MayaLu Customz

Member since October 11, 2015
Last active on Sunday, January 28, 2024
Customizer Scoop
Showcase Rank:WandererPersonal Best:Hercules
Current Projects:AoS Mack, Ruby Summers, Melissa Benoist Supergirl, Borderlands Salvador, Bioshock Infinite Booker Dewitt vs Songbird

"Macho Man" Randy Savage Wolfpac  (Wrestling)
3D Man  (Marvel Legends)
Absorbing Man  (Marvel Legends)
Ahmed Johnson  (Wrestling)
Avalanche  (Marvel Legends)
Blitzkrieg  (Wrestling)
Bonebreaker  (Marvel Legends)
Buff Bagwell NwO Wolpac  (Wrestling)
Buzzbomb  (C.O.P.S.)
Catwoman  (Marvel Legends)
Cyber  (Marvel Legends)
Destroyed building corner  (Marvel Legends)
Devil Dinosaur  (Marvel)
Diablo  (Marvel Legends)
Dumpster  (2000 AD)
Essa Rios  (Wrestling)
Essa Rios  (Wrestling)
Firestar  (Marvel Legends)
Goliath(Bill Foster)  (Marvel Legends)
Green Shell  (Super Mario Bros)
Hercules  (Marvel Legends)
Hernandez  (Wrestling)
Homicide  (Wrestling)
Howard the Duck  (Marvel Legends)
Ice/water effect  (DC Universe)
Incredible Hulk  (Incredible Hulk)
Kid Cash  (Wrestling)
Konnan  (Wrestling)
La Parka  (Wrestling)
Mumm Mutt  (Thundercats)
Nitro  (Marvel Legends)
Old Lace  (Marvel)
Penguin  (DC Universe)
Raven  (Wrestling)
Red Hulk  (Hulk - Movie)
Rooftop AC Unit  ("V")
Rooftop Dio  (Marvel)
Rubble Base  (Marvel)
Salinas  (Wrestling)
Sinister Minister  (Wrestling)
Spawn  (Marvel Legends)
Sting (Wolfpac)  (Wrestling)
Tinieblas  (Wrestling)
Trapster  (Marvel Legends)
Vampiro  (Wrestling)
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Custom Contest Entries
Total Contest Entries:1First Places:0
User Voted Rating:3.23Second Places:0
   Third Places:0

Entry Date
Mar 15, 2017 Hollywood ActionHoward the Duck483.23