Edgy 3

Member since August 21, 2012
Last active on Friday, February 7, 2025
Customizer Scoop
Showcase Rank:WandererFirst Made:Snowboarding Chewbacca
Personal Best:Drizzt Do'UrdenCrowd Favorite:Drider

a pack of yeti  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Ace's High Eddie  (Musicians)
Akencheres ; Captured Egyptian General  (Gladiator)
Ames Ward / Deathwatch commando  (Star Wars)
Anchorhead Marauders 'Swoop Gang'  (Star Wars)
Aqualish biker thug  (Star Wars)
Aquallish Rebel Fighter Pilot  (Star Wars)
Aquallish sniper  (Star Wars)
Artemis Entreri and his jeweled dagger  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Ashlands pack of Sarn Gebir  (Lord of the Rings)
Attack on the Dam of the river Isen  (Lord of the Rings)
Aurra Sing  (Star Wars)
Aurra's swoop  (Star Wars)
Aztec priest  (Marvel Legends)
Baby elf on the shelf  (Mythology Creatures)
Beholders keep  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Black Knight ( Monty Python and the Holy Grail )  (Movie Masters)
Black Krrsantan  (Star Wars)
Blade and Vampire  (Marvel Legends)
Boba Fett  (Star Wars)
Boba Fett  (Star Wars)
Bom Vimdin  (Star Wars)
Brock Ridgewater / Swashbuckler  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Bundahr Shattershield  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Cad Bane  (Star Wars Clone Wars)
Caellack of Gaul  (Gladiator)
Cairo swordsman  (Indiana Jones)
Caius Vipstanus Banner bearer of the Phoenix Legion  (Gladiator)
Capt. Kirk (Star Trek Beyond)  (Star Trek)
Captain Mortis / Dathomirian Pirate  (Star Wars)
Captian Kirk ( smuggler disguise )  (Star Trek)
Catti-brie  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Chief Chirpa and Logray the medicine man  (Star Wars)
Chief Chripa, Tribe and Ewok Village Diorama  (Star Wars)
Cirith Ungol  (Lord of the Rings)
Citizens of the Empire  (Star Wars)
Clacker / Hook Horror  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Clan Falluk "Weequay Scouts"  (Star Wars)
Cobra Commander  (G.I. Joe)
Cobra commander revealed  (G.I. Joe)
Cobra F.A.N.G. and Pilot  (G.I. Joe)
Cobra Officer and Troops  (G.I. Joe)
Cobra Viper Trooper  (G.I. Joe)
Commander Kel Loccor and Omega Squad  (Star Wars)
Commander Spoc ( Romulan smuggler Disguise )  (Star Trek)
Companions of the Hall  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Corl 'Neimoidian Guard'  (Star Wars)
D&D night ( campaign come to life )  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Darkwolf / Fire and Ice  (Movie Maniacs)
Darth Bane the Eternal  (Star Wars)
Darth Krayt and Darth Talon  (Star Wars)
Darth Maul  (Star Wars)
Dathomir Temple  (Star Wars)
Death Dealer  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Dendrick Malistar 'Imperial Defector / bounty hunter'  (Star Wars)
Dengar  (Star Wars)
Densrick Shattershield  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Destro  (G.I. Joe)
Dissplacer Beast 1/12th scale  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Dr. Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba  (Star Wars)
Drider  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Drizzt Do'Urden  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Dromekliaetes of Thrace (Thracian Style)  (Gladiator)
Drow elf / fighter  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Duke  (G.I. Joe)
Durlolk the scout and Warg mount  (Lord of the Rings)
Duros enforcer  (Star Wars)
Durzilac the Wretched  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Ed Pool  (Marvel)
Embo and Marrok  (Star Wars)
Emperors's Hand / Imperial Assassin  (Star Wars)
Eomer, Marshall of the Mark battles un-horsed  (Lord of the Rings)
Ewok drummer  (Star Wars)
Ewok Hunt  (Star Wars)
Ewok tribe members  (Star Wars)
Ewok village part 2  (Star Wars)
Ewoks  (Star Wars)
Failnex / Tognathian Mercenary  (Star Wars)
Feral  (Star Wars Clone Wars)
Fhanzill -Tribe of Many Arrows_ Todd Lockwood style  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
FireFly, Corbra Saboteur  (G.I. Joe)
Galdfinn ; Champion of the Gray Havens  (Lord of the Rings)
Garouf Lafoe  (Star Wars)
Gaznazh warg raider and armored mount  (Lord of the Rings)
Gelroos Hun'nett & Masoj Hun'nett  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
General Kenobi  (Star Wars Clone Wars)
General Seric Kasdef  (Star Wars)
Generic military henchman  (G.I. Joe)
Ghanzlug the Wicked- Warg Raider  (Lord of the Rings)
Gilad Pellaeon / Heir to the Empire  (Star Wars)
Gnoll pack  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Goblin soldiers from Isengard  (Lord of the Rings)
Goblins Hideout  (Spider-Man)
Gollum's Cave  (Lord of the Rings)
Gooluk the Half-Ogre and the Fall of Gil Galad  (Lord of the Rings)
Gor Litz  (Spartacus)
Grand Admiral Thrawn  (Star Wars)
Griznah the shadow  (Lord of the Rings)
Grogu The Hunter  (Star Wars)
Groock- Bullywog /Hunter  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Gross gas station bathroom  (Marvel Legends)
Gur'gluk Cirith Ungol soldier  (Lord of the Rings)
Gustavo Fring  (Breaking Bad)
Gwaihir the Windlord  (Lord of the Rings)
Han and Leia Solo  (Star Wars)
Hiroshi The Ebony Viper / Ninja assassin  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Hooded Cobra Commander  (G.I. Joe)
Howlin Commandos  (Marvel)
Iginraz / Goblin, Maglubiyet Shaman  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Illithid 'Warrior Mindflayer'  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Illithid ( Mindflayer )  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Indlovu (Forceful) ; Zulu Warrior  (Gladiator)
Inquisitor Jerec  (Star Wars)
ISB Officer  (Star Wars)
Jaquill / Quarren enforcer  (Star Wars)
Jarlaxle Baenre  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Jelic Daz / Deathwatch Commando  (Star Wars)
Jerry the Drac  (Movie Maniacs)
Jess / Hogwarts student  (Harry Potter)
Jodo Kast ( Twin Engines of Destruction )  (Star Wars)
Jodo Kast comic scene  (Star Wars)
Jorus C'Baoth - Insane Clone Master Jedi  (Star Wars)
Jules Winfield  (Movie Masters)
Kachubba / Ewok warrior  (Star Wars)
Kaznah / soldier of Mordor  (Lord of the Rings)
Kellek  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Kharag the banner barer  (Lord of the Rings)
Kilix Des'sar Jedi-hunter  (Star Wars)
Killion Shattershield  (Dungeons and Dragons)
King Bellagast Shattershield  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Kiyoshi Tanaka / Samurai  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Klazitu - Nikto pilot  (Star Wars)
Klumm and Gart ' Gamorrean guards '  (Star Wars)
Kreelo -Rodian Gambler  (Star Wars)
Kuzem / Gundabad scout  (Hobbit)
Kyle Katarn  (Star Wars)
Lagrun, Hunter  (Star Wars)
Larzglix -Pack Leader  (Lord of the Rings)
Leaflock / Ash Ent  (Lord of the Rings)
Lieutenant Limcaco  (Star Trek)
Lieutenant Vox Codash  (Star Wars)
Lord Nekron / Fire and Ice  (Movie Maniacs)
Lui Quai -The Forest Demon / Ninja Assassin  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Lynrill Otan, Quarren pirate  (Star Wars)
Major Bludd  (G.I. Joe)
Malbog  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Mammalian / imperial citizen  (Star Wars)
Mandalorian Super Commandos  (Star Wars)
Mara Jade - The Emperor's Hand  (Star Wars)
Marigold Brandybuck and the Green Dragon house band  (Lord of the Rings)
Master Yeeb Naloon and Jedi Kight Calnex Jord  (Star Wars Clone Wars)
Mavalak The Black  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Mindflayer warlock  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Monkey wrench  (G.I. Joe Classified)
Morgul Patrol  (Lord of the Rings)
Morlac the cyclops  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Nabrun Leids  (Star Wars)
Nazsha /Mordor orcsoldier  (Lord of the Rings)
Necromancer  (Dungeons and Dragons)
New York building Dio  (Spider-Man)
Night sisters  (Star Wars)
Nolan Fitzgerald Medic / howlin commandos  (Marvel)
Nuluk 'Weequay Guard' Clan Falluk  (Star Wars)
O'mwat / Klatoonian Master at Arms  (Star Wars)
Orc cave entrance  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Orc raider / warg mount  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Orc Warrior/ the rings of power style  (Lord of the Rings)
Orlog ; Cirith Ungol Tower Guard  (Lord of the Rings)
Peli Motto  (Star Wars)
Pharllum the Darkling of Mordor  (Lord of the Rings)
Prince Daergus Shattersheild  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Profit and his gang of trolls  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Profit the troll 2.0  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Quellum 'Wequeey scout leader"  (Star Wars)
Quintus Titus Gorlitzia / Roman General  (Gladiator)
Qulu'an of Clan Tazulch / Black Marshes  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Qulu'an On the hunt / Black Marshes  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Qunilann Vos and Vilmarh Granhrk  (Star Wars)
Ragluk of Mordor  (Lord of the Rings)
Ragnarick Shattershield  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Rancidbranch the Troll / Black Marshes  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Ravlak- Snivvian smuggler  (Star Wars)
Rebel fleet troopers  (Star Wars)
Ren Ito / The Iron Lotus- Ninja Assassin  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Rider of Rohan  (Lord of the Rings)
Riverside Road way Diorama  (Lord of the Rings)
Roadblock  (G.I. Joe)
Rodian biker  (Star Wars)
Rollonda of Thesk/ Half -orc warrior  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Roof Top  (Marvel)
Rum Sleg  (Star Wars)
RX-420  (Star Wars)
Rycar Ryjerd  (Star Wars)
Salin Hezen / Nite Owls  (Star Wars)
Salva Lock- Bounty Hunter  (Star Wars)
Sargent Fury and the Howling Commandos  (Marvel)
Septimus of Corsica ( Retiarius )  (Gladiator)
Sharad Hett and A’Sharad Hett  (Star Wars)
Silver Warrior / 1972 Frazzeta painting  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Skip-Ray Kx70 Speeder  (Star Wars)
Slate Brightsmith from the Blue Mountains  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Smidg's cart and Gerty the pig  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Smidgeon Lovibond Shattershield ( Halfling Illusionist / Apothecary )  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Snagetz, Orthrag & Ugmog of Isengard  (Lord of the Rings)
Snaggle-teeth 1/12 scale  (Star Wars)
Snagultz -Warg raider  (Lord of the Rings)
Snake eyes  (G.I. Joe)
Snake Eyes  (G.I. Joe)
Snowboarding Chewbacca  (Star Wars)
snowboarding wookie  (Star Wars)
Spider Parrafin  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Strongheart the Good Paladin  (Dungeons and Dragons)
super- comando  (Star Wars)
Swoop biker/mercenary  (Star Wars)
Taka Imshi , Ninja Assassin  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Tallon Karrde  (Star Wars)
Talz'ik of Clan Tazulch / Black Marshes  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Tarnack of the Jagged Tusk Clan -Ogre warrior-  (Dungeons and Dragons)
The Armorer  (Star Wars)
The Barracuda / Warship  (Dungeons and Dragons)
The Bat  (Creatures)
The Tatanka  (Marvel)
The Tree of Woe  (Dungeons and Dragons)
There is no honor among thieves !!!  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Thibbledorf Pwent 1/12th scale  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Thorgrimm Shattershield (Dwarven Ranger)  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Tiago Baenre / Weapons Master, House Do'Urden  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Tor Vizsal  (Star Wars)
Torl'uk ; Cirith Ungol tower guard  (Lord of the Rings)
Trarrash and Jarliek -Trandoshan Thugs  (Star Wars)
Trazill (Minion of Durzilac the Wretched)  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Turi the celtic bear  (Gladiator)
U'Taalk Capt.of Zimbatu's guard  (Star Wars)
Uirrk of the Evermore  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Ullk'wa / Wookie Mechanic  (Star Wars)
Ulysses Klaw & mercenary gang  (Black Panther)
Valif Conu 'Ithorian guard'  (Star Wars)
Verinias Pullo Gorlitzia / Lanista of the House of Gorlitzia  (Gladiator)
Vincent and Jules /Pulp fiction  (Movie Maniacs)
Warduke  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Wolverine and Sabertooth Dio  (Marvel)
Wulfgar, Son of Beornegar  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Yasumlir Shattershield ; Court wizard  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Young Boba Fett  (Star Wars)
Yuksan Jipp  (Star Wars)
Zabe Hren / Mandalorian Advanced Recon  (Star Wars)
Zaknafein Do'Urden, Weapons Master of House Daermon N'a'shezbaernon  (Forgotten Realms of Fantasy)
Zarogons's Pack  (Star Wars)
Zartan  (G.I. Joe)
Zorloc Magma demon (Minion of Durzilac the Wretched)  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Ztilrog "Mind Flayer Warlock"  (Dungeons and Dragons)
Browse user's Customs

Custom Contest Entries
Total Contest Entries:6First Places:0
User Voted Rating:3.80Second Places:0
   Third Places:1

Entry Date
Jan 15, 2018 Welcome to Middle-EarthEomer, Marshall of the Mark battles un-horsed333.73 
Jan 15, 2018 Welcome to Middle-EarthGwaihir the Windlord343.94 
Aug 31, 2017 Ginormous GiantsLeaflock / Ash Ent494.55 
Oct 25, 2016 Zombie NationDarth Bane the Eternal303.57 
Sep 23, 2016 Barbarian HordeCaellack of Gaul633.59 
Sep 23, 2016 Barbarian HordeGor Litz603.42