Real Name:Erik Magnus Lehnsherr
Height:6' 2
Weight:190 lbs.
Race:Homo Superior
Base of Operations:Moblie
Created By:Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
1st Appearance:X-Men Vol. 1, #1 (September, 1963)
Affiliations:Brotherhood of Mutants,X-Men,Hellfire Club,Alcolytes,Genoshan Government, Genoshan Excalibur, Savag Land Mutates
Powers:Magnetism manipulation and Genius-level intellect

They the path to hell is paved with good intentions. That is never more true than it is with Magneto. The first stone on his path was not layed by him, but by a tyranical mad man called Adolf Hitler. Under Hitler's orders, Erik witnessed his parents murder at the hands of Nazi's before being carted off to Auschwiz Death Camp were he was forced to operate the gas chambers were so many people were sent to their deaths.

After the war ended, Erik married a gypsy girl he had met in the camp named Magda. With her, he hoped to live of peaceful life, of love and happiness. This was not to be.

Durning a fire, which trapped Magda and their daughter in the house, Erik first used his mutant abilites in an attempt to save their lives. However, due to his inexperiance and the interferance of human mob, he failed and their daughter died in the balze. Enraged, Erik slaughtered the mob in revenge. Magda left Erik afterward, terrifed of her husband. They never saw eachother again.

Many years later, Erik met someone who would further change his life, Charles Xavier, a fellow Mutant who helped him stop the Nazi war criminal Baron Wolfgang von Strucker from retreving a large amount of Nazi gold.

It was at this moment that Erik made a decision that would forever change his life, and that of the world, forever. Magnus, convinced that Xavier's dream of peacfuly co-existance between humans and mutants was just that, a dream.

Erik, fearing a second Holocaust, this of Mutant's, redubbed himself Magneto and formed the Brotherhood of Mutants to guide Mutant kind to a bright future, fear of human oppresors. No matter the cost.

The path to Hell is paved with good intentions, and Magneto is full of them.
Last updated by 12yearoldkid on October 4, 2010.
All Produced Magneto Action Figures
2008Diamond SelectMarvel MinimatesToys R Us 2-Packs - X-Men: First ClassMagneto / Mystique
2008Diamond SelectMarvel MinimatesToys R Us 2-Packs - Wave 9Brown Wolverine / Dark Magneto
2008Diamond SelectMarvel MinimatesToys R Us 2-Packs - Wave 2Wolverine / Magneto
2007GaloobMarvel (Galoob)Titanium Series (Die-Cast)Magneto (Marvel Legends)
2007HasbroMarvel Legends (Hasbro)Icons - Series 7Magneto
2007HasbroMarvel Super Hero SquadSeries 1Cyclops & Magneto
2007HasbroMarvel Super Hero Squad5-PacksDanger Room Debacle
2007HasbroMarvel Super Hero Squad4-PacksShowdown with Magneto
2006Diamond SelectMarvel MinimatesExclusivesDarktide DVD Set
2006Toy BizMarvel Legends ShowdownStarter PacksColossus & Magneto
2006Toy BizX-Men - 2006 SeriesSeries 1Magneto
2005EaglemossClassic Marvel Figurine CollectionBasic SeriesMagneto
2004Diamond SelectMarvel MinimatesToys R Us 4-PacksProfessor X / Magneto / New X-Men Wolverine / Phoenix
2003Diamond SelectMarvel MinimatesExclusivesProfessor X / Magneto
2003Toy BizX2: X-Men UnitedSeries 2Magneto (Magnetic Door)
2002Toy BizMarvel Legends (Toy Biz)Series 3Magneto
2001Toy BizX-Men - EvolutionSeries 3Magneto
2000Toy BizX-Men - Classics2000 SeriesMagneto
2000Toy BizX-Men - Classics2.5" Die CastMagneto
2000Toy BizX-Men - MovieTwin PacksLogan vs. Magneto
2000Toy BizX-Men - MovieSeries 1Magneto
2000Toy BizX-Men - Movie10" FiguresMagneto
1998Toy BizX-MenExclusives - KayBee - Series 2Magneto
1998Toy BizX-Men7" Battle TalkersMagneto
1998Toy BizX-Men - vs Street FighterSeries 1Magneto vs. Ryu
1997Toy BizMarvelCollector EditionsSecret Wars
1997Toy BizMarvel - Famous CoversX-Men ClassicsMagneto
1997Toy BizMarvel - Hall of FameUnmaskedMagneto
1997Toy BizX-MenBattle BasesMagneto
1997Toy BizX-Men7" Battle TalkersMagneto
1996Toy BizMarvelCanadian 2-Pack - Series 1Magneto & Chameleon
1996Toy BizX-MenBox SetsMutant Hall of Fame
1995Toy BizX-MenClassicsMagneto
1995Toy BizX-MenAge of ApocalypseMagneto
1994Toy BizX-MenProjectorsMagneto
1994Toy BizX-Men10" Metallic MutantsMagneto
1994Toy BizX-Men10" Deluxe EditionMagneto
1994Toy BizX-Men - Steel MutantsSeries 2Professor X vs. Magneto
1993Toy BizX-MenSeries 3Magneto (Super Spark Action)
1993Toy BizX-MenBox SetsCanadian Asst. D
1992Toy BizX-MenSeries 2Magneto (Super Spark Action)
1991Just ToysX-Men (Just Toys)Bend-EmsMagneto
1991Toy BizMarvel - Super HeroesElectronic "Talks"Magneto
1991Toy BizX-MenSeries 1Magneto (Magnetic Hands & Chest)
1991Toy BizX-MenSeries 1Magneto (Magnetic Hands & Chest)
1991Toy BizX-Men15" SupersizeMagneto
1984MattelSecret WarsBasic SeriesMagneto
1984MattelSecret Wars3-PacksDr. Doom / Magneto / Kang
Please contribute the missing year for the following:
MedicomReal Action HeroesMarvelMagneto
Zag ToysX-Men (Zag Toys)DomezMagneto

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