Terminator 2 (Sideshow) Checklist
Terminator 2 (Sideshow)Nearly 10 years have passed since Sarah Connor was targeted for termination. Again Skynet attempts to disrupt the future and win its conflict with humans by changing the past. It targets the teenage John Connor, future leader of the resistance, with a newer, more deadly Terminator. Once again, the resistance has managed to send a protector back to attempt to save John and his mother Sarah.
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Terminator 2 (Sideshow) Checklist

12" Scale
Terminator 2 - 12" Scale
Released in 2007 by Sideshow
Figure includes: * Authentic likeness of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the T-800 * Fully articulated 'big boy' body with 30+ points of articulation * Costume Includes: o Black 'Leather' Jacket o . . .
Sideshow Exclusive
Terminator 2 - Sideshow Exclusive
Released in by Sideshow
exclusive Black hat, limited 750
Terminator 2 - Sideshow Exclusive
Released in by Sideshow
exclusive Interchangeable hook arms, limited 750
Terminator 2 - Sideshow Exclusive
Released in by Sideshow
exclusive Rose box used to smuggle the shotgun into the mall, limited 750
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