X2: X-Men United (Toy Biz) Checklist
X2:  X-Men UnitedThey are the next link in the evolutionary chain - a new breed of superhero. Each was born with a unique genetic mutation, which manifested itself in extraordinary powers. In a world increasingly filled with hatred and prejudice, they are outcasts who are feared and loathed by those who cannot accept their differences. Yet they fight to protect a world that fears them. In X2:X-Men United, the next adventure in the X-Men saga, the X-Men face their most dangerous mission ever, and must stand united with their enemies to combat a menace that threatens mankind - and mutantkind.
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X2: X-Men United (Toy Biz) Checklist

Deluxe Poseable
X2: X-Men United - Deluxe Poseable
Released in 2003 by Toy Biz
(with Snap-On Battle Grip for Punching, Kicking and Claw-Extending Action!)
Series 1
X2: X-Men United - Series 1
Released in 2003 by Toy Biz
(with Bendy Tail & Wall Mountable Base)
Series 2
X2: X-Men United - Series 2
Released in 2003 by Toy Biz
With mutant power door opening action!
X2: X-Men United - Series 2
Released in 2003 by Toy Biz
with Breakaway Scaffolding & Catapult Base
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