Role Playing - Star Wars - Force Awakens (Hasbro) Checklist
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Role Playing - Star Wars - Force Awakens (Hasbro) Checklist

Role Playing
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Role Playing
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
Equipped with sleek armor and powerful weapons, the Stormtroopers enforce the will of the First Order. Imagine serving the The First Order with this movie-inspired First Order Stormtrooper mask. Reliv. . .
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Role Playing
Released in 2015 by Hasbro
A dark warrior strong with the Force, Kylo Ren commands First Order missions with a temper as fiery as his unconventional lightsaber. Imagine serving the dark side with this movie-inspired Kylo Ren ma. . .
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