Freeze Frame - Star Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) Checklist
Star Wars - Power of the Force IIThe Galaxy, a place of many species and many evils. Ruled with an iron fist by Emperor Palpatine and the Sith lord Darth Vader, many people live in fear and anger. Even in the shadows though, light still shines through. A growing band of rebels have formed the Rebel Alliance and are slowly growing to be a thorn in the Empire's side. Hero's of the Rebellion are the likes of Princess Leia, the smuggler Han Solo and his co-pilot Chewbacca and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO. The most promising member of the Rebels however is a young man, Luke Skywalker. Identified as being Force-strong, Luke has started down the path of the Jedi, an ancient order of peacekeepers all but destroyed by the Empire. Together, they may just be able to topple the evil Empire.
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Freeze Frame - Star Wars - Power of the Force II (Kenner) Checklist

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Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1998 by Kenner
Originally designed to work in smelting factories, 8D8 worked under EV-9D9 in Jabba the Hutt's droid operations center.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Height: 1.88 meters Status: Admiral, Rebel Alliance Fleet Classification: Mon Calamari Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Vehicle of Choice: Mon Calamari MC80 Star Cruiser
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Drivers of the dreaded AT-AT walkers, specially trained "ground pilots", played a vital role during the Empire's assault on Hoth.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1996 by Kenner
Height: 1.8 Meters (Average) Status: Imperial Guard- Assault Pilot Classification: Human Affiliation: Galactic Empire Weapon of Choice: Imperial Issued Blaster
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Height: 1.75 meters Status: Jedi Knight, General of the Old Republic Classification: Human Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber Trained by the Jedi Master Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Tatooine native and childhood buddy of Luke Skywalker, Biggs Darklighter holds off quickly advancing TIE fighters in the Death Star trench.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Height: 1.8 meters Status: Bounty Hunter Classification: Human Affiliation: Freelance Weapon of Choice: Mandalorian Battle Armor and Various Blasters The most notorious and fearsome bounty hunter. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1998 by Kenner
A short stay on Bespin's Cloud City left protocol droid C-3PO dismantled and dependent on his Rebel companions.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Following Admiral Ozzel's fatal mistake during the assault on Hoth, Darth Vader promoted Captain Piett to the station of Admiral. Piett remained in command of Vader's Executor until its destruction du. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Chewbacca, acting as a prisoner, and Princess Leia, disguised as the bounty hunter Boussh, infiltrate Jabba's Palace. There they hope to rescue the carbonite-encased Han Solo.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Height: 2.02 meters Status: Commander of Imperial Fleet, Dark Lord of the Sith Classification: Human Affiliation: Galactic Empire Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber Once known as Anakin Skywalker, exp. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Luke Skywalker removes his father's head gear so that Anakin may look at his son with his own eyes for the first time. Darth Vader became one with the light side of the Force when he rescued his son f. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
A Death Star Droid approaches what appears to be a routine prisoner relocation. The two Stormtroopers are actually Han Solo and Luke Skywalker conspiring to rescue the imprisoned Princess Leia.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Grand Moff Tarkin created this select force of soldiers to defend the galaxy's ultimate weapon, the Death Star. These elite troopers manned the gun towers during the Battle of Yavin, a conflict that r. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1996 by Kenner
Height: 1.73 Meters Status: Dictator of the Empire Classification: Human Affiliation: Galactic Empire Weapon of Choice: Dark Side Energy Bolts
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Height: 1.83 meters Status: Sovereign Protectors of the Emperor Classification: Human Affiliation: Galactic Empire Weapon of Choice: Force Pike, Heavy Blaster Pistol Only the most promising soldi. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
The Rebel strike team, on a mission to sabotage the second Death Star's shield generator, falls into a trap set by the evil Emperor Palpatine. Surrounded by a full legion of stormtroopers and Imperial. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
EV-9D9 is ideally suited to its job as cyborg taskmaster in Jabba the Hutt's palace. It was one of many droids in service to the crimelord.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Logray and the Ewoks stand amazed as their newfound idol, protocol droid C-3PO, begins to "magically" levitate as Luke Skywalker uses the power of the Force.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
The brutish nature of Gamorreans, along with their great strength and violent tendencies, made them excellent mercenaries and guardsmen in Jabba's desert palace.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Garindan, a Kubaz informant, works only for the highest bidders - usually the Empire or Jabba the Hutt. Garindan followed the young Skywalker and his mentor Ben Kenobi through the alleys of Mos Eisle. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1996 by Kenner
As one of Emperor Palpatine's most loyal administrators, Grand Moff Tarkin devised and administered the construction of the first Death Star battle station. The governor rules a large section of the O. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Height: 1.8 meters Status: Smuggler, Pirate, Rebel Pilot Classification: Human Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Weapon of Choice: Blastech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Han Solo's extraordinary piloting skills,. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Height: 1.83 meters Status: Smuggler, Pirate, Rebel Pilot Classification: Human Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Weapon of Choice: BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Lando Calrissian, former owner of the Mi. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1996 by Kenner
Height: 2.06 meters Status: Smuggler, Pirate, Rebel Pilot Classification: Human Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Weapon of Choice: Blastech DL-44 Heavy Blaster After escaping from Imperial forces in . . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1996 by Kenner
Height: 1.83 meters Status: Smuggler, Pirate, Rebel Pilot Classification: Human Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Vehicle of Choice: Blaster Pistol
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1996 by Kenner
The Empire has located the Alliance's secret headquarters on the Ice Planet Hoth. During the consequent invasion, Rebel Soldiers hold out bravely against an unbeatable ground assault until a retreat s. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
The Ishi Tib characters come from the planet Tibrin, where they live in the cities built atop coral reefs. Ardent freedom lovers, several Ishi Tibs offered their talents in service to the Rebel Allian. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
The Shistavanen Wolfman, expert hunter, tracker and Imperial world scout meets the mysterious Rebel Florn Iamproid, Dice Ibegon. The two would eventually become Rebel Warriors and fight in the Battle . . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Proving his impressive flying capabilities and natural leadership qualities during the battle of Taanab, Lando is appointed General in charge of the attack on the second Death Star.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1996 by Kenner
A daring rescue attempt to free the carbonite-imprisoned Han Solo takes a dangerous turn for Leia Organa. Lando Calrissian, disguised as a Skiff Guard, plays a vital role in rescuing Solo from the clu. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
As the cyborg administrative assistant to Cloud City, Lobot made certain that Lando Calrissian and his Rebel companions would safely escape the Imperial occupied city.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Sensing his friends are in critical danger, Luke Skywalker ventures to Cloud City before finishing his Jedi training. Unbeknownst to him, Darth Vader has prepared an elaborate trap with the darkest of. . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Aboard the Milllennium Falcon, Luke Skywalker is instructed by Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi in the art of lightsaber battle and the ways of the Force.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1996 by Kenner
In the main throne room of a Massassi temple, Luke Skywalker receives an honorary medal for his part in the destruction of the Imperial Death Star.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Height: 1.72 meters Status: Jedi Knight in Training, Rebel Pilot Classification: Human Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber, Blaster
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
Malakili was one of the keepers of the only known rancor specimen. Kept in a special pit below the crime lord's court, the rancor was reserved as a method of getting rid of unwelcome guests or others . . .
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
The senior senator of the Old Republic went underground to form the Rebel Alliance following the rise of the evil Empire. She was instrumental in the Rebel's struggle for freedom.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1997 by Kenner
The outstanding Rebel Pilot from the planet Sullust, Nien Nunb served as Lando Calrissian's copilot in the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor.
Star Wars - Power of the Force II - Freeze Frame
Released in 1995 by Kenner
Leader of a resistance cell on his homeworld of Dressel, Rebel Alliance member Orrimaarko proved to be a fierce warrior against the evil Empire.
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