Member since August 2, 2018
Last active on Monday, June 3, 2019
Displaying the latest replies and comments for work that has been posted for TechnoCosmicResearch.
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Thanks a lot. There will be a few more coming soon. Working on around 4 right now. Should start painting next week
Friday, August 3, 2018

Of course.

I do not have access to a plastic vacu-form unit, no. I could, in theory, repurpose an existing clamshell, but certain concessions would be necessary (strategic cuts to open the original clamshell for figure removal and replacement). I could EASILY repurpose one of the tube packages, as they were collector friendly.
As for the figure itself . . . you were referring to the black and white comic art version, yes?
Parts, we're looking at about $40. Time . . . you want the more complex, time-consuming paint job, so looking at about three hours to build and paint. Simple silver paint job would only be one hour. I typically charge $20 per hour. So . . . looking at $100 for comic art Fugitoid, $60 for metallic. ...

I do not, as a general rule, sell most of my customs, as they are typically built specifically for filling what I see as holes/major wants in my private collection.
However, as with any of my customs, I would be happy to make a new piece for anyone who might be interested. Fugitoid in particular is a very simple build, and I'd be happy to repeat the process for the right price. Just let me know if you're interested!