Mortal Kombat (Jazwares) Reviews
ReptileMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 3 - Shaolin Monks
3.25 stars by
RMaster007Mortal Kombat is one of those licenses that seemed tailor-made for action figures, given that it's an uber-violent fighting game with a wide cast of characters sporting unique designs and weaponry. Jazwares is one of the many companies who took on the license, having quite a long run with it. The MK9 figures were the ones I most knew, but they started with Deception and Shaolin Monks, and the figure I got here comes from the latter in their first Reptile.
The cardback doesn't have too much to it, as it just has the logo, character and game name, and a cross-sell on the back. The graphics fit the license well, and the green motif is pretty nice, and somehow fits Reptile for obvious reasons. It's also easy to open, with no ties to worry about, and just a single piece of tape needed to hold...[
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Noob SaibotMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 3 - Shaolin Monks
2.00 stars by
AzraelI am a Mortal Kombat fan. I honestly believe I have made that much clear. As a fan of the ninjas, I amde it a point to pick up Noob Saibot in the dying days of KB Toys. My mistake. Noob isn't game accurate in terms of colors, although I believe they made a variant that corrected that problem. His arms seem quite stubby and shorter then they should be, and his closed fists don't let him hold the weapons he comes with. The face mold is sadly accurate, I say this because the render it's based off of was never very flattering in the first place. I believe I, like everyone else, prefer Noob in his secondary costume from Deception, you know, the iconic all black look. Looks good. However instead we get a miscolored weird looking ninja which frankly I don't care for. If you can get any other MK...[
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RaidenMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 1 - Deception
4.00 stars by
AzraelGOD OF THUNDER AND ROCK AND ROLL (the spell you're under will slowly rob you of your virgin soul). Anyway, this here is the God of Thunder, Raiden. I managed to get this guy cheap, which is saying something considering it's a Mortal kombat figure. He looks pretty good in every way. Decent paint, pretty good sculpt, my only tiny peeve is that his arms seem to be a bit too long. Anyway, he can pull of some pretty sick Thunder God poses. Such as shooting lighting... and shooting lightning... and slapping someone. Okay fine, not a lot of poses you can pull off, but the ones you can are still pretty good I guess, and it's not like I'm playing with him, so one display pose is fine for me. Raiden isn't as good as Scorpion, and he's around the same level of good as Sub Zero, which granted is...[
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ScorpionMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 1 - Deception
4.00 stars by
AzraelSCORPION!!!! That's right, your favorite yellow ninja decides to pop out of hell to pay us a visit in toy form! Scorpion here is aprt of the Jazwares Mortal Kombat Deception line, and let me say, he doesn't disappoint. He can pull of a variety of awesome poses that Sub-Zero can't thanks to the open/closed hands (which is weird, why can Jazwares do it right but Hasbro makes it suck?). He even comes with his spear and sword which allows him to achieve level two of amazing poses, recreating great scenes from the game (scenes? more like mock ups). What's weird, is that my Scorpion seems to be one of the one in ten that doesn't have a brown mask, but a gold one. Seriously, the mask is like, brown, it looks weird. Glad I got a good one. Well, to wrap it up, Scorpion here is one of my favorite...[
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Sub-ZeroMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 1 - Deception
4.00 stars by
AzraelAlright, I'm a big Mortal Kombat guy, so I have a bunch of these figures. Sub Zero is the most radical. I've had 3 Sub Zeros, and the paint apps were differing on every one, so it's really hard to judge how those are, then again, this seems to be the case with all Jazwares figures. So moving on, Sub Zero's mold is pretty good. Dark and gritty, yet under the clothes, it's a comic book type build. I've always liked this costume, like a mix of Shredder and Classic Sub Zero... with sexy results! (inside joke) His sword is the same one he used in the game, awesome and made of ice. His hands are a fist and an open hand, which if he's not holding any thing gives you the ability to give him the ability to give you a THUMBS UP YEAH!!!! It's fun for when you need a little confidence booster lol....[
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Sub-ZeroMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 2 - Shaolin Monks
4.50 stars by
AzraelSomeone tell me, who DOESN'T like a decent game of Mortal Kombat? Before you answer you should know, if people DIDN'T the price of Mortal kombat toys on the secondary market wouldn't be so freaking high! Sub Zero is one of the more valuable figures in the line, sporting his Shaolin monks outfit this time around, Sub Zero doesn't fail to disappoint. he has some pretty good articulation. The only thing wrong with it is what that half point off is for. Unlike other Shaolin monks figures, his feet are swivel and he doesn't have thigh swivels. Anyway, his sculpt is spot on, the definition of a faithful adaptation, this Sub Zero figure perfectly represents his outfit form the game. His paint applications are superior without a running brush stroke in sight. My favorite part of the figure is the...[
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Sub-ZeroMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 1 - Deception
5.00 stars by
TheGreyGooseAlright, to put it in as few words as possible, Sub-Zero is the best figure out of all of Jazwares Mortal Kombat figures, Deception and Shaolin Monks combined. His sculpt it flawless, and like the other figures, his paint varies, but for him it tends to be more good than bad. His accessory is always there. His Ice sword, it fits well in his hand, and unlike Scorpion's sword, this accessory is just as "cool" (lol I made an ice pun, eat it Schwarzennager) as his freeze prop from his special move. I had another one of these in considerably worse condition, and I was surprised to find that when you peel off the paint, his base is the same as his comic con exclusive Cold Snap figure. I think my only complaint is that without his sword in his hand, he always looks like he's giving a thumbs up,...[
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Noob SaibotMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 3 - Shaolin Monks
3.50 stars by
TheGreyGooseJazware's Mortal kombat line got worse as time went on, to the point where I could pop off a head and the hand would fall off the joint, however, Noob Saibot was a return to the quality of line 1 of the Mortal kombat Deception figures, by this I mean he can survive falls and removal of removable limbs. Any, not sure whether this is the variant or the regular, but his paint job is strange. His suit is grey and his mask is black, his costume in Deception was black with a grey mask, however since the released a repaint I'll let it slide. Overall, Noob has some greate poses he can be put in, and his articulation is pretty similar to DC Universe Classics, which is by no means a bad thing, I just wish he was as solid, by that I mean that his limbs can slide around and can get pretty loose over...[
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ScorpionMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 1 - Deception
5.00 stars by
Vash_15Well, here we have Scorpion. Before these went out of stock and started going for ridiculous prices on a website, I managed to find one at KB. Scorpion came packed with a sword, yep, just a sword. It's pretty flimsy too. Flimsy sword aside Scorpion is an amazing figure, the paint apps are great, articulation is plenty, and he looks just like he does in the game. Insulting this toy is harder than trying to find a good reason George W Bush was elected twice. He can be posed in any position, he can be played with a lot and is extremely durable. My only minor complaint is that I see he has a hole in his hand, probably for his iconic spear, sadly, after searching the package over and over, his spear was nowhere to be found, but ignoring that, Scorpion is absolutely flawless, he's durable,...[
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ReptileMortal Kombat (Jazwares) - Series 3 - Shaolin Monks
3.00 stars by
Vash_15Mortal kombat is my favorite game series, and Reptile is my favorite character. After trying to get this figure since it came out, I can't say I was impressed. I opened the package only to find the stuff of disappointment. While the sculpt is great, the paitn apps are shoddy, as one arm is painted lighter than the other. I'm happy he came wtih two head because one of the had green paint on the black mask. Speaking of what the figure came with, I was happy abotu the second head with the tongue, and it made it fun to post him like he was doing one of his classic fatalities or doign the acid spit. Now for everything good abotu him, there's something bad. For accesories, it's his sword. He came with the same sword all the other MKSM figs came with. It looks similar to the one he uses in the...[
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