Member since August 1, 2010
Last active on Saturday, October 19, 2013
Displaying the latest comments posted by kingyellowjacket.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Hey you're right!
I always wondered where that T-Rex was from since I had found it loose/damaged in a second hand store.
I never would have guessed MOTU.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
The legs might also look good with the flesh tone part painted purple to match the hip joints.
I see what you're saying in terms of design, but Marvel did depict a 'Iron Man' type Skrull at least a couple of times. Not sure if it was just for promotional pictures or if he actually appeared in a comic.
It might look better if I repainted the black part of the Skrull red, and the yellow bits purple.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Thank you both. I actually lucked out with this figure. I got Guile for $5 at the 80's toy show a couple of weeks back, and I already had the decapitated WWE head & gun for fodder. The flag was drawn a little sloppy but I think that just makes Nuke look a little more insane.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The wolf face was cut from a dollar store rubber wolf toy. I used apoxie to form the back of his head.