Legendary Comic Book Heroes Reviews
Super PatriotLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - Pitt Series
4.50 stars by
Collector1Most variants that we get are usually just a minor repaint and never anything expansive like a completely new sculpt. With Super Patriot, we got lucky! Instead of simply repainting the head, Toy Biz went the extra mile and gave us a brand new head and arms!
The head, instead of just the regular toy's head repainted like the American flag, is actual redone with the cybernetic lines and wires originally covering the head gone and then painted with the customary mask.
The arms have also been switched. The gun arm is now the right hand and the regular hand is his left. The left hand is a completely different design from the original right which had claws in the place of human fingers. This one is far less frightening and looks like a human hand wearing a medieval armor gauntlet. I am not a...[
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Conan / WrarrlLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - 2-Packs
4.50 stars by
Collector1(Conan the Barbarian)
Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet.
This passage from The Phoenix on the Sword, one of the earliest stories starring Conan the Barbarian, by Robert E. Howard decribes his creation to the letter with great emotion and power!
Conan comes forth from the mist of time, immortilized in a plastic action figure for all to marvel at! Highly detailed with no item left out, Conan comes equipped with a massive sword and battle. Unfortunately, the knife can not be removed from its sheath, taking away what could have been a very cool weapon. The sword is almost as tall as Conan himself, the same...[
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Conan / WrarrlLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - 2-Packs
5.00 stars by
Wrarrl is a soul devouring demon that plauged the ancient world, coming in contact with Conan the Barbarian on numerous occasions. Weilding terrible magic that could transform one into a slug like manifestation of the soul and incredible pysichal strenght, Wrarrl is truly a foe to be feared!
Now, Wrarrl is reborn in the modern world as a plastic action figure! Beware! Supremly detailed and faithful to his comic book depiction, Wrarrl is much taller to the Conan figure included in the two-pack set.
With a face that looks like it was run through a meat grinder a few thousand time, and glowing red eyes and mouth, the Devourer of Soul's truly has a horrifying visage!
His sparse armor is finly crafted with a rusted appearance to add to his ancient and antiquated feel.
The loin...[
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Super PatriotLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - Pitt Series
4.50 stars by
Collector1The end result of German experiments on POW Johnny Armstrong, Superpatriot is brought to life in this stunningly comic accurate portrait. The detail on his arms and legs are by far the absolute BEST thing on this figure.
The tiniest wires and tubes are mapped out in excruciating detail. His right arm features a deadly clawed hand and a good deal of articulation while his right arm wields a massive weapon, ready to tear through the enemies of Truth, Justice, and dangerously high Cholesterol at a moments notice.
The face has detailed wiring spreading out from his artificial eyes which are reminiscent of Batou of Ghost in the Shell fame. In fact, minus the freakishly long pony-tail, he would make an excellent base for Batou!
Speaking of the pony-tail, it is not stationary, but is able...[
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Conan / WrarrlLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - 2-Packs
5.00 stars by
Henchmen4Hire[This is for Wrarrl]
This monster is over 7.25 inches of ugly, and you can see every bit of it because the helmet is removable! He looks like a scorched purple pumpkin with a huge grin on its face under there, it's hysterical at first but it gets creepy when you're in the house alone with that thing staring at you, mocking you with those glowing-red eyes. The detail is phenomenal all over this figure! There are scratches, dings, and dents everywhere, the clothing is finely textured and the decent gray-on-black dry-brushing brings-out all those wrinkles and cuts. The armor looks like Ringwraith armor only it's actually articulated! The cape isn't very flexible but it's still impressive. The sword Wrarrl has is one of the best I've seen, the whole thing looks like real metal! The blade is...[
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Conan / WrarrlLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - 2-Packs
4.50 stars by
Henchmen4Hire[This is for Conan]
Because I know someone is going to make the snarky remark, I consider LCBH and Marvel Legends figures the same thing, for reasons that are obvious if you've ever owned a LCBH and ML figure at the same time.
Our barbarous barbarian stands over 6.25 inches and is solidly constructed. This is one of the few Marvel Legends-style figures where the muscles are believable, not some freaky abstract sculpt like Black Panther or Bishop. I thought the hips were going to be gross, but they actually look natural once you straighten-out the legs. Only problems I have with the sculpting is the weak-looking ankles (they're scrawny in comparison to the rest of the body) and the straps sculpted on the right thigh. I wanted a bare-minimum Conan, no extras on him, but we can't be picky...[
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MarvLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - Monkeyman Series
4.50 stars by
Mint Condition CustomsSculpt - *** 1/2 (out of 5)
This is the first thing I'd like to touch on. I really love the sculpt for this figure. The large, hulking brute that it makes Marv out to be really reflects the look and feel of his comic book counterpart. The size, the proportion, and the wrinkles in his face do well to depict Marv. Even the coat (which I'll touch on more later) is perfectly sculpted to show Frank Miller's art style. My only problem with the figure is the height. He stand roughly 7" tall, but to be honest I expected him to be even bigger than that. Fans of the comic book series will know that Marv is HUGE. So I expected the figure to be just a tad big taller than that. And there's also a hole in Marv's back and in his coat. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think it's for the Marvel Legends...[
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RipclawLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - Pitt Series
3.50 stars by
VariablePenguinRun down:
Sculpting - This is a great looking figure, but upon closer inspection, it seems ToyBiz kept their Black Panther molds because his torso and thighs are all cast from that. The head sculpt is dead on to the likeness of the character. His clawed hands are a little to bulky in the back of the hand. I do like the sculpting of the ties on his biceps.
Painting - Here Ripclaw has some severe drawbacks. The red paint on his chest and shoulders looks to have bled and the lines are very blurry. The grey lines on his boots also suffer the same blurry problem and on my figure were offset. He has severe chipping on his shoulder joints both of red and white paint. Another issue being that I don't actually recognize this costume. Sure it has claws and looks like Ripclaw, but I...[
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Super PatriotLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - Pitt Series
4.00 stars by
VariablePenguinSuperPatriot is a character I'm only familiar with because of an issue of Youngblood I read where he fights Die Hard. This figure is very well done and accurate to the comic.
Run down:
Sculpting - Looks nice. Wires and mechanical parts all look great. His mask looks great, even has a spot at the back where is is tied together and bunches up.
Painting - This is one of the drawbacks. The metallic parts, although shaded a little bit, still look kind of flat. Especially his gun arm. His shirt while the right color, you can really see the brush strokes of the dry brushed lighter color. There is also some bleeding in the red stipes on his mask and pauldrons.
Articulation - The articulation is great. Like the stuff that came out in the Marvel Legends Sentinel series. Fingers move,...[
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MadmanLegendary Comic Book Heroes (Marvel Toys) - Pitt Series
5.00 stars by
VariablePenguinThe first thing I will say about this figure is that he looks like he jumped off the comic panel at me! He is extremely accurate to the comic Madman.
Okay the run down:
Sculpting - sculpting is great here. His body is detailed enough. Face and hair look great. And the gloves are awesome.
Pain - Not much paint on the body, but the subtle blue shadows are great. The lines on the costume are crisp and straight. His exclamation/lightning bolt looks clean. I really like the way the hair is painted because it looks like it was drawn. The same for his face.
Articulation - He has the articulation you came to expect from the greatness of the Marvel Legends Sentinel that so many waves fail to live up to. His articulation should be the standard.
Great figure! Comic accurate and...[
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