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Star Tots (Unknown) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Essen - 2013 | |||
Imperial Gunner | 2013 | 1 | |
Star Wars (Kenner) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Accessories | |||
Droid Factory | 1977 | 1 | |
Basic Series | |||
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi | Gray Hair | 1977 | 1 |
Boba Fett | 1979 | 1 | |
C-3PO | 1977 | 1 | |
Chewbacca | Black Crossbow | 1977 | 1 |
Darth Vader | 1977 | 1 | |
Death Squad Commander (Star Destroyer Commander) | 1977 | 1 | |
Death Star Droid | 1978 | 1 | |
Greedo | 1978 | 1 | |
Hammerhead | 1978 | 1 | |
Han Solo | Large Head | 1977 | 1 |
Jawa | Cloth Cape | 1977 | 1 |
Luke Skywalker | Brown Hair / Rounded Lightsaber | 1977 | 1 |
Power Droid | 1978 | 2 | |
Princess Leia Organa | 1977 | 1 | |
R2-D2 | 1977 | 1 | |
R5-D4 | 1978 | 1 | |
Snaggletooth | Red | 1978 | 1 |
Stormtrooper | 1977 | 3 | |
Tusken Raider (Sand People) | 1977 | 1 | |
Walrus Man | 1978 | 1 | |
Vehicles | |||
Millenium Falcon | 1979 | 1 | |
Star Wars - 30th Anniversary Collection (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
A New Hope | |||
Elis Helrot (Givin) | 2007 | 1 | |
Imperial Stormtrooper (Galactic Empire) | 2007 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Moisture Farmer) | 2007 | 1 | |
M'iiyoom Onith (Hementhe) | 2007 | 1 | |
Attack of the Clones | |||
Destroyer Droid (Droideka) | 2007 | 1 | |
Jango Fett (Bounty Hunter) | 2007 | 1 | |
Padmé Amidala (Naboo Senator) | 2007 | 1 | |
Rebel Trooper (McQuarrie Signature Series Concept) | 2007 | 1 | |
Battle of Yavin | |||
Biggs Darklighter (Rebel Pilot) | 2007 | 1 | |
Death Star Trooper | 2007 | 3 | |
Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony) | 2007 | 1 | |
Rebel Honor Guard (Yavin) | 2007 | 1 | |
Battle Packs | |||
Battle on Mygeeto | 2007 | 1 | |
Jedi vs Darth Sidious | 2007 | 1 | |
Comic Packs | |||
A'sharad Hett & The Dark Woman (Clone Wars) | 2007 | 1 | |
Governor Tarkin & Stormtrooper (Marvel) | 2007 | 1 | |
Koffi Arana & Bultar Swan (Purge) | 2007 | 1 | |
Leia Organa & Darth Vader (Infinites) | 2007 | 1 | |
Lt. Jundland & Deena Shan (Empire) | 2007 | 1 | |
Comic Packs - Wal-Mart Exclusives | |||
Boba Fett & RA-7 Droid (Marvel) | 2007 | 1 | |
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Bail Organa (Revenge of the Sith) | 2007 | 1 | |
Commemorative Tin Collection | |||
Modal Nodes Cantina Band | 2006 | 1 | |
Empire Strikes Back | |||
Han Solo (with Torture Rack) | 2007 | 1 | |
Lando Calrissian (Smuggler Outfit) | 2007 | 1 | |
Evolutions | |||
Sith Legacy | 2007 | 1 | |
Vader's Secret Apprentice | 2008 | 1 | |
Exclusives | |||
Max Rebo Band #1 | 2007 | 1 | |
Obi-Wan & Yoda (McQuarrie Signature Series Concept) | 2007 | 1 | |
Expanded Universe | |||
Roron Corobb (Jedi Knight) | 2007 | 1 | |
Starkiller Hero (McQuarrie Signature Series Concept) | 2007 | 1 | |
Yoda & Kybuck (Jedi Master) | 2007 | 1 | |
Force Unleashed | |||
Juno Eclipse | 2008 | 1 | |
Maris Brood | 2008 | 1 | |
Order 66 - Series 2 | |||
Luminara Unduli / AT-RT Driver | 2008 | 1 | |
Repaints | |||
Naboo Soldier (Red Suit) | 2007 | 1 | |
Pax Bonkik (Rodian Podracer Mechanic) | 2007 | 1 | |
Rebel Vanguard Trooper (Star Wars: Battlefront) | 2007 | 1 | |
Return of the Jedi | |||
Hermi Odle (Baragwin) | 2007 | 1 | |
Tycho Celchu (A-Wing Pilot) | 2007 | 2 | |
Umpass-Stay (Klatooinian) | 2007 | 1 | |
Revenge of the Sith | |||
2-1B (Surgical Droid) | 2008 | 1 | |
Mustafar Lava Miner | 2007 | 1 | |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coin) | 2007 | 1 | |
Super Battle Droid | 2007 | 1 | |
Tri-Droid | 2008 | 1 | |
Saga Legends | |||
Battle Droids (Infantry & Commander) | 2007 | 1 | |
Battle Droids (Maroon Infantry) | 2007 | 1 | |
Battle Droids (Tan Blaster Damage & Lightsaber Damage) | 2007 | 1 | |
Battle Droids (Tan Dirty & Clean) | 2007 | 1 | |
General Grievous | 2007 | 1 | |
Imperial Officer (Blonde Hair) | 2007 | 2 | |
Imperial Officer (Dark Brown Hair) | 2007 | 2 | |
Imperial Officer (Light Brown Hair) | 2007 | 2 | |
Pit Droids (White) | 2007 | 1 | |
Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise) | 2007 | 1 | |
Saesee Tiin | 2007 | 1 | |
TC-14 | 2007 | 1 | |
Yoda | 2007 | 1 | |
Saga Legends - Fan's Choice | |||
Biker Scout | 2007 | 1 | |
Imperial Officer | 2007 | 1 | |
RA-7 | 2007 | 1 | |
Star Wars - 9.5" Scale (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Basic Series | |||
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren | 2020 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Big-Figs (Jakks Pacific) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Captain Phasma (Premium Edition) | 2016 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren | ** | 1 | |
Giant | |||
Kylo Ren | ** | 1 | |
Star Wars - Black Series - 40th Anniversary (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
A New Hope | |||
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi | 2017 | 1 | |
Chewbacca | 2017 | 1 | |
Death Squad Commander | 2017 | 2 | |
Han Solo | 2017 | 2 | |
Luke Skywalker | 2017 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) | 2017 | 1 | |
Princess Leia | 2017 | 1 | |
R2-D2 | 2017 | 1 | |
Carbonized Graphite | |||
First Order Jet Trooper | 2021 | 1 | |
Deluxe | |||
Hoth Wampa | ** | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker & Yoda (Jedi Training) | 2020 | 1 | |
Empire Strikes Back | |||
Boba Fett | 2020 | 1 | |
Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot | 2019 | 1 | |
Lando Calrissian (Bespin) | 2019 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Bespin) | 2019 | 1 | |
Princess Leia (Hoth) | 2019 | 1 | |
Return of the Jedi | |||
Bib Fortuna | 2023 | 1 | |
Emperor | 2023 | 1 | |
Force Spirits | 2023 | 1 | |
Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) | 2023 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) | 2023 | 1 | |
Princess Leia (Endor) | 2023 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Black Series - Archive (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Basic Series | |||
Darth Maul | 2019 | 1 | |
Darth Revan | 2021 | 1 | |
Han Solo (Hoth) | 2020 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Black Series - Blue (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
6" Scale | |||
Bossk (Empire Strikes Back) | 2015 | 1 | |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge Of The Sith) | 2014 | 1 | |
Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) (Return of the Jedi) | 2015 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Black Series - Orange (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
3.75" Scale | |||
Anakin Skywalker | 2013 | 1 | |
Biggs Darklighter | 2013 | 1 | |
Dak Ralter | 2014 | 1 | |
Jabba's Skiff Guard | 2014 | 2 | |
Luke Skywalker | 2013 | 1 | |
Luminara Unduli | 2013 | 1 | |
Mace Windu | 2014 | 1 | |
Mara Jade | 2013 | 1 | |
Pablo-Jill | 2013 | 1 | |
Snowtrooper Commander | 2014 | 1 | |
Toryn Farr | 2014 | 1 | |
Vizam | 2014 | 1 | |
Wedge Antilles | 2014 | 1 | |
6" Scale | |||
Darth Maul | 2013 | 1 | |
Greedo (Episode IV) | 2013 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker | 2013 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Rebel Fatigues) | 2014 | 1 | |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge Of The Sith) | 2014 | 1 | |
Princess Leia (Slave Outfit) | 2013 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Black Series - Red (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
3.75" Scale - Vehicles | |||
First Order Special Forces Tie Fighter | 2015 | 1 | |
Imperial AT-ST Walker and Imperial AT-ST Driver | 2019 | 1 | |
3.75" Scale - Wal-Mart | |||
Admiral Ackbar | 2016 | 1 | |
Captain Phasma | 2015 | 2 | |
Elite Praetorian Guard | 2017 | 2 | |
Emperor's Royal Guard | 2016 | 1 | |
Finn (Jakku) | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Stormtrooper | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Stormtrooper Executioner | 2017 | 1 | |
Han Solo (Endor) | 2015 | 1 | |
Han Solo (Starkiller Base) | 2015 | 1 | |
Imperial Death Trooper | 2016 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren | 2015 | 3 | |
Lando Calrissian (General) | 2016 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master) | 2017 | 1 | |
Poe Dameron | 2015 | 1 | |
Ponda Baba | 2017 | 1 | |
Princess Leia Organa (D'Qar Dress) | 2015 | 1 | |
Resistance Tech Rose | 2017 | 1 | |
Rey (Jakku) | 2015 | 1 | |
Sandtrooper | 2017 | 1 | |
Sergeant Jyn Erso | 2016 | 2 | |
Tusken Raider | 2017 | 1 | |
6" Scale | |||
0-0-0 (Triple Zero) | 2019 | 1 | |
C1-10P (Chopper) | 2019 | 1 | |
Cal Kestis | 2019 | 1 | |
Captain Cassian Andor (Eadu) | 2016 | 1 | |
Captain Phasma (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 3 | |
Captain Poe Dameron | 2017 | 1 | |
Cara Dune | 2019 | 1 | |
Child (Yoda) | 2020 | 1 | |
Chirrut Imwe (Rogue One) | 2017 | 1 | |
Constable Zuvio (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 1 | |
Death Star Trooper | 2018 | 2 | |
Director Krennic (Rogue One) | 2016 | 2 | |
Doctor Aphra | 2019 | 1 | |
Dryden Vos | 2019 | 1 | |
Elite Praetorian Guard | 2017 | 1 | |
Elite Praetorian Guard (with Heavy Blade) | 2017 | 1 | |
Finn (First Order Disguise) | 2017 | 5 | |
Finn (Jakku) (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Elite Snowtrooper | 2019 | 1 | |
First Order Flametrooper (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 2 | |
First Order General Hux (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 7 | |
First Order Jet Trooper | 2019 | 1 | |
First Order Snowtrooper (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Stormtrooper | 2019 | 1 | |
First Order Stormtrooper (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order TIE Fighter Pilot (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 1 | |
General Leia Organa | 2017 | 1 | |
Grand Admiral Thrawn | 2017 | 3 | |
Grand Moff Tarkin | 2018 | 1 | |
Han Solo (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 1 | |
Hera Syndulla | 2017 | 1 | |
Jaina Solo | 2017 | 2 | |
Jannah | 2019 | 1 | |
K-2SO (Rogue One) | 2016 | 1 | |
Kit Fisto | 2020 | 1 | |
Knight of Ren | 2020 | 2 | |
Kylo Ren | 2017 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 2 | |
Kylo Ren (Supreme Leader) | 2019 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren (Unmasked) (Force Awakens) | 2016 | 3 | |
L3-37 | 2018 | 1 | |
Lando Calrissian (Empire Striikes Back) | 2017 | 1 | |
Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) | 2018 | 1 | |
Lando Calrissian (Solo) | 2018 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master) | 2017 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony) | 2019 | 1 | |
Mace Windu | 2019 | 1 | |
Maz Kanata | 2017 | 1 | |
Plo Koon | 2020 | 1 | |
Poe Dameron (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 2 | |
Porgs | 2018 | 4 | |
Qui-Gon Jinn (Phantom Menace) | 2017 | 1 | |
Rebel Trooper | 2018 | 1 | |
Rey (Jakku) & BB-8 (Force Awakens) | 2015 | 1 | |
Rey (Jedi Training) | 2017 | 1 | |
Second Sister Inquisitor | 2019 | 1 | |
Sergeant Jyn Erso (Jedha) | 2016 | 1 | |
Sith Jet Trooper | 2020 | 1 | |
Sith Trooper | 2019 | 1 | |
Snoke (Supreme Leader) | 2017 | 1 | |
Val (Vandor-1) | 2018 | 1 | |
Vice Admiral Holdo | 2019 | 1 | |
Wedge Antilles | 2019 | 1 | |
6" Scale - Exclusives | |||
Admiral Ackbar / First Order Officer | 2017 | 3 | |
Admiral Piett | 2018 | 2 | |
Captain Cardinal | 2020 | 2 | |
Captain Phasma (Quicksilver Baton) | 2018 | 1 | |
Commander Pyre | 2020 | 1 | |
Emperor Palpatine (with Throne) | 2019 | 1 | |
First Order Stormtrooper Executioner | 2017 | 1 | |
General Veers | 2018 | 2 | |
Hondo Ohnaka | 2020 | 1 | |
Imperial Shadow Squadron | 2014 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren (Centerpiece) | 2017 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren (Starkiller Base) | 2017 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren (Throne Room) | 2017 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Skywalker Strikes) | 2019 | 1 | |
Mimban Stormtrooper | 2018 | 1 | |
Poe Dameron & First Order Riot Control Stormtrooper | 2015 | 1 | |
Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) | 2018 | 1 | |
Sith Trooper | 2019 | 1 | |
Starkiller Base (Rey & Kylo Ren) | 2019 | 1 | |
Starkiller Base (Rey & Kylo Ren) | 2019 | 6 | |
Stormtrooper (w/Blast Accessories) (International TRU) | 2018 | 1 | |
Supreme Leader Snoke (Throne Room) | 2017 | 1 | |
6" Scale - Vehicles | |||
Dewback (with Sandtrooper) | 2018 | 1 | |
Enfys Nest's Swoop Bike (with Enfys Nest) | 2018 | 1 | |
First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter (with First Order TIE Pilot) | 2018 | 1 | |
X-34 Landspeeder (with Luke Skywalker) | 2017 | 1 | |
Digital Release Commemorative Collection | |||
Episode II | 2014 | 1 | |
Episode III | 2014 | 1 | |
Episode V | 2014 | 1 | |
Episode VI | 2014 | 1 | |
Gaming Greats | |||
Darth Nihilus | 2020 | 1 | |
Jedi Knight Revan | 2020 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Black Series - Tie Pilot (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
3.75" Scale | |||
Chewbacca | 2014 | 1 | |
Darth Malgus | 2014 | 1 | |
Darth Vader | 2014 | 1 | |
Imperial Navy Commander | 2014 | 4 | |
Jawas | 2014 | 1 | |
Jon "Dutch" Vander | 2014 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Hoth Gear) | 2014 | 1 | |
Mosep Binneed | 2014 | 1 | |
Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) | 2014 | 1 | |
R5-G19 | 2014 | 1 | |
Stormtrooper | 2014 | 1 | |
Yoda | 2014 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Black Series - Titanium (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Vehicles | |||
Death Star | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Special Forces Tie Fighter | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Star Destroyer | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Tie Fighter | 2015 | 1 | |
Imperial Shuttle | 2015 | 1 | |
Inquisitor's Tie Advanced Prototype | 2015 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle (Black) | 2015 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle (White) | 2015 | 1 | |
Poe's X-Wing Fighter | 2015 | 1 | |
Star Destroyer | 2015 | 1 | |
Tie Advanced | 2015 | 1 | |
Tie Striker | 2015 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Black Series (2020) (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
A New Hope | |||
Doctor Evazan | 2021 | 1 | |
Figrin D'an | 2022 | 1 | |
Moma Nadon | 2024 | 1 | |
Nalan Cheel (Modal Nodes) | 2022 | 1 | |
Ponda Baba | 2021 | 1 | |
Acolyte | |||
Jedi Knight Yord Fandar | 2024 | 1 | |
Jedi Master Indara | 2024 | 1 | |
Jedi Master Sol | 2024 | 1 | |
Mae (Assassin) | 2024 | 1 | |
Padawan Jecki Lon | 2024 | 1 | |
Ahsoka | |||
Baylan Skoll | 2024 | 1 | |
Grand Admiral Thrawn | 2024 | 1 | |
HK-87 Assassin Droid | 2023 | 1 | |
Marrok | 2023 | 1 | |
Morgan Elsbeth | 2023 | 1 | |
Professor Huyang | 2023 | 1 | |
Shin Hati | 2024 | 1 | |
Andor | |||
B2EMO / Cassian Andor | 2023 | 1 | |
Bix Caleen | 2023 | 1 | |
Imperial Officer (Dark Times) | 2023 | 1 | |
Imperial Officer (Ferrix) | 2023 | 1 | |
Senator Mon Mothma | 2023 | 1 | |
Vel Sartha | 2023 | 1 | |
Attack of the Clones | |||
Aayla Secura | 2023 | 1 | |
Ki-Adi-Mundi | 2024 | 1 | |
Bad Batch | |||
Omega (Kamino) | 2022 | 3 | |
Vice Admiral Rampart | 2021 | 1 | |
Book of Boba Fett | |||
Fennec Shand | 2021 | 1 | |
Clone Wars | |||
Aurra Sing | 2021 | 1 | |
Cad Bane | 2020 | 1 | |
Clone Wars 2D Micro Series | |||
Mace Windu | 2022 | 1 | |
Credit Collection | |||
Ahsoka Tano | 2022 | 1 | |
Mandalorian | 2020 | 1 | |
Gaming Greats | |||
Bastila Shan (Knights of the Old Republic) | 2023 | 1 | |
Cal Kestis (Fallen Order) | 2021 | 1 | |
Cal Kestis (Jedi: Survivor) | 2022 | 1 | |
Darth Malak (Knights of the Old Republic) | 2023 | 1 | |
Darth Malgus (Old Republic) | 2023 | 1 | |
Starkiller (Force Unleashed) | 2024 | 1 | |
Holiday | |||
Clone Trooper (Halloween Edition) | 2022 | 1 | |
Mandalorian Warrior (Holiday Edition) | 2022 | 1 | |
Phase II Clone Trooper (Holiday Edition) | 2022 | 1 | |
Protocol Droid (Holiday Edition) | 2022 | 1 | |
Purge Trooper (Holiday Edition) | 2023 | 1 | |
Scout Trooper (Holiday Edition) | 2022 | 1 | |
Sith Trooper (Holiday Edition) | 2020 | 1 | |
Snowtrooper (Holiday Edition) | 2020 | 1 | |
Stormtrooper (Holiday Edition) | 2020 | 1 | |
Stormtrooper (Holiday Edition) | 2022 | 1 | |
Wookie (Halloween Edition) | 2022 | 1 | |
Mandalorian | |||
Armorer | 2020 | 1 | |
Axe Woves | 2023 | 1 | |
Bo-Katan Kryze | 2021 | 1 | |
Client | 2022 | 1 | |
Cobb Vanth | 2021 | 1 | |
Grogu | 2022 | 1 | |
Koska Reeves | 2021 | 1 | |
Kuiil | 2020 | 1 | |
Mandalorian & Grogu (Arvala-7) | 2022 | 1 | |
Moff Gideon | 2020 | 1 | |
New Republic Security Droid | 2022 | 1 | |
Obi-Wan Kenobi | |||
Ben Kenobi (Tibidon Station) | 2022 | 1 | |
Fifth Brother (Inquisitor) | 2022 | 1 | |
Grand Inquisitor | 2023 | 1 | |
Inquisitor (Fourth Sister) | 2022 | 1 | |
Reva (Third Sister) | 2022 | 1 | |
Tala Durith (Imperial Officer) | 2022 | 1 | |
Teeka (Jawa) | 2022 | 1 | |
Phantom Menace | |||
Jar Jar Binks (Deluxe) | 2020 | 1 | |
Mace Windu | 2021 | 1 | |
Qui-Gon Jinn | 2021 | 1 | |
Publishing Program | |||
Jaxxon (50th Anniversary) (Fan Channel) | 2021 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker & Ysalamiri (50th Anniversary) (Fan Channel) | 2021 | 1 | |
Mara Jade | 2023 | 1 | |
Princess Leia Organa | 2022 | 1 | |
Rebels | |||
Chopper (C1-10P) (Fan Channel) | 2020 | 1 | |
Return of the Jedi | |||
Bib Fortuna | 2021 | 1 | |
General Lando Calrissian | 2021 | 1 | |
Princess Leia (Ewok Village) | 2022 | 1 | |
Princess Leia Organa (Endor) | 2020 | 1 | |
Rise of Skywalker | |||
Rey (Dark Side Vision) | 2020 | 2 | |
Rogue One | |||
Antoc Merrick | 2022 | 1 | |
Baze Malbus | 2021 | 1 | |
Bodhi Rook | 2021 | 1 | |
Chirrut Imwe | 2021 | 1 | |
Galen Erso | 2022 | 1 | |
Jyn Erso | 2021 | 1 | |
K-2SO | 2021 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Clone Wars (2008) (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Battle Game Cards | |||
Ahsoka | 2010 | 1 | |
Ahsoka Tano | 2010 | 1 | |
Aurra Sing | 2010 | 1 | |
El-Les | 2010 | 1 | |
Vehicles | |||
Anakin Skywalker / Can-Cell | 2010 | 1 | |
White / Blue Cards | |||
Ahsoka Tano | 2008 | 1 | |
White / Red Cards | |||
Aayla Secura | 2009 | 1 | |
Admiral Yularen | 2009 | 1 | |
Ahsoka Tano | 2009 | 1 | |
Captain Argyus | 2009 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Clone Wars (2012) (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Battle Packs | |||
Darth Maul Returns | 2012 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Clone Wars (Animated) (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Army of the Republic | |||
Saesee Tiin | 2003 | 1 | |
Separitist Forces | |||
Asajj Ventress (Sith Apprentice) | 2003 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Collector Series (Kenner) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Portrait Edition | |||
Princess Leia & R2-D2 (Jabba's Prisoners) | 1999 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Die Cast (Disney) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Basic Series | |||
First Order Tie Fighter | 2016 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Elite Series (Disney) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Force Awakens | |||
First Order Stormtrooper Officer | 2016 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren (Unmasked) | 2015 | 1 | |
Last Jedi | |||
Kylo Ren | 2017 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back (Kenner) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Accessories | |||
Action Figure Collector's Case (Yoda on Right) | 1980 | 1 | |
Darth Vader Collector’s Case | 1980 | 1 | |
Radar Laser Cannon | 1982 | 1 | |
Basic Series | |||
2-1B | 1981 | 1 | |
4-LOM | 1982 | 1 | |
AT-AT Commander | 1982 | 1 | |
AT-AT Driver | 1981 | 1 | |
Bespin Security Guard | White | 1980 | 1 |
Bespin Security Guard | Black | 1982 | 1 |
Bossk (Bounty Hunter) | 1980 | 1 | |
C-3PO (Removable Limbs) | 1982 | 1 | |
Cloud Car Pilot | 1982 | 1 | |
Dengar | 1981 | 1 | |
FX-7 Medical Droid | 1980 | 1 | |
Han Solo (Bespin Outfit) | 1981 | 1 | |
Han Solo (Hoth Outfit) | 1980 | 1 | |
IG-88 (Bounty Hunter) | 1980 | 1 | |
Imperial Commander | 1981 | 1 | |
Imperial Stormtrooper (Hoth Battle Gear) | 1980 | 1 | |
Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot | 1982 | 1 | |
Lando Calrissian | White Eyes and Teeth | 1980 | 1 |
Leia Organa (Bespin Gown) | Crew Neck | 1980 | 1 |
Leia Organa (Hoth Outfit) | 1980 | 1 | |
Lobot | 1981 | 1 | |
Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues) | Brown Hair | 1980 | 1 |
Luke Skywalker (Hoth Battle Gear) | 1982 | 1 | |
R2-D2 (With Sensorscope) | 1982 | 1 | |
Rebel Commander | 1981 | 1 | |
Rebel Soldier (Hoth Battle Gear) | 1980 | 1 | |
Yoda | Brown Snake | 1981 | 1 |
Zuckuss | 1982 | 1 | |
Playsets | |||
Dagobah Action Playset | 1982 | 1 | |
Vehicles | |||
AT-AT | 1982 | 1 | |
Scout Walker | 1982 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Force Awakens (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
12" Scale | |||
Kylo Ren | 2015 | 1 | |
12" Scale - Vehicles | |||
Assault Walker (with Riot Control Stormtrooper) | 2015 | 1 | |
Speeder Bike (with Poe Dameron) | 2015 | 1 | |
Armor Up | |||
Finn (Starkiller Base) | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Flametrooper | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Tie Fighter Pilot | 2015 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren | 2015 | 1 | |
Poe Dameron | 2015 | 1 | |
Basic Series | |||
Captain Phasma | 2015 | 1 | |
Constable Zuvio | 2015 | 2 | |
Ezra Bridger | 2016 | 1 | |
Finn (Jakku) | 2016 | 1 | |
First Order General Hux | 2016 | 10 | |
First Order Snowtrooper | 2016 | 1 | |
First Order Stormtrooper | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Stormtrooper Squad Leader | 2016 | 1 | |
First Order Tie Fighter Pilot | 2015 | 1 | |
Goss Toowers | 2016 | 1 | |
Guavian Enforcer | 2016 | 1 | |
Han Solo | 2016 | 1 | |
Kanan Jarrus (Desert Mission) | 2016 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren | 2016 | 5 | |
Kylo Ren (Forest Mission) | 2015 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren (Forest Mission) | 2015 | 1 | |
Poe Dameron | 2015 | 1 | |
PZ-4CO | 2016 | 1 | |
Resistance Trooper | 2015 | 1 | |
Rey (Resistance Outfit) | 2016 | 1 | |
Rey (Starkiller Base) | 2015 | 1 | |
Sarco Plank | 2016 | 1 | |
Tasu Leech | 2016 | 1 | |
Unkar Plutt | 2016 | 1 | |
X-Wing Pilot Asty | 2016 | 1 | |
X-Wing Pilot Asty | 2016 | 2 | |
Multi-Packs | |||
BB-8 / Unkar's Thug / Jakku Scavenger | 2016 | 1 | |
First Order Snowtrooper Officer / Snap Wexley | 2016 | 1 | |
Garazeb Orrelios / C1-10P “Chopper" (Forest Mission) | 2016 | 1 | |
Sidon Ithano / First Mate Quiggold | 2016 | 1 | |
Vehicles | |||
Assault Walker (with Stormtrooper Sergeant) | 2015 | 1 | |
Desert Landspeeder (with Finn (Jakku)) | 2015 | 1 | |
Elite Speeder Bike (with Stormtrooper) | 2015 | 2 | |
Poe's X-Wing Fighter (with Poe Dameron) | 2015 | 1 | |
Rey's Speeder (with Rey (Jakku)) | 2015 | 1 | |
Snow Speeder (with First Order Snowtrooper Officer) | 2015 | 1 | |
Tie Fighter (with First Order Tie Fighter Pilot) | 2015 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Force Awakens - Micro Machines (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Blind Bags - Wave 1 | |||
Poe Dameron's X-Wing | 2015 | 1 | |
Scimitar | 2015 | 1 | |
Tie Fighter (Blue) | 2015 | 1 | |
Tie Fighter (Gray) | 2015 | 1 | |
Blind Bags - Wave 2 | |||
Poe Dameron's X-Wing | 2015 | 1 | |
Tie Advanced | 2015 | 1 | |
Tie Fighter (Gray) | 2015 | 1 | |
Blind Bags - Wave 4 | |||
Grummgar | 2016 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle | 2016 | 1 | |
Resistance Troop Transport | 2016 | 1 | |
Rey's Speeder (Gold) | 2016 | 1 | |
Blind Bags - Wave 6 | |||
Star Destroyer | 2016 | 1 | |
Playsets | |||
Star Destroyer | 2015 | 1 | |
Vehicles | |||
First Order Attacks | 2015 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Force Awakens (Funko) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Pop! Vinyl Figures | |||
Captain Phasma | 2015 | 2 | |
Captain Phasma (Chrome) | 2016 | 1 | |
Finn (Stormtrooper) | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Flametrooper | 2015 | 1 | |
First Order Stormtrooper | 2015 | 1 | |
General Hux | 2016 | 2 | |
General Leia | 2016 | 1 | |
Han Solo | 2015 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren | 2016 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren | 2015 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren (Masked) | 2015 | 1 | |
Kylo Ren (Unmasked) | 2015 | 1 | |
Poe Dameron | 2015 | 1 | |
Rey | 2016 | 1 | |
Rey (with Lightsaber) | 2016 | 1 | |
Supreme Leader Snoke (Hologram) (Glows in the Dark) | 2017 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Forces of Destiny (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Basic Series | |||
Rey of Jakku / Kylo Ren | 2018 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Galactic Heroes (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
2017 Series | |||
Kylo Ren | 2017 | 1 | |
Wave 7 | |||
Darth Vader / Holographic Emperor Palpatine | 2004 | 1 | |
Wave 15 | |||
Grand Moff Tarkin / Imperial Officer | ** | 1 | |
Star Wars - Galaxy of Adventures (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
3.75" Scale | |||
Kylo Ren | 2019 | 1 | |
5" Scale | |||
Kylo Ren | 2020 | 1 | |
Rey | 2020 | 1 | |
Star Wars - Galaxy's Edge Trading Post (Hasbro) | |||
Name | Variation | Year | Qty |
Basic Series | |||
Astromech Droid (Black) | 2020 | 1 |