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Member since July 26, 2014
Last active on Sunday, November 2, 2014
Displaying the latest comments posted by Tweed63.
See also: Comments for Tweed63

Sunday, July 27, 2014
Customs: Sonic Generations Classic Green Hill Zone by Tenzoh82 -
Sunday, July 27, 2014
This is a really good custom. I make diorama type-things too but differently. I love the way you incorporated the nendoroid Sonic into it. I'm kind of curious how you made the palm trees, totem poles, flowers etc. my system doesn't really make detail like that possible and I'm looking around for tips. (If you don't mind~)
 Thanks for giving me an in-depth description on how you made this, I hadn't thought of some of these ideas but I've been in dire need of ways to make more unique shapes and stuff and these help~. Thanks again.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Customs: Sonic Generations Classic Green Hill Zone by Tenzoh82 -
Saturday, July 26, 2014
This is a really good custom. I make diorama type-things too but differently. I love the way you incorporated the nendoroid Sonic into it. I'm kind of curious how you made the palm trees, totem poles, flowers etc. my system doesn't really make detail like that possible and I'm looking around for tips. (If you don't mind~)
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