Height:.96 meters average
Race:Astromech Droid
Created By:George Lucas
1st Appearance:Episode IV: A New Hope
Universe:Star Wars
Affiliations:Rebel Alliance

R2-D2 is a tripodal computer repair and information retrieval robot, or astromech droid. As an R2 unit, he is equipped with navigational starfighter interfaces, plus extensive sensor packages and numerous devices to facilitate in-flight repairs: laser arc welder, circular saw, grasper arm, and fire extinguisher. He communicates through information-dense chips, beeps and whistles and seems to take pleasure in causing anxiety for his neurotic companion, the protocol droid C-3PO.

R2-D2 played several important roles in the rebellion's victory over the Empire at the Battle of Yavin. First, he escaped the consular ship Tantive IV with the technical readouts of the Death Star hidden in his memory banks, making him and C-3PO the most hunted droids in the galaxy. Then, he brought Luke Skywalker together with Obi-Wan Kenobi, making possible the delivery of the plans to the Rebel alliance. Using that information, a small group of fighters launched an attack against the Death Star. R2-D2 served as "co-pilot" aboard Luke's Red-5 X-Wing, monitoring the fighter's control and tactical systems during the final attack run that destroyed the Empire's ultimate Battle Station.
Last updated by DAMartin on December 29, 2015.
All Produced R2-D2 Action Figures
2013HasbroStar Wars - Clone Wars (2012)Yoda PackageR2-D2
2013HasbroStar Wars - Legacy Collection - Droid FactoryTC-70 Droid FactoryR2-D2
2013HasbroStar Wars - Movie HeroesYoda PackageR2-D2
2013HasbroStar Wars - Saga Legends (2013)Mission SeriesTantive IV (R2-D2 / C-3PO)
2013UnknownStar TotsEssen - 2013R2-D2 (with Pop-Up Lightsaber)
2012DisneyStar Wars - Star ToursBasic SeriesPluto as R2-D2
2012Gentle GiantStar Wars (Gentle Giant)JumboR2-D2 (A New Hope)
2012HasbroStar Wars - Fighter PodsBlind - Series 1R2-D2
2012HasbroStar Wars - Fighter PodsBlind - Series 1R2-D2
2012HasbroStar Wars - Movie HeroesDarth Maul PackageR2-D2 (Electronic Lights & Sounds)
2012SideshowStar Wars (Sideshow)Real Action HeroesR2-D2 (Talking Version)
2012UnknownStar TotsOrlando - 2012R2-D2
2011HasbroStar Wars - Vintage CollectionExclusives - TargetAndroid Set (C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca)
2011HasbroStar Wars - Vintage CollectionExclusivesDeath Star Set
2010HasbroStar Wars - Clone Wars (2008)Remote ControlR2-D2
2010HasbroStar Wars - Clone Wars (2008)Battle Game CardsR2-D2
2010HasbroStar Wars - Clone Wars (2008)2-PacksAnakin Skywalker / R2-D2
2010HasbroStar Wars - Galactic HeroesWave 21R2-D2 / Jawas
2010HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionGeonosis Battle ArenaR2-D2 & C-3PO (with Battle Droid Head)
2010HasbroStar Wars - Saga Legends (2010)Basic SeriesR2-D2
2010HasbroStar Wars - Vintage CollectionBasic SeriesR2-D2 (with Pop-Up Lightsaber)
2009HasbroStar Wars - Clone Wars (2008)White / Red CardsR2-D2
2009HasbroStar Wars - Galactic HeroesVehiclesAnakin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter
2009HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionRed / White Cards - Saga LegendsR2-D2 (Electronic)
2009HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionRed / White CardsR2-D2 (Jawa Capture)
2008HasbroStar Wars - Clone Wars (2008)White / Blue CardsR2-D2
2008HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionWal-Mart - C-3PXLuke Skywalker and R2-D2
2008HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionRC DroidsR2-D2
2008HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionCommemorative Tin CollectionEpisode III
2008HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionBlue / White Cards - Saga LegendsR2-D2
2008HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionBattle PacksJedi Training on Dagobah
2008HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionBattle PacksResurgence of the Jedi
2008HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionBattle PacksShield Generator Assault
2008HasbroStar Wars - Legacy CollectionBattle PacksTraining on the Falcon
2007DisneyStar Wars - Star ToursBasic SeriesCollectible Figures
2007Gentle GiantStar Wars (Gentle Giant)MaquettesYoda & R2-D2 (Animated)
2007HasbroStar Wars - 30th Anniversary CollectionSaga LegendsR2-D2
2007HasbroStar Wars - 30th Anniversary CollectionRevenge of the SithR2-D2
2007HasbroStar Wars - 30th Anniversary CollectionReturn of the JediR2-D2 (with Cargo Net)
2007HasbroStar Wars - 30th Anniversary CollectionExclusivesR2-D2 & C-3PO (McQuarrie Signature Series Concept)
2007HasbroStar Wars - 30th Anniversary CollectionComic PacksLuke Skywalker & R2-D2 (Marvel)
2007HasbroStar Wars - UnleashedBattle PacksTrouble on Tatooine: The Streets of Mos Eisley
2006Gentle GiantStar Wars (Gentle Giant)MaquettesPrincess Leia & R2-D2 (Black & White) (Animated)
2006HasbroStar Wars - Saga CollectionWal-Mart ExclusivesCommemorative Episode VI DVD Collection
2006HasbroStar Wars - Saga CollectionWal-Mart ExclusivesEarly Bird Certificate Package
2006HasbroStar Wars - Saga CollectionEpisode III Heroes & VillainsR2-D2
2006HasbroStar Wars - Saga CollectionEpisode III Greatest BattlesR2-D2
2006HasbroStar Wars - Saga CollectionBattle of HothR2-D2
2005HasbroStar Wars - Chocolate MpireBasic SeriesQueen Amidala / R2-D2 / C-3PO
2005HasbroStar Wars - Jedi ForceWhite PackagingAnakin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter (with R2-D2)

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