You executed custom David Perfectly! "Big things..have small beginnings."😁😉🤙 Well Done! Its fantastic!!
"Awe man! I was getting close! Four more weeks & out!" Haha😁🤙 This is such a fantastic custom Hudson concept! Love it! 🤣💖👊
You Nailed Drake! This custom looks fantastic!👌
Excellent Custom figure & sculpting Herbert! You really nailed Ferro's Fly-girl dangerous vibe spot on. Its on point & Soo Cool! Thanks for sharing this build. 😁🤙
Excellent Work! Your customs haved paved the way for so many others to realize & custom these amazing unreleased figures. 😁👍 Looks absolutely fantastic!
Congratz Herbert!! This scratch build custom turned out so amazing! Well Done & your work is much appreciated!😀😁👍
Fantastic custom & choice of parts Dagger, you nailed Walter perfectly! Its one of my favorite figures on FR! Thanks Dagger!😁👍
Awesome! Great custom figure colonial marine dog handler & search & rescue concept. Well done Herbert!
Wow! Fantastic work! Your detail & lighting look amazing. You really captured this epic Newt/Ripley air-ducts scene. Bravo!😁👌
Truly a masterpiece Herbert!😃 So much detail! Love how your command console turned out! Amazing!😁👍 Its great how you scaled everything perfectly & found that happy medium in playability vs interior/exterior size. 👍😃 Especially considering the tardis effect of the Movie APC's interior which was a merely a stage set vs the vehicles actual exterior size? You nailed it & brought it to life..Amazing Work Herbert!🤯 Im Mind Blown..SOTBAA😃👍
Herbert..I must say im truly in awe right now & inspired by your great talent & your quest to envision & plan such a beast of a project.😍 Bravo, You 💯% nailed it! Its amazing to me!! I love it so much, that you carefully planned & sourced your random materials along the way & at the end of your 4mo build journey (which blows my mind!🤯) you had recycled someone elses garbage into your own vision & dream in recreating this detailed Aliens APC M577 masterpiece.😁👍 Mad Respect & Epic Craftsmanship! You've inspired me to begin scratch-building my own APC in the same fashion that you sourced your materials & its made me realize its actually possible in 1/10-1/12 NECA scale. I love it! The adventure begins..🤞😁 Thanks so much Herbert!..SOTBAA😁
That's 2 for nailed it again! So Amazing! Great custom work. I wish this movie concept had come to be as well..truly impressed with your sourcing of fig parts & vision. I want one!!
You absolutely nailed Blomkamp's Alien 5 concept for Ripley & Hicks, amazing job!