
Member for many years
Last active on Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Customizer Scoop
Showcase Rank:WandererFirst Made:City of Heroes Statesman
Crowd Favorite:Tredje    
Current Projects:Thor, Steel, and Rhiodas
Comments:I love customizing, or at least trying to. lol.

Ak-Thuum, the Corrupted  (Masters of the Universe)
Battle Cry Superman  (Marvel Legends)
BeastMaster & WarSaber  (Masters of the Universe)
City of Heroes Statesman  (Marvel Legends: City of Heroes)
COV Jodvik  (Justice League)
DareDevil  (DC Universe)
DC Eradicator  (DC Universe)
DC Universe Doomsday Containment Suit Unleashed  (DC Universe)
End Hulk  (Marvel Legends)
Evil Ryu Storm Collectibles  (Street Fighter)
Flame-Ash  (Masters of the Universe)
General Brak  (Masters of the Universe)
Hank Henshaw  (DC Universe)
Himura Kenshin  (Stikfas)
Kelly Powers... Aka Skeletress  (Masters of the Universe)
Kingdom Hearts - Sora  (Kingdom Hearts)
Knuckles  (Masters of the Universe)
Kol-Krom  (Masters of the Universe)
Man of Steel Joe Greenhorn  (DC Superheroes)
Marvel Legends Cable  (Marvel Legends)
Marvel Legends X23  (Marvel Legends)
Marvel Legends YellowJacket  (Marvel Legends)
Motuc Fake-at-Arms  (Masters of the Universe)
MOTUC Kelly Powers Aka Skeletress V2  (Masters of the Universe)
Motuc Warr-Ax  (Masters of the Universe)
Mythic Legions Grimm  (Mythology Creatures)
NECA Evil Ryu  (Street Fighter)
Punisher Van  (Marvel Legends)
R'eh  (Masters of the Universe)
Red Hood Play Arts Kai  (Batman - Arkham Knight)
Sentry  (DC Universe)
Sentry  (Marvel Legends)
Skull-Hug  (Masters of the Universe)
Skull-Kss  (Masters of the Universe)
Superman  (Superman)
Superman as Shazam  (Superman)
Thrall, Warchief of the Horde  (Warcraft)
Transformers Animated Flash  (Transformers)
Tredje  (Marvel Legends)
Ultimate Thor  (DC Superheroes)
Warcraft Death Knight  (Warcraft)
Warcraft Young Tirion Fordring  (Warcraft)
Weapon X  (Marvel Legends)
Yoyix  (DC Universe)
Browse user's Customs

Custom Contest Entries
Total Contest Entries:4First Places:0
User Voted Rating:3.63Second Places:0
   Third Places:0

Entry Date
May 31, 2016 Light Up My LifeMarvel Legends YellowJacket453.47 
Sep 23, 2012 Power of GrayskullAk-Thuum, the Corrupted974.22 
Aug 13, 2008 Vile VolitionsHank Henshaw882.92 
Mar 4, 2007 BarbarianTredje233.91