Released in 2000 by Toy Biz
The Avengers' Sky Cycle affords the Avengers the mobility and firepower necessary when battling evil. Responsive to touch, this Avengers vehicle revs-up and is ready for action. Able to operate as a. . .
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