
Member since February 10, 2011
Last active on Saturday, November 23, 2024
Customizer Scoop
Showcase Rank:WandererFirst Made:Hannu, Green Lantern Sector 2
Personal Best:Manhunter, Kate SpencerCrowd Favorite:Ragdoll II
Current Projects:Star Wars Black Series for the foreseeable future, and whatever commissions come my way.
Comments:I just like filling in the gaps Mattel left in my DC collection, but I'm always open for commissions.

"Iron" Munro (Young All-Stars)  (DC Universe)
"The Greatest American Hero" Ralph Hinkley (William Katt)  (Movie Masters)
"The Greatest American Hero" Special Agent Bill Maxwell  (Movie Masters)
Admiral Conan Antonio Motti  (Star Wars)
Admiral Kendal Ozzel  (Star Wars)
Agent Aleksandr Kallus  (Star Wars)
Air-Wave I  (DC Universe)
Amazo  (DC Universe)
Amos Fortune  (Marvel Legends)
Angle Man  (DC Universe)
Anna Fortune  (DC Universe)
AP-5  (Star Wars)
Baron Blitzkrieg  (DC Universe)
Barrel Roll  (G.I. Joe)
Beaumont  (DC Universe)
Ben Skywalker  (Star Wars)
Bizarro  (DC Universe)
Black Alice  (DC Universe)
Black Condor (Modern Freedom Fighters)  (DC Universe)
Blackjack  (G.I. Joe)
Blok  (DC Universe)
Blok  (DC Universe)
Blue Falcon  (DC Universe)
Blue Jay  (DC Universe)
Bombstrike  (G.I. Joe)
Bouncing Boy  (DC Universe)
Brea Tonnika  (Star Wars)
Bug-Eyed Bandit  (DC Universe)
Captain Lorth Needa  (Star Wars)
Captain Nazi  (DC Universe)
Captain Raymus Antilles  (Star Wars)
Cave Carson (Doesn't have a cybernetic eye)  (DC Universe)
Cheetah II (Deborah Domaine)  (DC Universe)
Chemical King  (DC Universe)
Cheshire  (DC Universe)
Chief Moradmin Bast  (Star Wars)
Colonel Rick Flag, Jr.  (DC Universe)
Colonel Wullf Yularen  (Star Wars)
Congorilla  (DC Universe)
Connor Hawke  (DC Universe)
Count Vertigo  (DC Universe)
Count Vertigo Ver. 2  (DC Universe)
Cover Girl  (G.I. Joe)
Cupid  (DC Universe)
Cyclone (Maxine Hunkel)  (DC Universe)
Cyclotron  (DC Universe)
Cyclotron Ver2  (DC Universe)
Damage  (DC Universe)
Dan the Dyna-Mite  (DC Universe)
Darth Bane  (Star Wars)
Darth Cognus (The Huntress)  (Star Wars)
Darth Talon  (Star Wars)
Darth Zannah  (Star Wars)
Detective Chimp  (DC Universe)
Doctor Fate (Hector Hall)  (DC Universe)
Doctor Mid-Nite (Pieter Cross)  (DC Universe)
Doctor Occult  (DC Universe)
Doctor Pershing  (Star Wars)
Doctor Poison  (DC Universe)
Doctor Psycho  (DC Universe)
Dr. Alchemy  (DC Universe)
Dream Girl  (DC Universe)
Dwarfstar  (DC Infinite Heroes)
Dynomutt, Dog Wonder  (DC Universe)
Earth-Man  (DC Universe)
Element Lad  (DC Universe)
Element Lad  (DC Universe)
Element Lad (Ver. II)  (DC Universe)
Felix Faust  (DC Universe)
Firebrand II (Danette Reilly)  (DC Universe)
Firestar  (Marvel Legends)
Flying Fox  (DC Universe)
Fury (Young All-Stars)  (DC Universe)
General Cassio Tagge  (Star Wars)
General Crix Madine  (Star Wars)
Geo-Force  (DC Universe)
Giovanni Zatara  (DC Universe)
Golden Age Manhunter  (DC Universe)
Golden Age Mister Terrific  (DC Universe)
Golden Glider  (DC Universe)
Grand Admiral Thrawn  (Star Wars)
Green Lantern Simon Baz  (DC Universe)
Hannu, Green Lantern Sector 2  (Fantastic Four)
Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders)  (DC Universe)
Hawkgirl--Kendra Saunders  (DC Universe)
Hourman II (Rick Tyler)  (DC Universe)
Huntress (Paula Brooks)  (DC Universe)
I.Q. (Ira Quimby)  (DC Universe)
Icicle  (DC Universe)
Invisible Kid II  (DC Universe)
Jacen Solo  (Star Wars)
Jakeem Thunder & Thunderbolt  (DC Universe)
Jeannette  (DC Universe)
Jericho  (DC Universe)
Jesse Quick  (DC Universe)
Jessica Cruz, Green Lantern of Sector 2814  (DC Universe)
Jessica Jones Netflix  (Marvel Legends)
Johnny Quick  (DC Universe)
Johnny Thunder & Thunderbolt  (DC Universe)
Kana (Asuka)  (WWE)
King Shark  (DC Universe)
Kite Man, Hell Yeah  (DC Universe)
Knockout  (DC Universe)
Krake  (G.I. Joe)
Krypto the Superdog  (DC Universe)
La Sangre  (DC Universe)
Lady Blackhawk  (DC Universe)
Liberty Belle  (DC Universe)
Lightning Lass  (DC Universe)
Lilith Clay  (DC Universe)
Livewire  (DC Universe)
Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian)  (Star Wars)
Mad Monk  (G.I. Joe)
Mademoiselle Marie  (DC Universe)
Mademoiselle Marie  (DC Universe)
Mammoth  (DC Universe)
Manhunter, Kate Spencer  (DC Universe)
Mara Jade Skywalker  (Star Wars)
Mara Jade Skywalker ver 2  (Star Wars)
Max Lord  (DC Universe)
Max Mercury (Quicksilver)  (DC Universe)
Mayday (Sgt. Paige Adams)  (G.I. Joe)
Merlyn  (DC Universe)
Migs Mayfield  (Star Wars)
Mirror Master II (Evan McCulloch)  (DC Universe)
Miss America  (DC Universe)
Miss Martian  (DC Universe)
Mister America  (DC Universe)
Mister Zsasz  (DC Universe)
Moff Gideon  (Star Wars)
Mon-El (Lar Gand)  (DC Universe)
Monkey Wrench  (G.I. Joe)
Mordru the Merciless  (DC Universe)
Mr. Bones  (DC Universe)
Munitia  (G.I. Joe)
Nemesis, Tom Tresser  (DC Universe)
Neptune Perkins  (DC Universe)
Nightmaster  (DC Universe)
Nightshade  (DC Universe)
Nightshade Ver 2.0  (DC Universe)
Nuclear Man from Superman IV  (DC Universe)
Onomatopoeia  (Marvel Legends)
Parademon (Secret Six)  (DC Universe)
Peli Motto  (Star Wars)
Per Degaton  (DC Universe)
Phantom Lady  (DC Universe)
Phantom Lady 2.0  (DC Universe)
Phantom Lady 3.0  (DC Universe)
Pied Piper  (DC Universe)
Plastique  (DC Universe)
Plastique  (DC Universe)
Princess Projectra  (DC Universe)
Ragdoll II  (DC Universe)
Ragdoll II  (DC Universe)
Rainbow Raider  (DC Universe)
Red Lantern Bleez  (DC Universe)
Red Lantern Rankorr  (DC Universe)
Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter  (DC Universe)
Rocky Balboa  (G.I. Joe)
Sargon the Sorcerer  (DC Universe)
Saturn Queen  (DC Universe)
Scandal Savage  (DC Universe)
Scarecrow  (DC Universe)
Schlagg-Man  (DC Direct)
Senni Tonnika  (Star Wars)
Sentinel (Alan Scott)  (DC Universe)
Sgt. Rock  (DC Universe)
Sgt. Slaughter  (G.I. Joe)
Shadow Thief  (DC Universe)
Shadow Thief  (DC Universe)
Sherlock  (G.I. Joe)
Shining Knight  (DC Universe)
Shvaughn Erin, Science Police Liaison Officer to the Legion of Superheroes  (DC Universe)
Signalman  (DC Universe)
Sinestro (Modern Sinestro Corps.)  (DC Universe)
Sinestro Corps Amon Sur & Ampa Nnn  (DC Universe)
Sir Justin the Shining Knight  (DC Universe)
Snake Eyes (Dawn Moreno)  (G.I. Joe)
Speedy (Mia Dearden)  (DC Universe)
Star-Spangled Kid  (DC Universe)
Starman III (Mikaal Tomas)  (DC Universe)
Sun Boy  (DC Universe)
Tahiri Veila  (Star Wars)
Talia al Ghul  (DC Universe)
Tattooed Man  (DC Universe)
The Client  (Star Wars)
The Crimson Avenger  (DC Universe)
The Fiddler  (DC Universe)
The Fiddler  (DC Universe)
The Mighty Monarch!  (DC Universe)
The Monocle  (DC Universe)
The Ray (Golden Age)  (DC Universe)
The Ray (Modern Freedom Fighters)  (DC Universe)
The Shade  (DC Universe)
The Shade  (DC Universe)
The Tarantula, John Law  (DC Universe)
The Wizard  (DC Universe)
This Is Wild Dog!  (DC Universe)
Tiffany Cox  (Friday the 13th)
Tigress (Paula Brooks)  (DC Universe)
Tomcat  (DC Universe)
Toyman (Winslow Schott}  (DC Universe)
Tsunami  (DC Universe)
Tyroc  (DC Universe)
Tyroc Version 2  (DC Universe)
Uncle Sam  (DC Universe)
Valin Hess  (Star Wars)
Vengeance  (DC Universe)
Vibe  (DC Universe)
Vigilante (Greg Saunders)  (DC Universe)
Will Everett, the Amazing Man  (DC Universe)
Willrow Hood  (Star Wars)
Wotan  (DC Universe)
Wullf Yularen  (Star Wars)
Ysanne Isard  (Star Wars)
Browse user's Customs