Marvel Legends (Hasbro) Reviews
SpiralMarvel Legends (Hasbro) - Red Hulk Series
5.00 stars by
MilburyPoor early Hasbro Spiral. Just a year ago this figure was one of the highest priced Legends series figures and commanded regular triple digit prices on the secondary market. But now that Hasbro's finally released an updated version of her for their retro collection line, collectors are unloading her by the case and I recently scooped up a loose version (with all accessories!) for a measly $10. Is the figure really a lemon people only wanted because she was the only version of the character available? From someone who briefly owned both versions, I would say no. In fact, I think those collectors are being hasty, because in a lot of ways this Spiral is a better figure than the update.
How so? While the new Spiral has more swords and slightly more points of articulation, this Spiral has a...[
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Lieutenant Colonel James RhodesMarvel Legends (Hasbro) - Iron Monger Series
3.50 stars by
kingdiegondThe movie Iron Man III has been subject to harsh criticism (some unfair, in my opinion), but every collector must agree in something: in there where plenty opportunities for a lot of action figures. One of them is the Stark's best friend Rhodey, but this time, not as War Machine, but with the colours of Iron Patriot.
The Marvel Legends version of this character was released in the Iron Monger Series, being accompanied with the left arm to build this figure. The Iron Patriot itself seens to represent accurately this cinematic counterpart. Some details astonish, like the armour itself and the sculpt of some joints. The body has good proportions.
The paint work could be a bit more whimsical. Some colours bleed over the others, and the result overall makes an appearance of cheap toy. At...[
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X-Force WolverineMarvel Legends (Hasbro) - Hit Monkey Series
4.00 stars by
kingdiegondThis is the second release of the X-Force Wolverine, of the acclaimed comic series more adult oriented. The first bersion was released in a pack along with Psyloche and Archangel. This relaunch was in the Hit Monkey Series, of 2013.
This mold was used some times for Wolverine figures. It´s not a problem, because the sculp is awesome! The figure represents well the shortness and bulkiness of Logan. By the time the figure was released, it had the better claws for the characters since ToyBiz years.
The paint work is another highlight. The combination of black and silver works very well. The black paint also have a blue shadowing effect that match the colour scheme. Hasbro hit the skin tone of the character too. Even the hair in the arms are painted. The only problem is the bleeding of...[
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Captain AmericaMarvel Legends (Hasbro) - Arnim Zola Series
5.00 stars by
kingdiegondReleased in 2012, in the return of the 6” Marvel Legens by Hasbro, the 'Bucky Cap' Captain America soon became one of the most used molds for medium build characters. It's understandable, since the mold is almost perfect.
The figure represents James 'Bucky' Barnes wielding the title of Captain America after the alleged death of Steve Rogers. It's an accurate version of what we seen in the comics. The head is awesome, the body has good anatomy and the figure also has even a gear glued into the hips, with pouches, holsters and a canteen.
The paint is fine. Molded mostly in black plastic, there are few shadowing effects. The blue parts have a marblng effect, a good skin tone and the details are well painted. There's no ink bleeding througout the diferent colours. Even the eyes are paint...[
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Spider-Man (Red)Marvel Legends (Hasbro) - Unleashed
4.50 stars by
Racoon21Well i have to say this figure is awsome. This a figure i got free from an old stuff store kinda. The articulation on this figure is kinda bad but it is still fun to pose with. I say you must get this figure if you want it. Awsome figure...[
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Daredevil (Yellow)Marvel Legends (Hasbro) - Nemesis Series
4.99 stars by
Dr. SnorableGood detail, great paint job but HORRIBLE aculation!!!!
The aculation on this figure is REALLY tight!!!
The batons that come with him are cool
I reccomened this to any daredevil fan like..(daredevil96!)
- Dr. Snorable...[
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FantomexMarvel Legends (Hasbro) - Arnim Zola Series
5.00 stars by
BobTheEggThis is a truly incredible action figure. I was one of the many fans who had waited years for a Fantomex action figure and this was so much more than I expected. The paint and detail is spectacular. The eyes are done beautifully with the rest of the face and head. Articulation is great. His pistols fit into the holsters perfectly and his trench coat allows a free range of movement that does not limit him in any way whatsoever. He fits right in with his X-Force teammates and can hold many of the weapons from other figures in my collection, such as Marvel Select Deadpool's pistols or DC Universe Classics Deathstroke's rifle, staff, and pistol. I paid $27 dollars for this guy after hunting for him for two months and he was worth every cent. If you see him for $30 or less, pick up Fantomex....[
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NamorMarvel Legends (Hasbro) - Ronan the Accuser Series
5.00 stars by
daredevil96's Sidekick StudioI just picked Namor up at the Dallas Comicon: A Toy fans best friend! Namor has an incredible sculpt. He does not have any ball joints but I don't really care due to how nice a figure he is. I really don't have any nagative things to say about him. Unlike the Toybiz Namor, This one is more thin in shape and is wearing his classic costume. The face sculpt is amazing and the wings upon his feet are much larger and better painted then ToyBiz. When it comes to this figure, sadly, Hasbro won....[
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Daredevil (Red)Marvel Legends (Hasbro) - Nemesis Series
4.80 stars by
BobTheEggThis action figure is AWESOME. He has 30 points of articulation, and while this may not look that impressive compared to other Legends figures, his hand is molded to hold his nunchucks perfectly. His left hand can't hold them but it doens't matter that much to me. Plus, he can store them in that pouch on his left leg.
Daredevil he really looks like the Man Without Fear. His eyes look empty and blank, but they also have small wrinkles and rings around them that add so much detail. you can tell that his mask definitely covers his eyes.
The paint job is absolutely phenomenal! They even put the silver on the pouch straps for the buckle. and his nunchucks--these are really a great accessory. They're very simple--no paint, just a white mold with string. Simple, but effective. And using his...[
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King HulkMarvel Legends (Hasbro) - Fin Fang Foom Series
5.00 stars by
capfan5Always wanted this figurem don't have any figures from the fin fang foom series, but I love this figure tons. Looks like it has an amazing sculpt. Great size and accessories, amazing paint job. I wish I could get this figure. 5 out of a 5....[
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