Van Helsing (Sideshow) Checklist
Van Helsing (Sideshow)
Van Helsing Universe More Van Helsing

Van Helsing (Sideshow) Checklist

12" Scale
Premium Format Figure
Van Helsing - Premium Format Figure
Released in 2004 by Sideshow
limited 1500, the 18" figure features film-accurate costuming, a highly detailed Hugh Jackman portrait and posable arms. The hands, guns and boots are semi-poseable detailed polystone sculptures . . .
Sideshow Exclusive
Van Helsing - Sideshow Exclusive
Released in 2004 by Sideshow
exclusive pistol with holster, limited 500
Van Helsing - Sideshow Exclusive
Released in 2004 by Sideshow
exclusive Two circular "tojo" blades, limited 500
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