Displaying the latest comments posted by 13_customs.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Great wirk on an awesome character...dr2 is the greatest game ever! Everyone if yont have it go buy it now! I promise you won't regret it...13
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Great base,looks really great...13
Awesome! Please keep doing what you do,I love these bratz customs and I really love me some harly quinn...13
Great choice on the head!
Whoa dude this is great...super clean paint apps!
No airbrush but it still has your signature shading...the custom is amazing,killer work...13
Perfection! Great qucksilver,really like the head and paint job...the group pic is epic!
Friday, February 10, 2012
This is one of the best magneto customs I have seen...the entire figure is flawless!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Super clean paint job and great pics...13
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
And this is why we call you "the man"
This custom is perfect from head to toe...13
Bad azz...glad you went with the dark grey colors instead of silver...13
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Great recipe!
Bangin sculps bro...13
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Custom looks great,props on the head choice...13
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Sexy recipe,everything about looks great!
Looks a ton better...the shading you do on these figures is very Inspirational,great work as always...13
Monday, January 30, 2012
It's perfect!
I hope the legacy line give us some much needed villains like this...13
Wow,awesome work here!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Oh yeah...perfect recipe for one bad azz custom...13
This is great from head to toe,I'm lovin every detail...13
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Great work,nice clean paints and really love the mask!
I am speechless...amazing to say the least and even better than the last one you made...13
Friday, January 27, 2012
You are my idol!
The punisher head looks great for wolverine!
That us an awesome custom...everything from paint to parts are perfect!
Everything you make is no less than amazing...keep it modern...13
Thursday, January 26, 2012
I love when customizers team up...great recipe twiztid/great paints freddie...13
The mouth and eyes are wicked...awesome work...13
That's a great looking cyclops...nice recipe
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Great dazzled,love the team pic use always been a big fan of this x-men era...13
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Yeah he is awesome...I gonna have to read up on him
This is great...I did a double take when I saw his size is 3.75,amazing details up such a small figure...13
A much needed mod on an awesome character,I love what you've done with blade!
If you cast it pm me,I can make you rich,well me and the other thousands mattel ripped...seriously I want one...13
amazingly smooth paint apps...I do have one personal critique concerning the light up feature...maybe black out the inside of his mouth,only his eyes should be glowing
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I have long awaited the perfect morbius figure,you nailed it!
I much preferred his half man/machine look rather than the big robot dcu gave us...this is an awesome custom,the glowing kryptonite is a nice touch...13
Work like this blows me away...please make more vehicles!
Apocalypse is sic! Love the style you gave him...13
Excellent luke cage,maybe simple but still one of the best I've seen...great group shot as well bruh...13
Very awesome!
Great custom...big props for making that horrible emma base into something beautiful...13
Looks great! Reminds me of a classic issue of "what if"
All of these customs look great,lobe the big group shot...you've got me really interested in the team...13
Monday, January 23, 2012
Man,I really like your style...13
She looks great! I totally agree,she needs a figure made
Great paint apps and sculpting...the drool really takes it over the top,nice touch...13
The custom is well put together and looks great...I'm loving these batman inc. customs
Slick custom...13
Always very professional work...awesome recipe!
Great choice for the base figure
Displaying comments 1 - 50