Blade Vampire Hunter (Toy Biz) Checklist
Blade Vampire HunterHe goes by many names. Blade. The Daywalker. Part man, part beast, he stands as a bane against Vampires. He seeks to save and help those all in peril and to avenge those who have been hurt and scorned by the forces of evil. Alone he wages a one-man war against countless enemies. He may just be one man but he is stronger then all of the forces of evil combined. He is: Blade, Vampire Hunter and he will stop at nothing to make sure no one is ever effected by the evil that plagues the world.
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Blade Vampire Hunter (Toy Biz) Checklist

Basic Series
Blade Vampire Hunter - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Toy Biz
Armed with his vampiric powers, his dark knowledge, and his undead hordes, Deacon Frost has special plans for Blade the Vampire Hunter. Rising through the ranks of the vampire underworld, Frost has le. . .
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