Public Profile


Member since May 15, 2015
Last active on Sunday, May 17, 2015
Displaying the latest comments posted by sxld0906.
See also: Comments for sxld0906

Friday, May 15, 2015
Customs: Beth (Slabtown) by Dano_8 -
Friday, May 15, 2015
looks nice!!! I just start to make my own figures...I have a few question please help me!! can sculpey or polymer clay bake with the base figure? and what is the clay you use for your figure? is it feel like rubber after when it dry? please help me thank you ...I had a lot of problem to start..
Customs: Rosita Espinosa by rmack3 -
Friday, May 15, 2015
it looks great!!! I just start to make my own figures...I have a few question please help me!! can sculpey or polymer clay bake with the base figure? and what is the clay you use for your figure? is it feel like rubber after when it dry? please help me thank you ...I had a lot of problem to start..
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