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Reviews by Wes68
Cabal 3-Pack
Marvel Legends - Infinite Series (Hasbro) - Marvel 85th Anniversary
Rated 4.00 stars by Wes68
The Cabal 3 pack brings together some notable villains. Whether this pack resonates with you will largely come down to whether or not you either already own the figures; or your personal preference for one figure over another. From my perspective for example? I have no real attachment to or knowledge of Iron Patriot. I do now of course learning that it is essentially Norman Osborn in Iron Man armor. This pack does reuse a lot of things. The Iron Patriot appears to be a reuse of the Iron Man Extremis armor. There may be some new sculpting, and the Norman head is new. So if you have a retro Goblin? You can use the Norman head on him. So let's talk about Taskmaster next. Taskmaster may offer the most bang for your buck. He uses a newer vulcan body versus the prior Bucky Cap body. His...[See More]
Helena Shaw (Dial of Destiny)
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro) - Basic Series
Rated 2.50 stars by Wes68
While I did not like Dial of Destiny, I will set my thoughts on the film itself aside for now. Is Helena Shaw a bad figure? No...its just she is painfully boring. Like Voller she is a pegwarmer in a line that isn't short on pegwarmers. Is anyone really clamoring for a Voller figure? A Helena Shaw? Not really. Not when the line is missing so many other figures of characters people would actually want. There is a reason this figure has ended up by the case full at Ollies. The likeness is ok again helped by the face printing tech. Her shirt, boots and pants are well sculpted. But in terms of accessories? She is pretty light. She has a backpack and a repackaged light from the Dial of Destiny Indy. There is a reason she was packaged with one of the Temple of Doom Shrine BAA pieces in that...[See More]
Demon Hunter
World of Warcraft (Hero Toys) - Basic Series
Rated 5.00 stars by Wes68
Fans of Warcraft have been eating pretty well as of late. There have been Warcraft figures before, but none have quite hit this bar of quality. There was the DC Unlimited line that came out years ago which had some pretty solid figures of various named characters. Many of them came from the Comic like Valeera Sanguinar, etc. But then things just seemed to stop. Recently McFarlane picked up the license and has produced static posed statue-like figures. These tend to cost $30 or so at retail but are not really what many fans want. Part of the problem is that the figures try to represent multiple classes in one figure. If you are a fan of the games chances are you are going to be disappointed that the night elf rogue/druid is a mish-mash of design elements. People don't care about a...[See More]
Indiana Jones (Cairo)
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro) - Basic Series
Rated 2.75 stars by Wes68
Cairo Indy feels like a filler figure. I believe he may in fact be what filled the spot after Mola Ram was canceled. So much of this figure is reused from Raider's Indy. The monkey is reused from Marion. The whip, satchel and revolver of course but I won't knock it too much for that as they are part of Indy's kit. The only appreciable addition change is the slightly altered shirt sculpt. It can be a fun look for Indy, but is it worth the price as the other figures for what is essentially a repackage? Articulation is what you would expect. Sculpt and paint apps are fine and on par with the other figures like the Raider's Indy. There's not much else to say given what this figure is. Is it essential? No. If you want it? I recommend waiting for a sale. It is on black friday sale right now for...[See More]
Henry Jones, Sr.
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro) - Basic Series
Rated 4.50 stars by Wes68
How cool is it that we have an action figure of Henry Sr? While we can be disappointed by what we didn't get. We also have to recognize the cool stuff we did get. Henry Sr. is probably not what many people would think of first when they think of an action figure. Yet here he is. While Hasbro at times has their misses, I think the face sculpt is pretty great here. His glasses can even be removed. At this scale I can't imagine that's easy to pull off. The likeness to Connery is convincing and he comes with his hat which is removable as well. He comes with a fair number of accessories too including his suitcase which is well detailed and painted. And his umbrella and a very tiny grail diary. Even if you aren't a completionist and only looking to get a few figures? Henry Sr. is one I...[See More]
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro) - Basic Series
Rated 3.00 stars by Wes68
A Indiana Jones line of figures just wouldn't feel complete without Indy's faithful friend Salah. While this is a welcome addition, I think many folks would have preferred him with his Red Fez as seen in Last Crusade. If we start talking about all the missed opportunities for the line we'd be here a while. Salah isn't a bad figure. He does allow you to pose him with Indy in recovering the Ark from the Well of Souls. But that's about it. And here we have another issue that is present in some other figures in the line. We have a reused accessory which feels even more egregious here considering Map Room Indy and Salah both have the same coiled rope. So when you compare this to other figures in the range Salah offers less than other figures but costs the same (at least he did at release)....[See More]
Dr. Elsa Schneider
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro) - Basic Series
Rated 3.00 stars by Wes68
For a series of films that have plenty of villains and baddies? The Adventure Series has a distinct lack of baddies and antagonists. Fewer still are female antagonists. There is no Irina Spalko from KotCS for example. And in the absence of Nazi officers like Vogel who are difficult to market? Elsa (and Donovan too), are perhaps more palatable for a company to make a figure of (Toht not withstanding). Elsa in the film for example tells Indy she believes in the Grail not the particular symbol of the German political party of the period. Yet Indy points out she stood up to be counted with the enemies of everything the Grail stands for. And here she is as a 6" figure. Elsa is probably a needed complement to the other figures in the Last Crusade centric third wave. She can pair with Donovan...[See More]
Indiana Jones (Club Obi Wan)
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro) - Basic Series
Rated 4.25 stars by Wes68
The fact we have a Club Obi Wan Indy at all is pretty great. It's one of the most iconic scenes in perhaps the entire trilogy. It's been reported that Spielberg wanted to do a James Bond film. Unable to do so you can tell Spielberg wanted to pay homage to 007 and hey he finally did get Bond in Indiana Jones in Last Crusade with Sean Connery. The parallels are hard to ignore and the white suit Indy wears is a homage to Connery's Bond. The figure is notable for a few reasons. It initially was an exclusive and pretty difficult to find. Preorders for the figure from what I had read were canceled before the figure even hit shelves at Target. The figure does reuse parts from other figures but that white jacket makes him instantly stand out. (Don't store him with Toht's black suit as paint...[See More]
Doctor Jurgen Voller
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro) - Basic Series
Rated 3.00 stars by Wes68
Voller is one of the weaker offerings in the line compared to others. This is a problem that is typical of all the Dial figures which feel more like an afterthought than some of the other more ancillary characters like Kazim. Unlike Kazim who comes with three guns? Voller only comes with his satchel. He does have removable glasses which does allow a pretty good likeness of Mikkelsen to be seen. The reason most will want to pick this up is for the included Grail table back piece. It is a sizable piece of plastic so it is something of a wash. By comparison, Kazim doesn't have an artifact piece but feels more desirable because he frankly has a more interesting design up front. This is a "men in suits" line. And Voller doesn't break that mold. Kazim while in a suit looks distinct from...[See More]
Marcus Brody / Rene Belloq (Ark Showdown)
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro) - Basic Series
Rated 3.00 stars by Wes68
Marcus and Belloq arrive in a 2-pack. Again this is probably not seen as essential unless you are looking to have a complete set including exclusives, etc. The retail price for this set was $56. BigBadToyStore currently lists it for $62.99 (collector grade), $58 (standard). This is far too overpriced on BBTS and they will charge $4 flat rate shipping on top of this. You can find this set much cheaper elsewhere. For example Hasbro Pulse has it listed for $20.91+Shipping. Gamestop also has it listed for $29.38 which may even be cheaper if you have Pro. For two figures the initial price was more than two individual figures from the adventure series. At these discounted prices it is much easier to justify this two pack especially when it is fairly light on accessories one of which is on the...[See More]
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