X-Men - vs Street Fighter (Toy Biz) Checklist
X-Men - vs Street FighterTwo legendary factions are pitted against each other in the fiercest competition known to date. The unrelenting X-Men face off against the unstoppable combatants of Street Fighter in a winner-take-all button mashing frenzy! Fireballs, front kicks, and optic blasts, oh my!
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X-Men - vs Street Fighter (Toy Biz) Checklist

Series 1
X-Men - vs Street Fighter - Series 1
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Cold, calculating and devious, M. Bison is the power hungry commander of the secret underworld organization known as Shadaloo, which he rules by fear and intimidation. M. Bison’s lightning spee. . .
X-Men - vs Street Fighter - Series 1
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Ryu is a disciplined, honorable fighter who travels the world seeking neither fame nor glory but rather the ultimate challenge that will truly test his warrior soul. His discipline and devotion to mas. . .
X-Men - vs Street Fighter - Series 1
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Ken Masters is a gifted fighter with natural ability and strength. He is a student of the Shotokan Martial Art and studied with his best friend and main rival, Ryu. Although Ken’s showboating s. . .
X-Men - vs Street Fighter - Series 1
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Akuma is a ruthless loner whose obsession with mastering the Shotokan martial art has led him to embrace the evil that is within his soul. So consumed by his lust for power that he destroyed his own . . .
Series 2
X-Men - vs Street Fighter - Series 2
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Dhalsim is a wise and peaceful Yoga Master who believes that force should only be necessary as a last resort against unrelenting evil. Dhalsim’s complete control over his own body and mind have. . .
X-Men - vs Street Fighter - Series 2
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
When Cammy was a young child, she was kidnapped from her home in England and taken to Shadaloo where she was brainwashed by Bison and trained as a master assassin. Cammy is a quick, fierce warrior wit. . .
X-Men - vs Street Fighter - Series 2
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Chun Li is a fast, strong and disciplined agent of the international police agency known as Interpol. She was assigned to infiltrate the secret underworld of Shadaloo by entering Street Fighter tourna. . .
X-Men - vs Street Fighter - Series 2
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Dhalsim is a wise and peaceful Yoga Master who believes that force should only be necessary as a last resort against unrelenting evil. Dhalsim’s complete control over his own body and mind have. . .
X-Men - vs Street Fighter - Series 2
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Zangief is a tough former Russian wrestler who trained for the Street Fighter competition by grappling with grizzly bears in the snow covered Siberian mountains. Zangief constantly seeks new opponents. . .
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