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Reviews by Xysma Warhorse
Shadowhawk (Black)
Indie Spot Light (Shocker Toys) - Basic Series
Rated 2.50 stars by Xysma Warhorse
This is a good looking figure, I'm not crazy about the half-ball joints used in these figures, but they're not too bad I guess. Like the Katchoo figure, I really like the ball joint in the lower torso that sits down into the pelvis piece, it's a nice way of connecting the two, probably the best I've seen in any figure. The paint job on Shadowhawk and the white isz are nice and really clean, but I think the plastic they used is cheap, which probably explains why I had so much trouble with Katchoo, and I expect the little arms to break off the white isz in time, bot so far the only casualty was the hook thingy, it broke coming out of the package....[See More]
Indie Spot Light (Shocker Toys) - Basic Series
Rated 1.00 stars by Xysma Warhorse
Wow, this is a terrible figure. Let me preface that by saying I think she has a wonderful face and hair, and a very nice, realistic torso, now onto the rest. My figure came with the pelvis on backwards, the hip pockets were in front and the belt buckle in back. As I pulled her out of the packaging, her leg came off, and I broke the other one off shortly thereafter trying to move the leg around. The torso separates from the waist with a ball joint, so that was easy to pop off and fix, I just turned the pelvis around and now I have to reattach the legs, luckily I know a thing or two about how to do that. Aside from that, from the waist down, the figure just looks weird, and the foot just broke off as I tried to loosen the frozen joint. Also, the paint job on the pink isz is lackluster and...[See More]
BobTheEgg -
Friday, March 16, 2012
That's terrible! Sorry about your bad luck. I won't be getting this one then. But it isn't your fault, trust me. I have too opened many packages in my day, and not a single figure has ever been broken during that.
Queen Gorgo
300 (Neca) - Series 1
Rated 4.00 stars by Xysma Warhorse
I'm giving this figure 4 stars because there is no articulation to speak of, it really is more of a statue than an "action" figure. That being said, this figure is gorgeous, it really captures the sexiness of Gorgo, the body sculpt is incredible, very realistic, but most amazing is the face. Gorgo's face is actually beautiful, it's a decent likeness of Lena Headey, but to be honest, I've never seen her look as good as she did in 300, so it's ok that the figure is a bit prettier then the actress. On a side note, the first thing my wife did when she saw the figure was to look under her toga and sure enough, the breasts are anatomically correct, just in case you were wondering. In summary, this is a gorgreous, very impressive figure, but bear in mind that it was made to be looked at, not...[See More]
Giant Man [Build-A-Figure]
Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Giant Man Series
Rated 5.00 stars by Xysma Warhorse
This figure came from what was probably my favorite set from Marvel Legends, the Wal-Mart exclusive Giant Man build-a-figure series. First off, the set itself was great, nearly every figure in the set was a fan favorite that had not seen the light of day. Of the figures we had seen in previous sets, Wolverine and Sabretooth were from Age of Apocalypse instead of being just alternate costumes. The Thor figure was essentially the same design as the original, but I have trouble complaining about that since that very Thor figure is the only Legend I have sitting on my desk at work. Anyway, on to the figure itself. The Giant Man figure is a big, great looking piece of plastic. The assembly was easy, unlike some of the other BAFs, it went together easily and stayed that way (the arms fall off...[See More]
Iron Man (Mark VI)
Iron Man 2 - 2010 Movie (Hasbro) - Exclusives
Rated 2.50 stars by Xysma Warhorse
I was so crazy about the War Machine figure I went back and bought this one as well, despite my initial reluctance. I sort of wish I hadn't. This is a fairly attractive figure, but I had to dig through several to find one with the arc reactor not scuffed. I'm not really impressed with the paint job, it seems like too much red plastic for some reason, but it's okay. This one does have the presence of the War Machine figure, it does not look or feel nearly as substantial, but I can forgive that also, since the Iron Man armor in the movie is much sleeker than the War Machine armor. The articulation on this one is my biggest complaint, the upper torso seems to be placed slightly too far back on the body, and the forward movement is lacking, this is far different than the War Machine figure, I...[See More]
bjpalm1994 -
Friday, May 28, 2010
Posted a reply on your War Machine review but didn''t see this one. Yea once you open the War Machine fig the Mk6 fig doesnt compare. Like i said it looks like his arms are too short or his shoulders are to far in or something. I think if that was fixed it might not be too bad of a figure. Good Review
War Machine
Iron Man 2 - 2010 Movie (Hasbro) - Exclusives
Rated 5.00 stars by Xysma Warhorse
I picked this one up today and WOW! Let me tell you, this is a great figure. This one is actually in my top ten Marvel Legends style figures, maybe even top five. First off, the sculpt is great, it is based on the movie War Machine concept of course, but it also reminds me of War Machine in the Marvel Max series, very cool. Next is the paint application, also nice, I couldn't find any problems with it, and the military style additions are great. The figure is also beefy, it has a real presence to it, and the articulation is typical of the Hasbro Legends line. In my opinion, this figure is far superior to the ML War Machine, and is an all-around great figure, they really hit it out of the park with this one. I was so impressed with this figure I actually went back the same day to buy the...[See More]
Maelstrom -
Monday, May 17, 2010
This is probably the best figure Hasbro has ever done. My only gripes: It''s still too short in comparison to ML and other figure lines. Also, I think the articulation at the hips could have been engineered much better.
bjpalm1994 -
Friday, May 28, 2010
Good review! I agree that this is a great figure but was not to impressed by the Iron Man figure. Is it me or does the Mark 6 IMs arms look to short? Once again good review.
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