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Reviews by Deathlock66
G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra (Hasbro) - Collection 2 - Wave 1
Rated 3.50 stars by Deathlock66
Zartan master of disguise and leader of the dreadnoks biker gang.When we think of Zartan we usually think of a hooded figure who is stealthy as he is dangrous.But in the film he was differnt he was still stealthy clever and dangrous he was also a master of diguise too but he didn't look like the iconic version I mean at least in the end Destro ends up looking like he usally does but Zartan didn't.I mean I quite liked the character for the film he was original in asense but also brought back some parts of the classic character.Zartan was one of the first figures to be realesed for the movie line.The figure iself is ok he is dressed in a pit commando atire with an interchangable head.The headsculpt is quite good and does sport the actor well the only thing is he has two scars coming from...[See More]
Cobra Commander
G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra (Hasbro) - Collection 1 - Wave 2
Rated 5.00 stars by Deathlock66
Gijoe is something I managed to get into when a few years ago at my local toys r us I saw some gijoe figures.The first 2 figures I bought were dr mindbender and beachhead.I got a lot of the two packs that year 2004 or 2003.Then they stopped selling them.Soon after I saw the 25th ann line on the innternet I wanted some of them ut didn't get any.We (me and my familly went on hliday to america there I got some 25th figures)We went again in 2008 and I got even more I felt happy with my collection.But now they have brought brand new figures out for the movie in the uk oh and the movie is great its something new and original anyway I'm going to review the big bad boss snake cobra commander!!! Now this figure isnt really the original cc we all know and love but so what I really liked this...[See More]
Blade (Movie)
Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 5
Rated 5.00 stars by Deathlock66
Blade the vampire hunter .He has always been a faveourite character of mine he seems very bad bum esspecially in the movies.I bought him lose in great condition so he only comes with his coat and sunglasses.But they are the thing out of the figures stuff I would rather have.He has 38 Poa altoghether.The sculpt is brilliant toy biz have out done themselves yet again he looks so much like wesley snipes hes supposed to cos hes the movie figure in him.Hes got the vest like amour on with pockets and his silver disks or spikes folded up.On the side of the leg hes got stakes on.His coat is really nice too with the real leather like texture his sunglasses fit firmly on his head too.Overall this figure is exellent even with out his weapons but I can change that easily.Overall I highly recomend...[See More]
Superman: Last Son (DC Direct) - Basic Series
Rated 4.50 stars by Deathlock66
Bizarro is a very strange character very original too.Overall he is well bizzare thats why he is called bizarro.The figure itself is huge this figure seems to be bigger and bulkiier than other bizarros I've seen he doesn't just seem like a straight copy to superman but with a differnt face and hands he seems much bulkiier than the superman in the series I'm glad about this because it makes the character seem mor original and it gives him a more unquie look.His suit is purple which I also like better rather than the blue.I also like the s symbols he has one on his chest which as usual is backwards and one on his cloak.His fourarms have chains around them I'm not sure why maybe they were used to try and capture him and it didn't work.I decided to slit them of they anoyyed me a bit.His...[See More]
Omega Red
Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 10 - The Sentinel Series
Rated 5.00 stars by Deathlock66
Omega red soldier turned wolverine enemmy.He is here in figure form few figures have been made in omega red and none in the 6 inch scale as far as iam aware.Man they have made a pretty awesome version in him as well.He is massive taller than many figures infact he might just be the tallest figure in my marvel collection!.He has a exellent sculpt toy biz did out do them selves with some figures like magneto.Anyway he really looks like his comic book apperance which is good I wouldn't rather have it any other way!He has a grey face with red eyes and metal parts on his face oh and his pony tail wich is sculpted nicly as well I think toy biz are good at doing hair on figures overall.He has good articulation too 32 in all.He comes with two tendrills wich connect to his fourarms they can be a...[See More]
Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 13 - Onslaught Series
Rated 5.00 stars by Deathlock66
Blackheart son of mephisto and also a much better villian than his farther he also looks a lot more evil.Blackheart stands tall when you stand him up proporerly.He is very tall and evil looking.His sculpt is good too he has the comic book look very well with his noseless and mouthless face with long dreadlock like hair and evil red eyes.He also has brilliant articulation his tail is bedable and can also cacth him off balance if this is a problem you may want to take it off if you do it won't go back on with out glue or something else.He comes with a comic book a good read btw and a leg to onslaught.So no weapons or stuff for him well he doesn't really need anything I mean who does when he is very powerful! Overall a great figure in blackheart glad they put him into plastic and they did a...[See More]
Sabretooth (Ultimate)
X-Men - 2006 Series (Toy Biz) - Series 3
Rated 4.00 stars by Deathlock66
Sabertooth is wolverines worst foe and he has always been my favourite out of the two.I have quite a few figures in sabertooth.Just let me start off by saying this guy is huuuuugggee! well he is very tall standing taller than my venom figures including the tounge lashing one.He is dressed in green trouses with straps on the thighs and arms he also has a long fur coat.He includes interchangable hands a pair of normal hands and a pair of wolverine claw like hands this is to show that its the ulimate sabertooth or is supposed to be to me hes just the marvel unniverse sabes and is the dominant figure of him in my collection.I like the head sculpt he looks very evil with a hint of happiness in there maybe hes just done something to hurt ol wolvie.The box says he has 32 poa unless I counted...[See More]
Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 3
Rated 5.00 stars by Deathlock66
Magneto the master of magnisisim the arch rival of professer x and one of my favourite marvel villians and heroes.This is the best 6 inch magneto figure there is I here a lot of bad things about this guy but he is a great figure.His sculpt is good too his stern face makes him look sane and incharge unlike the other version in the box set were he looks like a madman.He has short hair instead of long hair I actually prefer him with short hair I mean he aint a punk rocker now is he.Articulation is vey good aswell his hands are also posed in agood way to look as if he is using his powers.He also comes with a comic and a sentinal head stand which is another awesome part of this figure in a way its more of a display piece rather than a stand you can stand hin on their just not too well but a...[See More]
Dr. X (Toxic Gut)
Action Man (Hasbro) - Basic Series
Rated 5.00 stars by Deathlock66
Action man is considered gijoes british cousion during the 60s or 70s Action man became seperate from gijoe from then on action man has become a figure collected by many.In 1994 action man was updated leaveing behind his army like background and became a action hero I suppose you could say gijoe rolled into 1!Action mans ultimate enemmy is the evil drx read the figures info on the checklists to find out more.Now onto the figure.He is dressed in purple and white camo trouses he has a eye pacth and real life like hair!.But the coolest things are his loumonous robotic hand bionic eye underneath his eye pacth and his toxic guts.They look quite gross and its as if his stomach has been cut open to reveal evil insides! the cool thing is that if you tip him upside down gunge pumps around his gut...[See More]
Battle Damaged Predator (Unmasked)
Alien vs Predator Requiem (Neca) - Series 4
Rated 5.00 stars by Deathlock66
The predator rival of the alien.I've also found predator cooler and better than the alien and is definatly my favourite another thing is I really like predator and predator2 whats so bad about the second movie?? I love it anyway on with the review.This guy is the stuff of nightmares very scarey.A exellent plus about this guy is sculp and detail he looks exatly like the wolf his amour tunic and necklace of various skulls is sculpted very nicelly indeed this version is battle damaged now really you could call it that I suppose with the added blood or slime on its head (mouth) and body.He has his net and light body amour.Now onto articulation this figures poa isnt bad at all he has 18 points ball jointed neck and shoulders swivel fourarms hands turn thights move up and down lower thigh does...[See More]
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