Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) Reviews
Spider-Man (Masked)Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Icons - Series 3
5.00 stars by
Spidermancustoms2005A very awesome spider-man figure.the proportions are great.the head sculpt is awesome.he is fully poassible like other toy biz figures which is awesome.he has an unmasked variant which looks awesome. The only problems are that is shoulder joint(not ball joints) are useless and his fingers don't bend that far 3)I don't like the paint job but still an amazing spider-man figure....[
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VenomMarvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Icons - Series 2
5.00 stars by
Spidermancustoms2005The best venom figure Ever. He's just the right size For a 12 inch venom.not too beffey not too small.his headsculpt is amazing.he has the same awesome articulation that the other toy biz figures have.i have a few tiny flaws with him.
1.he has the symbiote texture I don't like but it isn't too much.
2.the jaw articulation is really useless.
3.the isn't fully poasible not making it be squiggly like how venoms tounge should be.
But the best venom nonetheless....[
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BullseyeMarvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 9 - Galactus Series
5.00 stars by
BobTheEggI do not own very many Toybiz Marvel Legends figures, but from what I have, Bullseye fit right in. I had just gotten the Nemesis Hasbro Daredevil and I wanted a Bullseye, so I picked up an in-package one at a comic book store. The figure does not include any accessories other than the Galactus piece, which I thought was fine. I just got some guns and knives at a dollar store with some generic SWAT figure. To me, the fact that the Bullseye figure itself is so beautifully painted and articulated and the fact that it really looks like Bullseye makes it a great toy. It is, along with Elektra, the best Toybiz action figure I own so far. The comic book was really a nice touch, and I really think that Bullseye would be a great addition to the collections of any Daredevil fan, Marvel Legends fan,...[
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VenomMarvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Icons - Series 2
5.00 stars by
themarvellegendcollecterAmazing figure i am a huge fan of venom and this is my very first ml icon great articulation and awesome paint detail this is a must buy figure for all venom fans!Also this goes great with the hot toys figures or other icons....[
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Spider-Man (1st Appearance)Marvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 10 - The Sentinel Series
5.00 stars by
daredevil96's Sidekick StudioHands down, the best web-head EVER!!! This figure captures spideys likeness and personality. Its like holding history in your hands! This guy comes with a web net that can be attached to his neck, wrists, and waist. Its cool to have it on but when you try to take it off theres something odd about the way its attached to his neck. Its hard to get it off. Maybe its just my figure. Perfect for your collection!...[
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Moon KnightMarvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 15 - Modok Series
4.00 stars by
FigureDude1001First off i want to thank daredevil96 for his review and for the picture becuase when i had this figue it was the victim of my dog. As for the figure I the like the hood and the cape very much.My biggest problem is when I see Moon Knight he is to me at least a lot stronger looking with broader shoulders and I feel the figure lacks that. I like the figures articulation as I like all the marvel legends figures articulation. This figures sculpting to me was fantastic and it had clean paints and even though I prefer the white Moon Knight I really liked the look of this figure. The face was plain but it had a good look.The accesories could of been beter made. Thats all for now-The Dude...[
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ThorMarvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 3
4.00 stars by
daredevil96's Sidekick StudioThirty bucks is what I paid for this guy. He was most definetly worth it. I love his face, but not so much the hands. The problem with them is bottom of them. Just flat plastic. Its as though ToyBiz forgot to sculpt them out. Next, WHERE ARE THE LAST SET Of BUTTONS?...[
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Moon KnightMarvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 15 - Modok Series
4.50 stars by
daredevil96's Sidekick StudioToybiz beats Hasbro every time. In this case Toybiz could have done just a little bit better. I really like the belt, and the hood and cape are amazing. The body however...... not so much. The fact that it's from ML bullseye gives him a hunched over look. Moon Knight is supposed to be standing tall and proud, where is his pride? The first minute I handled the billy clubs the thread snapped off one of the sides, and his staff is a little bit bendy, which is sort of cool to position in his hands. I have to give credit to toybiz, good choice with the face. The last thing is...didn't the original MK have a white body?...[
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PsylockeMarvel Legends (Toy Biz) - Series 14 - Mojo Series
3.00 stars by
jwreviewsthe figure isnt amazing but its alright, I'm not to sure about the face sculpt. the paint is a bit smuged wich is kinda not cool!. I'm not a big fan of the articulation toy biz could have added more. its a pretty cool figure but I mostly got it for the mojo peice...[
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