Member since September 21, 2015
Last active on Saturday, October 10, 2015
Displaying the latest comments posted by AzianLad.
Monday, September 21, 2015
I really like this and I'm glad someone else is just as excited as me to have a Linda after all these years! Can I ask what you use for paint? Acryllic or Laq? And are you bothered by the fact that the few Halo 4 style females we have gotten (Kelly and Tanaka) are HUGE compared to the males? Just look at Tanaka's head size. I hope that the Linda and Vale figures are considerably smaller... they're supposed to be 2-4 inches shorter than Chief, not the other way around... sorry to rant!
Hey I want you to know that I have been browsing this site for years and I just now FINALLY created an account 4 minutes ago because I could not be silent about much I appreciate and admire this custom! It's spectacularly done. I hope the Mcfarlane figure does Buck justice as this did. I have been customizing my figures lately and would love to talk with you about future work! I'll post some of my mods soon. I really have a vision for a Spartan I would like to see made.