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Naruto Reviews
Sasuke Uchiha (Curse Mark)
Naruto (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 4.50 stars by InfamousInevitable
One of if not the hardest figure to find in the series! I remember seeing one at my local Walmart as a kid but unfortunately did not have any money of my own at the time and did not get it purchased for me. In hindsight, it was probably for the best, but it still bothers me to this day. As for the figure itself, the painting and sculpt work is excellent. The accessories are fitting for the character and was so good it was rereleased later on (equally difficult to find). My only nitpick would be that because it's an older figure, it lacks hip pivot, so it cannot kick out to the sides....[See More]
Sound Ninja
Naruto (Mattel) - 3" Figures
Rated 3.50 stars by Azrael
Alright, so while I'm not the biggest fan of Naruto, I thought the sound ninja were pretty badass, so picking them up seemed like a no brainer. Here's what I think of each of them Zaku: My favorite of the sound ninja is in a pose that shows him shooting one of his sound waves. Pretty good I geuss, although the kanji on his shirt have gone unpainted for some reason. Like the other figures, there's not a lot of articulation. Strangely, he's making a weird, money like face. EVen if I'm exaggerating, it's definitely not a look you make while you're fighting someone. But Zaku is Zaku, and I'm not seeing any alternatives. 3.5/5 Dosu: Dosu is a bit better, since he can't have facial expressions, that's not a problem. His sculpted psoe is him rushing at someone. Looks pretty cool, still next to...[See More]
Unknown User -
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I really like all about ninjas... I have so many collections of it.
Iruka Umino (Shuriken Attack)
Naruto (Mattel) - Deluxe Training
Rated 4.95 stars by Mr-X
Iruka was Narutos teacher in the academy. He supervised Naruto's classes and tried to push him to do better. Unlike other adults in the village, he did not blame Naruto for what the demon held inside of him did. After Naruto's graduation from the academy, Iruka took up training the next group of ninja candidates and became a father figure to Naruto. Iruka comes at 4 inches and he appears to have the same exact body sculpt as Kakashi. Bandai must have wanted to save money from doing new sculpts but it really doesn't matter. all the ninjas wear the same gear and whatnot and at least they changed his skin color and his head. He comes with three things of interest, a weapon, a base and an action. Like the first wave characters, his waist was put on a turntable joint to allow him to throw...[See More]
Kakashi Hatake (Substitution Jutsu)
Naruto (Mattel) - Deluxe Training
Rated 5.00 stars by Mr-X
While the Naruto line focused more or less on the younger ninjas from their series, their sensei's and other adult ninjas were also made to add to the series. They were a nice addition and a nice change from the usual characters. Most of the Leaf adult ninjas came wearing the standard uniform, something that allowed a quick troop builder if one really wanted to build and army of ninjas. Anyhow, one that stuck out was Naruto's teacher, Kakashi. Known for his carefree attitude and awesome fighting skills, he is still a top among fan favorites. Like Zabuza, Kakashi comes at 4 inches tall, fitting in with his team members. He doesn't come with any weapons but instead a base and an action. The base is a tree and allows him to preform a "ninjutsu". Both ends of the tree have small rods...[See More]
Zabuza Momochi (Guillotine Sword)
Naruto (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 5.00 stars by Mr-X
The Naruto figure series was good in many ways. It made all the good figures and it stuck close to the anime, close enough to actually represent it well enough. There were a few flaws in the series but nothing that major. The Zabuza figure was a good figure and my first actual Naruto figure. It was pretty sweet, he came dressed in his anime clothes and with his weapon of choice. There was however a small flaw that can be annoying, one they kinda fixed on the later figures. Anyhow, on to the review. Zabuza comes at about 4 inches tall. Since he was one of the older Naruto characters, he fits well in with the crowd since they are 3.75 inches tall. He doesn't come with any fancy action or whatnot but he does come with one weapon: His giant sword. It could easily be a rip off of the Buster...[See More]
Sasuke Uchiha (Kunax Daggers)
Naruto (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 5.00 stars by Mr-X
Sasuke Uchiha Sasuke Uchiha is considered the second main character from the Naruto series, some fans may argue hes more interesting then Naruto. Like Naruto, he got several repackages and variants, all of which got some new things at least so they can be forgiven. Anyhow the one im reviewing here is the first wave figure that was released along with the first wave Naruto. Like the first series Naruto, Sasuke comes with a weapon and an action. I really wont go into his action because it’s the EXACT same as Narutos, the throwing knives action. It works the same way, pull back, let go and watch the little knives fly. Sadly the knives still stink and still fall out of the figures hand, there really isn’t to much we can do about it though. Since we’ve covered all that already, lets move...[See More]
Naruto Uzumaki (Kunax Daggers)
Naruto (Mattel) - Basic Series
Rated 4.95 stars by Mr-X
Naruto Uzumaki In the past few months I've gotten more and more into anime. Ive watched several series and enjoyed them but not as much as Naruto. It has a good story line, the characters are pretty cool and there is little editing, something that’s always appreciated. Granted the English series differs a little from the Japanese series(English is FAR behind and the voices sound very different) they are both pretty good. Like I said in one of my customs, I was excited when they decided to make a line of Naruto figures. Most of these series was good, the detail wasn’t shabby and they made all the good characters(the rest I have to make lol) Anyhow, this review is directed towards the Naruto Uzumaki first wave figure. Being the main character, Naruto is the most redone and repackaged...[See More]
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