Member for many years
Last active on Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Displaying the latest comments posted by KJL2381.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I''ll take customs made from Marvel Legends SERIES II NAMOR for $500.
Monday, January 4, 2010
WoW! This is a great custom of Cyclops. If I may make a suggestion, you might think about painting the ball joints on his hips/upper thighs yellow so that it looks like he has shorts on and not a g-string. Just a little food 4 thought, otherwise it's fantastic! Great first custom, although I don't believe you , it's awesome!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I like you diorama. You should have put it in your freezer and taken a picture, it would have added to the whole snow theme. Good Job!
Displaying comments 51 - 53