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Reviews by Morgul Lord
Gollum (Electronic Base) Lord of the Rings - Return of the King (Toy Biz) - Series 3 Rated 3.55 stars by Morgul Lord of all the years i've known about lotr action figures i've marvelled at their detail and perfection. all of them except one. gollum with the one ring. it is in the new wave for the rotk.
the point is, is there's just way to many gollum's. i mean he's an important character and all, but he just doesn't look that awesome. he's ugly. he's a waste of the factory's time. gil-galad and like gamling are great. and the haradrim archer and the morgul lord witch king are cool 2.
they could have changed his position though. maybe him always crouching like spidey gazing at the ring. instead of standing on both feet, holding it looking like a geek.
i give this a 3.55 because it's the worst action figure i've seen in my whole life....[See More]