
Member since February 23, 2015
Last active on Thursday, December 12, 2024
Customizer Scoop
Showcase Rank:WandererFirst Made:Clone Commander Skar
Personal Best:The Company of Thorin OakenshieldCrowd Favorite:Bag End Diorama
Current Projects:I have a Twitter no way sigh lol
Deaditor or @Deaditor1
YouTube is still Deaditer (yes I know e instead of o)
And Facebook Deaditer Deaditer is the name I use tho I don’t frequent it at all so
Comments:I have a YouTube channel for let's plays and figure reviews called Deaditer and a new Facebook page called Deaditor customs

Al Mualim  (Assassin's Creed)
Alfrid Lickspittle  (Hobbit)
Aragorn Helms Deep  (Lord of the Rings)
Aragorn, Heir of Isildor (Return of the King)  (Lord of the Rings)
Arkham series Batman cloaks  (Batman - Arkham Knight)
Arkham series repaints  (Batman - Arkham Origins)
Arkham Style Dark Knight  (Batman - Arkham Origins)
Arwen  (Lord of the Rings)
Arwen (Rider outfit)  (Lord of the Rings)
Aston Martin DB5 (Repaint)  (James Bond)
Azog in Armour  (Hobbit)
Azog, Commander of Legions (Battle of the Five Armies)  (Hobbit)
Azog's White Warg  (Hobbit)
Bag End Diorama  (Hobbit)
Balin  (Hobbit)
Bard the bowman  (Hobbit)
Batgirl  (Batman - Arkham Knight)
BATMAN 1989 Joker  (Batman - Movie Style)
Batman Arkham Origins  (Batman - Arkham Origins)
Batman Begins Batman  (Batman Begins)
Battle of the Five Armies Thorin Oakensheild  (Hobbit)
Battle Ravaged Borromir  (Lord of the Rings)
Baurus  (Skyrim)
Ben Kenobi  (Star Wars)
Beorn  (Hobbit)
Berethor Captain of Gondor  (Lord of the Rings)
Bifur the Dwarf  (Hobbit)
Bilbo Baggins  (Hobbit)
Bilbo Baggins Bag End  (Hobbit)
Bilbo: Battle of the Five Armies  (Hobbit)
Black Gates Aragorn  (Lord of the Rings)
Boba Fett  (Star Wars)
Bofur the Dwarf  (Hobbit)
Bolg, the Spawn of Azog  (Hobbit)
Bombur the Dwarf  (Hobbit)
Captain America The First Avenger  (Marvel)
Cesare Borgia  (Assassin's Creed)
Clone Commander Skar  (Star Wars Episode III)
Custom vintage Star Wars models  (Star Wars)
Cyrus the Restless  (Skyrim)
Dagoth Ur  (Skyrim)
Dain Ironfoot concept armour  (Hobbit)
Dain Ironfoot II  (Hobbit)
Dain Ironfoot's War Boar  (Hobbit)
Daria  (Original)
Darth Maul  (Star Wars)
Darth Maul  (Star Wars)
Darth Vader (Empire Strikes Back)  (Star Wars)
Darth Vader STAR WARS  (Star Wars)
Deathstroke  (Batman)
Dewey  (Adult Swim)
Doc Ock (Spider-Man 2)  (Spider-Man - Movie)
Dol Guldor Orc #2  (Hobbit)
Dol Guldor Orc #3  (Hobbit)
Dol Guldor Soldier Orc  (Hobbit)
Dori the dwarf  (Hobbit)
Dram the Dark Elf Assassin from Redguard  (Skyrim)
Dwalin  (Hobbit)
Electro  (Spider-Man)
Elrond Rivendell Armour an Unexpected Journey  (Hobbit)
Emperor Uriel Septim VII  (Skyrim)
Eomer  (Lord of the Rings)
Eowyn Sheild and Gondor Horse  (Lord of the Rings)
Erebor Gimli  (Lord of the Rings)
Ezio Auditore Da Firenze: The Armour of Altair  (Assassin's Creed)
Fellowship of the ring Gollum  (Lord of the Rings)
Fili the Dwarf  (Hobbit)
Fili, Battle of the Five Armies  (Hobbit)
Fimbul the Hunter  (Hobbit)
Gandalf the White  (Lord of the Rings)
Gimli Moria Armour  (Lord of the Rings)
Gloin the Dwarf  (Hobbit)
Gollum  (Lord of the Rings)
Green Goblin  (Spider-Man - Movie)
Haras Assasins Creed Revelations  (Assassin's Creed)
Helm's Deep (the deepening wall)  (Lord of the Rings)
Iceman  (X-Men - Movies)
Idrial  (Lord of the Rings)
Jäger Tharn  (Skyrim)
Jauffre  (Skyrim)
Jiub  (Skyrim)
Joker Gang  (Batman - Arkham City)
Juan Sanchez Villalobos Ramirez  (Highlander)
Khamul the Black Easterling  (Lord of the Rings)
Khazad-DûM Gimli  (Lord of the Rings)
Kili the Dwarf  (Hobbit)
Kili, Battle of the Five Armies  (Hobbit)
King of MiddleEarth II  (Hobbit)
King Thorin II (Oakenshield) in Royal Raven Armour  (Hobbit)
Kraven the Hunter  (Spider-Man)
Kyle Katarn  (Star Wars)
Lego Charms Class  (Harry Potter)
Lego Harry Potter custom Wands, spells and creatures  (Harry Potter)
Lego Hogwarts  (Harry Potter)
Lego Hogwarts playset and Slytherin building  (Harry Potter)
Legolas Greenleaf  (Hobbit)
Loki  (Avengers)
Lord Starkiller  (Star Wars)
M’aiq the liar  (Skyrim)
Magneto (Movie Version)  (X-Men)
Mankar Camoran  (Skyrim)
Mannimarco: King of Worms  (Skyrim)
Mara Jade  (Star Wars)
Mark V Ironman  (Iron Man 2)
Martin Septim  (Skyrim)
Mcfarlane Spider-Man  (Spider-Man)
Mehrunes Dagon  (Skyrim)
Modryn Oreyn  (Skyrim)
Mordor Troll  (Lord of the Rings)
Morrowind Ordinator  (Skyrim)
Mouth of Sauron  (Lord of the Rings)
Movie Bullseye  (Marvel)
Movie Daredevil  (Marvel)
Mudcrab  (Skyrim)
N’gasta  (Skyrim)
Nafaalilargus  (Skyrim)
Nori the Dwarf  (Hobbit)
Ocheeva  (Skyrim)
Oin the Dwarf  (Hobbit)
Orc Centurion (Battle of the Five Armies)  (Hobbit)
Orc inspection officer  (Lord of the Rings)
Ori the Dwarf  (Hobbit)
Phase 0 Dark Trooper  (Star Wars)
Potions class  (Harry Potter)
Queen Apailana  (Star Wars)
Red Skull  (Captain America)
Ringwraith w/ Removable Witchking Helm  (Lord of the Rings)
Robin Arkham City  (Batman - Arkham City)
Sabretooth  (X-Men - Movies)
Sandman vs Spiderman (Spider Man 3)  (Spider-Man - Movie)
Scarecrow Arkham Knight  (Batman - Arkham Knight)
Shelob and Gorbag  (Lord of the Rings)
Sheogorath  (Skyrim)
Starkiller (Tattooine)  (Star Wars)
Tauriel  (Hobbit)
Tauriel Daughter of Mirkwood  (Hobbit)
The Adoring Fan  (Skyrim)
The AntAgonizer  (Fallout)
The Company of Thorin Oakenshield  (Hobbit)
The Emperor  (Star Wars)
The Fellowship of the Ring  (Lord of the Rings)
The Fighting Uruk-Hai  (Lord of the Rings)
The Goblin King  (Hobbit)
The Gray Fox  (Skyrim)
The Gray Prince  (Skyrim)
The Witch-King's Fell-Beast  (Lord of the Rings)
Thrain son of Thror  (Hobbit)
Thranduil, Battle of the Five Armies  (Hobbit)
Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm  (Hobbit)
Thranduil's Elk  (Hobbit)
Tom Bombadil  (Lord of the Rings)
Tower Guard  (Lord of the Rings)
Trandoshan Hunter  (Star Wars)
Transfiguration Class  (Harry Potter)
Two Towers the Video Game Legolas  (Lord of the Rings)
Ultimate Scorpion  (Ultimate Marvel)
Ultron  (Avengers)
Unicorn  (Skyrim)
Uruk-Hai Beserker Captain  (Lord of the Rings)
Uruk-hai warriors  (Lord of the Rings)
Valen Dreth  (Skyrim)
VC Chancellor Palpatine  (Star Wars)
Vivec  (Skyrim)
Vortigaunt  (Half-Life)
Weapons of Middle Earth  (Lord of the Rings)
William, Bert and Tom  (Hobbit)
Witch King of Angmar  (Lord of the Rings)
Witch King of Angmar (original design)  (Lord of the Rings)
Yagrum Bagarn (pre corprus)  (Skyrim)
Yoda  (Star Wars)
Zurin Arctus the Underking  (Skyrim)
Browse user's Customs

Custom Contest Entries
Total Contest Entries:5First Places:1
User Voted Rating:3.43Second Places:0
   Third Places:0

Entry Date
Jan 15, 2018 Welcome to Middle-EarthBag End Diorama394.56 
Nov 14, 2017 Gang's All Here!Joker Gang543.43 
Jun 25, 2016 Masked MadnessThe AntAgonizer433.44 
Sep 21, 2015 Tough EnoughDain Ironfoot II523.00 
Jul 20, 2015 Re-BrandingRingwraith w/ Removable Witchking Helm502.70