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Jurassic Park Reviews
Young T-Rex
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Deluxe Dinos
Rated 5.00 stars by Mr.jackal95
Young T-rex could possibly be the best figure in the JP line. While the electronic Tyrannosaurus was the right scale, it's color scheme is just horrid, and this is where yong T-rex prevails. The color scheme is quite similar to the one in the movie, this one being a peach color, while the latter being a tan color. As for the sculpt, it's nearly identical to the electronic T-rex, which is a good thing since the electronic has pristine sculpting. This is a high quallity figure that I extremely reccomend and a must have for JP fans....[See More]
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Dino Screams
Rated 4.00 stars by Rasasa88
This is a very attractive figure to say the least. He is well proportioned and not a bad looker as far as his skulpt is concerned. Colouration, however seemingly random suits this particular figure fairly well along with his "Dino Scream", although not movie accurate. He has four points of articulation, these being both legs and both arms. Unfortunately his jaw is not articulated which is a shame but none the less a minor downpoint. By pulling both of his legs back in unison you can get him to emmit his "Dino Scream", his arms also add to the effect by splaying outwards and can be placed at verious angles. One of the problems I came across while owning this figure was the battery changes. Unlike most dinosaur figures of the series who had their batteries situated in a neat row, this...[See More]
JakkNewman -
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Gotta love how expensive it was to replace those little button-cell batteries
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Electronic
Rated 5.90 stars by MegaToyBuzz45
This dude is so cool. When I first saw it, I literally said, 'Wow'. It has a maroon colour and black stripes. If you squeeze it`s neck then I will do a roar and slash it`s jaws. Also, if you remove the skin from the wound then it will let out a massive, painful roar. And that is why I give this a 5.90. Thanks...[See More]
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Dino-Strike
Rated 5.00 stars by speedy raptor22
another fav of mine it looks like the one from the movie. it is so easy to find. and at a good price. you squeeze his tow legs to geather and his mouth opens and you can attack or grab a man with his jaws it gets a 5 out of 5...[See More]
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Dino-Strike
Rated 5.00 stars by speedy raptor22
a very good toy it looks just like the one from the first jurassic park. you can have a lot of fun with this toy. but I think it should come with frills like the other one. it wold make this one of the best ones in the line. it spits and what you have to do is put its head in water and squees it's side to fill. him then let go to fill. then squeeze his side to spray. it is fun to have him spit at people lol he can also be a pool toy he is water proof and it will not hurt him. over all a good toy very easy to find and it gets a 5 out of 5....[See More]
Ellie Sattler
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Humans
Rated 5.00 stars by speedy raptor22
a good figure it is very good it looks just like the actor in the movie. it has a grapaling hook and a baby trysaratops a good figure you need to have this if you have a collection...[See More]
Command Compound
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Playsets
Rated 5.00 stars by speedy raptor22
ok may I just say. the best play set ever made. with talking computer and dino damage wall and cat walk. it has over 100 things it says. like an alarm and voices dinosaur sounds. cool but they did not stop their. it comes with the main gate good to have cars drive threw it. and it comes with 6 fences with little 10000. volts sines when you have a dinosaur bust down the gates the alarm go's off and it starts talking. if you can get your hands on it get it a grate toy. you don't know how big it is when you look at the pitcher it looks small but when you get it is huge. they sell from 30$ and new in box it jets up to 100$. but hasbro did a repaint for the jurassic park 3 movie. but it only has the gate and fences. no compound base. a uge let down get the first one....[See More]
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Dino-Strike
Rated 5.00 stars by speedy raptor22
very good toy very good indeed. I realy like this it has a grate paint job yellow black with green. you just push down its leg and its jaws open very good power good to crush a action figures legs. a must have for a jurassic park toy collector. or just for fun play...[See More]
Raptor Hatchling
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Hatchlings
Rated 5.00 stars by speedy raptor22
I have this toy a good toy over all good paint job but the egg needs to look more like the one in the movie insted of just wight but the raptor hatchling in a good toy with real feel dinosaur skin and a brake away egg shell...[See More]
Young T-Rex
Jurassic Park (Kenner) - Deluxe Dinos
Rated 5.00 stars by speedy raptor22
I can say one of the best jurassic park toys ever made. it works grate has 2 cool actions. it has dino damage on his side near his ribs. and when you pull the skin off his rips show. also hold down his neck and his mouth opens wide. and you can grab a man. it was made with rubber and fells like real skin. it has no mess ups the paint job is perfect. it sells with in 16$ and some times jets up to 30$ but it is worth it when you get it. it is a must have for a collection of jurassic park toys...[See More]
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