Resident Evil (Toy Biz) Checklist
Resident Evil (Toy Biz)A remote mansion located in the forest outside Raccoon City has become the spawning ground for a host of evil denizens -- the results of bizarre biotechnological experiments. The mysterious Umbrella Corporation, the mastermind behind the experiments, has set up a state-of-the-art laboratory under the mansion where scientists have isolated the toxic mutigen, known as the T-Virus, and have spliced human DNA with that of other creatures, creating horrific cross-breed monsters in an effort to construct the ultimate, unstoppable soldier. What has resulted from the experiments is a host of twisted, genetically altered, evil creatures who prey on human flesh to sustain their own unnatural life. The town of Raccoon City summons the covert paramilitary unit known as S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Squad) who are sent into the forest to investigate recent unexplained disappearances. Once in the forest, the S.T.A.R.S. members stumble upon the mansion and must confront the evil creatures that dwell within.
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Resident Evil (Toy Biz) Checklist

Basic Series
Resident Evil - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Chris Redfield is a former air force pilot known for his take charge personality. Although he has been called a "hot shot", Chris has proven that he can throw down with the best of them. A. . .
Resident Evil - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Hunter is Umbrella's designation for the creatures who are the result of utilizing the T-Virus to alter human DNA which is then spliced with the DNA of numerous vicous, carnivorous animals. The Hunte. . .
Resident Evil - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Jill Valentine, the S.T.A.R.S. explosives expert, is brave and cunning. As a master lockpick, she is able to gain access to secret rooms throughout the mansion. Armed with a Bazooka, Jill descends i. . .
Resident Evil - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
The Tyrant... The goal of Umbrella was to create the ultimate weapon -- an unstoppable killing machine, incapable of emotion, impervious to conventional weapons. The Tyrant is the culmination of Umbr. . .
Resident Evil - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Zombies... During the experimentation with the T-Virus, hazardous materials were unleashed, exposing the scientists to the biohazard they created. Now, as the T-Virus courses thorugh their veins, the. . .
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